By golly your right! It doesn't make sense for Marle to disapear in 600ad since she had not reacheed that point of time where Queen Leene was killed yet. They blew it.
Hopefully you can prove to do a better job Anacalius.
I assure you, it will be better.
I hope the other dude doens't like get on your grill thinking your ripping off his game and ends up there being a fight an
d this whole thing gets shut down. 
You mean about Chrono Trigger +?
I doubt there would be any problems at all, the compendium is about advancement in the Chrono series, and I doubt the CT+ team would be upset in any way that there is a similar project going on. It's all about expanding the Chrono universe, and that's just what I plan to do. It's in no way competition in my eyes.
Anywho, my computer broke down D= but is perfectly repairable and nothing will be lost, though I won't be using the forums or working on Re-Amped until my comp is fixed, should be back rolling strong within a month, though.
The video plan I had is ultimately delayed because of this, sorry all. >.<