Author Topic: Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development  (Read 61010 times)


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #495 on: August 11, 2005, 02:18:46 pm »
Yeah, it'll be a barren sea. Good call on the Eden terminology. This will just take place around there.


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #496 on: August 11, 2005, 02:55:41 pm »
Then rewriting the entire El Nido segment would be good.  Gaea's Navel is the only thing there before FATE terraformed it.

As for the Elements and Dragoons, my bad.  *clonks self on head*


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #497 on: August 11, 2005, 02:56:37 pm »
Doesn't need to be rewritten, or at least it shouldn't need to be. All I had was a simple confrontation on an island after the party tracked down the Flame's location to that area. The nightmarish stuff after that doesn't involve the Sea of Eden, so we just see a natural island and then visit it no more.


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #498 on: August 11, 2005, 02:58:00 pm »
I mean the El Nido version I had down.  Your thoughts' continuity > mine.


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #499 on: August 11, 2005, 03:01:23 pm »
Quote from: Oswego del Fuego
BELTHASAR:  "Originally the whole Archipelago of El Nido was known as the Sea of Eden.  This was because it was where the Dragon Gods resided.  But then FATE sealed away the Dragon Gods' powers, in effect becoming a god itself.  Thus the islands where the new godhead, FATE, existed came to be called the Sea of Eden instead."

Doesn't this mean that it was called so because of the Dragon God's presence? It was the Sea of Eden because of Dinopolis. I suppose it didn't even have a name before those events (the only notable location is Gaea's Navel, the rest is just part of the whole ocean).

If it's possible, I think Radius, Garai, Viper and Zappa could still make an appearance in the story, they just would be normal Porre soldiers instead of Dragoons.


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #500 on: August 11, 2005, 04:32:56 pm »
El Nido does have to be there in some capacity, at least as a repository of awesome natural resources; otherwise, Porre wouldn't have bothered mustering the manpower to go after it.  Since Antaeus and Serran both refer to "the legend of El Nido" we should probably treat it as, well, more legendary.  This would extend to the knight in the Valle Crimse as well.

Just an idea; when they find the Frozen Flame in El Nido, it could try to spirit them away again, but someone could be carrying some machine from Belthasar that prevents anyone from opening a Gate in the vicinity, and say something to the effect of "yeah, we're getting REALLY FUCKING TIRED of being spirited away and shit."  Then the Frozen Flame runs away like a pussy, and in the process a vital clue is revealed.

Oh yeah, and we can possibly get rid of the whole "two Frozen Flames" deal (what the hell was I on when I made that up?) by having the Dragon Tooth locate the Frozen Flame, or be something entirely different, or something.  We originally pegged it as a high holy artifact of the Reptites.  There are two possible scenarios for this:

1) it's high and holy because it generates heat.
2) it was there before Lavos came along and it's high and holy for some other reason.

There's got to be something cooler than "Lavos' disembodied energy sucker" that we can make up for it; the Lavos mouth kind of defeats the whole point of having the Frozen Flame be a legendary "unstealable jewel", anyway.

Oswego del Fuego

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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #501 on: August 11, 2005, 06:07:49 pm »
Quote from: Chrono'99
Doesn't this mean that it was called so because of the Dragon God's presence? It was the Sea of Eden because of Dinopolis. I suppose it didn't even have a name before those events (the only notable location is Gaea's Navel, the rest is just part of the whole ocean).

Yeah, it's just a sea with a few rocky crags and Gaea's Navel, surrounded by yet more crags.

You make a very good point about the naming convention.  If it was called the Sea of Eden because of the Dragon God's presence, then it shouldn't be called this in our pre-Time Crash scenario.  Honestly, now I'm thinking we should just call it El Nido.  "El Nido" could be the original name given to this enclosed sea by Porre explorers, rather than a name dreamed up by Chronopolis staff centuries later, as I took it to be.

Quote from: Hadriel
El Nido does have to be there in some capacity, at least as a repository of awesome natural resources; otherwise, Porre wouldn't have bothered mustering the manpower to go after it.

Well, the Flame did land there, and there are myriad power spots there, not to mention Rainbow Shells, so I think having El Nido just be a source of natural resources for Porre is a good one.  We could establish that there are a few basic outposts on the small islands that ARE present (remember that the rather verdant Chronopolis chain of islands does exist in this time), and this is where Viper and such show up.

As for the Acacia Dragoons angle, we don't know how or when the Dragoons were formed, do we?  If not, we could establish that they originated on the mainland, perhaps even as far back as the Middle Ages, and immigrate to El Nido eventually as Porre envoys/guards/whatever, whether the Time Crash has occurred or not.

Honestly, I kind of like the idea of the Acacia Dragoons being the result of a few noble knights in Porre following the example of Guardia's Vanguard....


Daniel Krispin

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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #502 on: August 11, 2005, 06:08:32 pm »
An unrelated idea...

At an earlier time it was mentioned that Wazuki and Miguel could make a brief appearnance. Yet more recently, I read about the possible inclusion of Garai, Radius, Zappa, and Viper as mere soldiers amidst the Porre army. On thinking about it... if you intend to follow the hallowed Chrono tradition of multiple endings, these could quite easily be reserved as cameos for an ending. Say, deafeat the game around the time when you fight Porre, and the ending is a short scene in which you see these soldiers going about their day amidst the rest of the Porre host.

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The Porre Army Cameo's
« Reply #503 on: August 11, 2005, 08:39:03 pm »
I agree with having the future Dragoons be top knights in the porre army.  This may be in a different post but is El nido going to be only on the overworld map or are there going to be exits on it to explore it further?  



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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #504 on: August 11, 2005, 11:50:20 pm »
OK, I made up some new shit for the Dragon Tooth.  Remember all the drunken bullcrap I made up about it having the second Frozen Flame and it being another energy-sucker for Lavos?  Bump that, I ain't frontin' no mo'.  Now there's only one Frozen Flame like the actual writers intended.

Originally we pegged the Dragon Tooth as being an artifact of the Reptites, but then I had to smoke some crack and try to change it.  Well screw that.  Since the Reptites worship it, why wouldn't it be intimately tied to the planet?  The Dragon Tooth could be like the Entity's version of the Frozen Flame; if Lavos hadn't landed, the Tooth would have been what guided the Reptites to become the Dragonians and build all their Yuuzhan Vong creatures and organo-computers and shit.  The Tooth also plays a part in human evolution by carrying out the will of the planet after Lavos lands; accounting for humanity, figuring out how to use us to beat Lavos, and other god-ish stuff.  The Tooth could be the instrument through which the crew, like the Reptites before them, were able to speak to the planet.  They could also complain to the planet about its prejudice against humans, or something to that effect, and talk to it about the assholes that wreck it on a daily basis.  Does that sound awesome?  Because if it's less than awesome, it doesn't deserve to be in anything labeled Chrono.  (Note: I never used Pierre, and I never even got Turnip and all those other gaywad characters that they decided to put in instead of more uber-awesome Magus stuff.)

Oh yeah, I'm going to go back to that second giant story post and delete all the "2 Frozen Flames" bullcrap and fix all associated errors.  The one I'm talking about is at the beginning of page 29.


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #505 on: August 12, 2005, 04:29:31 am »
I never used Pierre,

Except Pierre was, like, liquid awesome when he had his Hero set. =O


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #506 on: August 12, 2005, 12:01:53 pm »
...but he was also liquid France.

Daniel Krispin

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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #507 on: August 15, 2005, 04:00:19 am »
Here's an idea.
How about you call the chapter, or part of it, where they suffer the nightmares 'Time of the Dreamwatch'? I've always wondered myself what that term meant, as it had no direct correlation with the game. In fact, I think that when I finished Chrono Cross that was my greatest disappointment. I heard the music before I played the game, and was enamoured of that song above all the others, and intrigued by the name. Ever I assumed it heralded a time near the end where dreams would come into play, where the heroes needed do something through their sleeping minds, watch their thoughts, or something equally mystical, that bore the term Time of the Dreamwatch, and through this the song would play. I was most distressed that, as far as I remember, the song was never used in the game proper: only in the intro and a certain ending.
Thus I think it would be apt to at least give the name something more of use in this game, either for the aforementioned chapter or, more preferably, as a segement for the end. Is there any way you could incorporate such an idea as the Dreamwatch (whatever that might be! Maybe the Dreamwatch is even a place, connected with Zurvan! Just some ideas, I'll think on this more.) into the story? I think it would be an excellent connection to Chrono Cross. The latter game would thus, in its intro, be referring to events that came before, bridging it with Chrono Trigger.


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #508 on: August 15, 2005, 06:12:03 am »
I don't know if "dreamwatch" was ever an official term though. I believe the official/correct translation of the track name is "The Dream that Time is dreaming", while for some reason unofficial translaters named it "Time of the Dreamwatch" or "Dreamwatch of Time" (not sure)...


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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Plot Development
« Reply #509 on: August 15, 2005, 01:25:03 pm »
Yeah, the incorrect ones are "Time of the Dreamwatch" and "The Dream that Dreams Dream," which actually is pretty cool. I gave that one some thought, and the dreams that dreams would dream of are ones of realization; of coming into being.

ANyway, it's "The Dream that Time Dreams." Chrono Cross has a notorious and widespread crappy translation in use EVERYWHERE, like remixing sites. Even Chudah's corner has the incorrect lyrics to the Unstolen Jewel. I tried telling them that and giving them the right ones, but they never replied.