Author Topic: Creation of a Chrono Wiki  (Read 7586 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2008, 04:48:47 pm »
See, I like this: optimism, hope, dreams. 

The Compendium does a great job organizing the Chrono community (both by archiving information and showcasing the fruits of the community - ie, fangames, fanart, etc.), and obviously it is THE HUB of all things Chrono, but we can never have TOO MUCH of Chrono ANYTHING. 

So hypothetically, even if a Chrono wiki was created (don't crucify me if I mispoke once again), it wouldn't really be a bad thing.  I feel like it would make things more accessible, but there's clearly a bigger image here to think about.

Since we are starting to think along the lines of "advertising", "marketing", etc. (and i use those words loosely), any thoughts?  Any actions that are done on behalf of the Chrono community need to be done delicately and respectfully.

(And I'm not talking about writing letters to Squeenix about "please make a new Chrono game".)

I guess I'm just at this point when I feel like awareness and reintroducing the game to a new generation, to new fans, is a logical course of action.

EDIT:  For instance, Chrono Trigger being featured on Wikipedia TOMORROW is exactly the type of stuff we SHOULD be  doing.  So my praise goes to all those involved in getting Chrono showcased on Wikipedia - I hear it's been a slow, arduous process.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 04:53:51 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2008, 06:47:47 pm »
The problem is splitting viewership among two sites and also splitting authority. The only feasible "split" regarding anything is the shearing of fan works off from the Compendium to the ChronoFan label, which would be a site more geared towards showcasing fan creation (as opposed to the Compendium's system of manually adding stuff to the encyclopedia or creating features). It's still hard to gauge what kind of difference that would make on popularity.

But to make an encyclopedia is like keeping two sets of records for an organization. The Chrono encyclopedia was open for quite some time, and hardly anyone contributed outside KWhazit and Leebot, who did Accessories (Chrono Trigger) and Weapons (Chrono Cross). Only when I finished it myself did we close it off forever because it was obvious that my touch was the only way to get it done.

So whatever other Wiki that exists out there will always, always be inferior to this one. Even if it were an independent project different from the Compendium, if it ever did something better than we do, I would immediately update our own pages to make us better than them in term. That's the "demon workaholic overseer" mentality that Ramsus spoke of and the Compendium motto, "supero omnia". This is all IF anyone contributed to the Wiki, and judging from our own track record and the fact that getting anyone to do anything for a collaborative project in the Chrono community is like pushing a boulder up a hill, any new site or Wiki would probably just sit there in emptiness.

If you want amazing ways to promote the Chrono series and the Compendium, start thinking. There is only so much we can do. Crimson Echoes or a fan sequel will get a lot of attention, just as Wikipedia will. But there isn't much else.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2008, 07:23:24 pm »
As far as advertising & spreading the gospel, why not just slap this (quote & copy code if ya don't know how to make it yerself) into your sig in other forums, social networking sites or wherever?

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2008, 07:35:48 pm »
Assuming you were talking to me, Translanka, I would... but I don't USE social networking sites or forums.

That's right, fella's (and ladies)...  No Facebook, no MySpace, nothing.  And this is the only forum I'm active on.

I'm going to give it some time and brainstorm for what I can do, but this is something we all can do.  Each and every one of us.  This isn't about me or you ("general" appliance), it's about the Chrono Gospel.  It's like global warming: one person isn't going to make a difference, but the power of a passionate peoples and an eager audience, the cogs of time can begin to change the future.

The Chrono Compendium is proof that action is taking place.  I just want to see it continue and expand like never before, ya know?  I guess I'm getting zealous.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2008, 08:21:15 pm »
I take it back: there is a simple way you can stoke interest, and it lies in making a short ROM hack for other characters as was done for Magus in Prophet's Guile. PG didn't generate incredible buzz or anything, but it's something.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2008, 11:57:46 pm »
It might be that the Encylopedia is a part of the Compendium whereas with most Wikies, they are stand alone sites.

Of course, the subject of the Compendium's encyclopedia is significantly different than most wikies as well; it is heavy with fan speculation. Large amounts of the encyclopedia might not exist if it were a stand alone site.

Additionally, the encyclopedia seems to be different in terms of navigation compared to other wikies. Experience with finding things in wikipedia doesn't totally translate into experience finding things in the Chronopedia. Some things are harder to find, though a good deal is easier to find too. There is no search option that I am aware of, for example, and wiki-links are a bit rare. On the other hand, the 'pedia's main page layout is wonderful and the Alphabetical listing is useful.

And, obviously, the Chronopedia doesn't look like a Wiki. Thus, it doesn't automatically get assigned the conceptual benefits or penalties associated with wikies by the viewer (if the individual has any).

Search has been broken for a long time due to some database corruption (I was working on a Google-based replacement that would work better anyway, but I got side-tracked a few years ago). Also, what do you mean by wiki-links? The giant categorized lists of links at the bottom of entries that wikis have these days?

Boo seems to think you've hit the nail on the head, so I'll take it to mean that he's suggesting that we start a Chrono wiki that has the same culture and organization as most current wikis, with a similar look and feel, so users visit and think, "Oh, it's just a wiki. Maybe I'll edit something." In other words, something that people familiar with wikis can easily identify as just another wiki, so they can assume that things work the same and just dive in.

However, it's worth noting that wiki-culture was just emerging when we started the site, and it's evolved a lot since then, which is why we organize things differently than a lot of other wikis and downplay certain features. After all, it was 2003 when the site started, and back in 2004/2005 when the site was just a plain wiki with a forum. Things people would have obviously considered "wiki etiquette" or the obvious "wiki-way" to organize something had yet to form. That's why the Compendium's wiki ended up very different from most current wikis, and why it's hard for people overly familiar with current trends in wiki communities to see the Compendium's Encyclopedia as a wiki.

As such, you're better off trying to start from scratch, because basing anything off of the Compendium, or attempting to transform the site's image would just get in the way. Hosting is cheap, and MediaWiki is a lot easier to install these days, so it wouldn't be difficult in a technical sense.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2008, 12:14:55 am »
And to those who take that advice, a warning:

I will do everything you can do, better.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2008, 11:03:49 am »
I think that a Chrono Wiki is just a red herring. It was the point of contact of Boo's thrust, but not the force behind that point, as it were. The compendiums' encyclopedia is good, no one is doubting that (though I do doubt the usefulness of creating a non-associated wiki), but the theme, the thesis statement, if you will, is spreading awareness of Chronodom.

Zeality, I must disagree; there is no end to what we could do, but what we need isn't so much thinking, rather we need doing. You should know this better than most. How many ideas (the result of people thinking) have you seen burst onto the scene only to fade away without fruition? Compare that to the number of people who have started a project and hung on, continuing with it for several years. Chronodom doesn't need just dedication but rather sisu (a Finnish word that is often described as heroic stubbornness, akin to washing one's car in the rain or the sort). I can think of two such individuals off the top of my head (and curiously, they've both posted to this thread), but not many more than two.

No, the limiting factor isn't thinkers but doers. With just a hundred people with the dedication you and Ramsus have shown with the Compendium, a new official game could be demanded (and that demand met) with ease.

If we want ideas, well I can provide a crap load with little effort (and I think most other people could too):

1) Do you have a wireless network at home? Remove the password protection and change the networks name to "Chrono Trigger" or "The Chrono Compendium." You are advertising every time someone logs in.

2) Chrono Puppet Pals.

3) Baking with Belthasar, a podcast were everyone's favorite insane old man shares Zealian cooking recipies.

4) Chrono Trigger: The Musical ("Flying through time, flying through space, we're all working for, the human race. Gonna stop that Lavos, Gonna stop him good. Gonna ditch the entron and get some food.")

5) International Old-School Day, a day dedicated to appreciating our gamer heritage. Pick up a classic, play it, and share it with a friend. (And Chrono Trigger counts as a classic, no? How terribly convenient ;) ) (I'd propose July 15th)

6) Need a gift for a birthday, wedding, bar mitzvah, or hoe down? Give the gift that keeps on giving; give Chrono Trigger (or Chrono Cross). Nothing says love'n like some game from Japan.

7) Chrono-Con

8 ) Having a child and need a name? Try THIS list of baby names.

9) If people can study old movies in college, why not old video games? Academia is just ripe for Gamer Scholars (and thus we might see a Chrono Trigger dissertation or two).

10) There are young'uns around here. How about a few go get jobs at square and become the very professional developers that will make the new game?

11) If towns in Vermont can pass such nonsensical legislation like voting for the arrest of George Bush and Dick Cheney, why not Proposition C: Support for a New Installment in the Chrono Series? We could get it on this fall's ballot.

12) Go buy a country and rename it "Chronopolis."

13) Become a physicist and credit Masato Kato in all your papers.

14) Spore is coming out soon; create Lavoids, Mystics, Demi-Humans, Dragonians, Reptites, etc. This content will then randomly be distributed to other players.

and so on, and so forth.

Each of those are possible, but likely? Not very, especially not with people-with-persistance so rare. Manpower (and womenpower, to be politically correct) is what is needed more than thinking. Thinking is still necessary, but ideas are downright common in comparison.

P.S. Ramsus, "wiki-links" are those links in the text of wikipedia that connect with related articles. Consider the Magus article. A wikilink would be a link from the word Alfador that would take one to his article in the same way that clicking on Schala's name take one to her article. The encyclopedia has these, but they are fairly rare.

EDIT: I don't know how I could have forgotten this other "idea" for spreading the word of Chrono.

Chrono Trigger the Flamethrower!!!

The kids love this one.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 01:04:32 pm by Thought »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2008, 03:54:42 pm »
I was thinking of a slightly less stupid idea before I went to sleep last night...8)

Wouldn't it be cool to make stencils saying "Crono Was Here", with the C being the C from the series logo? Then we'd get people to spray paint it in various parts of the world! Or maybe even just the C logo would be cool...I think it's cool despite the obvious legalities of vandalism...but, hey! If Marc Ecco can do it, why not the Chrono series!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2008, 06:37:38 pm »
Translanka...  actually...

That's a REALLY REALLY good idea.

It's "buzz" marketing (viral marketing).  Subtle, sweet...  I would actually be down doing that in my area.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2008, 07:54:40 pm »






Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2008, 07:59:20 pm »
I think someone shot the vandalism idea down.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2008, 08:27:13 pm »
Oh, nightmare's vote doesn't count...he obviously doesn't even believe in avys. :P

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2008, 08:35:32 pm »
can i publicly state that i like you, translanka?  i think i just did.

i'm seriously considering your thoughts, translanka.  i've got a plan in place already.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2008, 09:11:58 pm »
1) Do you have a wireless network at home? Remove the password protection and change the networks name to "Chrono Trigger" or "The Chrono Compendium." You are advertising every time someone logs in.

5) International Old-School Day, a day dedicated to appreciating our gamer heritage. Pick up a classic, play it, and share it with a friend. (And Chrono Trigger counts as a classic, no? How terribly convenient ;) ) (I'd propose July 15th)
We used to do that at my middle school a whole game day, Dreamcast, computer, boardgames DnD

6) Need a gift for a birthday, wedding, bar mitzvah, or hoe down? Give the gift that keeps on giving; give Chrono Trigger (or Chrono Cross). Nothing says love'n like some game from Japan.
Thats how I got cross, my B-day

8 ) Having a child and need a name? Try THIS list of baby names.

14) Spore is coming out soon; create Lavoids, Mystics, Demi-Humans, Dragonians, Reptites, etc. This content will then randomly be distributed to other players.
gimme a month or two 'till it comes out