Author Topic: Creation of a Chrono Wiki  (Read 7584 times)


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2008, 05:30:18 am »
Quote from: Boo the Gentleman Caller
can i publicly state that i like you, translanka?  i think i just did.

i'm seriously considering your thoughts, translanka.  i've got a plan in place already.

Well, I don't know how particularly weirded out I should be...never had anyone so gay for me before (which is weird because I've totally had over at FFI recently)...but, uh...thanks? add to the stencil'd be neat to then make a's sound? And then have people post pics of where they've seen it sprayed...I seem to recall something similar for something along the lines of or something for people who would write that in people's dirty cars...I forget...but, anyways...

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2008, 10:53:38 am »
um...  that wasn't gay, i was just so thoroughly impressed i thought you deserved my praise.

does anyone know of free web hosting for something like that?


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2008, 11:53:07 am »
That is quite the idea, Translanka. But why stop with spray paint? Stickers might actually be easier to produce, and certainly quicker to slap on things (moving vehicles, plastic trays at fastfood restaraunts, mail boxes, clocks, etc). A smaller stencil for use with a pen/pencil and a trip to your local library can open the world of Chrono to countless people (and maybe write a little line like "Lavos fell here" in geology and biology books that mention 65,000,000 BC). Though... it pains me to suggest that as defacing books cuts my soul.

I love the smell of gurrilla advertising in the morning (at least, this seems more like guerrilla tactics rather than viral marketing).

But if I might propose a somewhat intense idea, what if we Chrono fans organized a coherent advertising campaign? Such would show Square that there is interest (and money) to be made from another installment and it would also get more individuals interested (or re-interested) in the series. With the development of guerilla and viral advertising means, we are already in possession of the primary means needed to pull off such a campaign: time and desire.

PR firms do this to advertise their abilities (see example 1, example 2, example 3), advocacy groups do this to gain a wider audience for their issues (see example 4), and others just use advertising to spread general awareness (see example 5).

If we are creative, we could put together a cheap advertising campaign to increase interest in the series and even in a new game.

Translanka's idea is a wonderful step in such a direction. However, I'd strongly suggest that we develope a specific goal and the steps needed to reach that goal. A "5-year" plan, as it were (though hopefully not 5 years). That way, each step can be specifically tailored to meeting that goal.

Now the various goals that the community might support are as follows, as far as I can see: increased Chrono Awareness, increased Compendium traffic, and increased interest leading to Square getting off their arses and making a new game.

To illustrate how advertising might be different, if we just wanted to increase Chrono Awareness, then Translanka's idea is quite well suited. Yet if we wanted to create hype and expectation among gamers that square is coming out with a new game (which might thus encourage them to take advantage of that hype and actually develop a new game), "Chrono is Coming" might be a better phrase. And if our goal is increased Compendium traffic, vandalism might want to be avoided.

1) Do you have a wireless network at home? Remove the password protection and change the networks name to "Chrono Trigger" or "The Chrono Compendium." You are advertising every time someone logs in.

Wow, really? I am quite curious if that idea would actually work. I thought of it when I was trying to figure out how indie rpg makers (like the good folk over at The Forge) might market their games. Server names as advertising seemed like a cheap possible solution (especially in apartment complexes) There is also the possibility of “renting” the server names at a game shop, convention, or any wi-fi hub seemed like a good idea. As it is a, to my knowledge, untapped market I would suspect the prices would be dirt cheap.

6) Need a gift for a birthday, wedding, bar mitzvah, or hoe down? Give the gift that keeps on giving; give Chrono Trigger (or Chrono Cross). Nothing says love'n like some game from Japan.
Thats how I got cross, my B-day

Heh, you’d be amazed at how many people have gotten the complete series of Firefly since I’ve started doing that. Of course, not as many people wants or could play a video game as should want or can play Firefly. (oh look, subtle advertising right here!)

14) Spore is coming out soon; create Lavoids, Mystics, Demi-Humans, Dragonians, Reptites, etc. This content will then randomly be distributed to other players.
gimme a month or two 'till it comes out

Sweet. I’m definitely planning on making a Lavos species myself (and thus they’d be a xenophobic species bent on eradicating all life from the sporeverse).


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2008, 02:24:55 pm »
Yeah, I was thinking more for awareness...and also, if this idea were to be seriously be executed, then I think a site completely separate from the Compendium should created to support it so as not to link the two directly. Sure, the Compendium could then post updates on how "Crono Was Here" is doing or what cool places Crono's tagged...but aside from that, I don't really think the Compendium itself should be inolved, no...

Stickers don't look as, they're more of an actual hindrance than paint (especially depending on where you stick 'em). Plus, I'd figure it to be more expensive to make & distribute stickers than to, like, make a stencil people could print out & cut out onto cardboard or w/e...

As for actually advertising the series...I dunno if we could convince anyone to actually spend that much money to advertise for a seemingly dead series of video games....

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2008, 03:28:13 pm »
I feel that in order to start this we should work on obtaining free (or cheap) web hosting.  There we can migrate and began working on the "master plan".  By separating it from the Compendium, we can ensure that the Compendium doesn't come under fire from proper authorities, and/or those totally against what we are proposing.

Also, we should remember to remain anonymous on all counts.  One who brags and verbalizes about being a part of something like this results in getting caught.  For instance, during my senior year of High School I was one of the ones who organized the Senior prank.  One of our numbers publicly announced (in one of his classes) that he was one of those involved.  Little did we know, a police investigation was underway, and as such, the teacher had to legally go public with her knowledge.  Obviously, we all ended up getting caught, and four out of the five were charged with 'Disorderly Conduct'.  I was over 18 at the time and was charged with 'Terrorism', and was facing potential jail time (between one and three years).  The charge, most likely, would not have held up in court, but luckily for me, it never reached that point.  My parents got a good lawyer and the school (Shiloh Christian School in Bismarck, ND) dropped the charges.  I ended up getting off completely - without it going on my record.

So remember: anonymity is key.

I graduate from college (with a degree in Advertising, actually) on May 2nd, and after that I'll begin pouring some real sweat and tears into this project.  I've got a few sketches already of some stencils, but for now, it'll have to wait until we find 'premises'.

We could actually do this pretty cheaply.  Maybe $15-20 bucks per person.  And just knowing what we will accomplish more than justifies the costs.

So yeah, I feel that STEP ONE should consist of a common meeting ground; namely, a separate site.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 03:33:31 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2008, 03:49:56 pm »
As for actually advertising the series...I dunno if we could convince anyone to actually spend that much money to advertise for a seemingly dead series of video games....

Paper and spray paint cost money too, but not much. That is the beauty of guerilla and viral marketing tactics; they are not money-intensive. Advertising isn't about placing adds in the New Yorker or buying a spot during the Super Bowl, it is about getting the word out. Anything that does that is effective, even if it costs a few factions of a penny. In these forms of advertising, the key is time and effort, not money. We just have to be creative, then, in finding ways to advertise sans money.

If only there were some sort of world wide network along which information and pictures could be sent without the expense of a physical medium. If there were, why we could make homemade movies, podcasts, and whatever using the resources and talents we already have, and send those materials across the entire globe to be potentially seen by any individual who had access to this network. One might call such a thing an "international network,"  or "inter-net," for short.


Anywho, the reason I suggested stickers is that while they are less convenient for removing, to my knowledge there aren't laws specifically against placing stickers places (while graffiti laws do exist). Of course, the monetary investment would be greater (couldn't just print them out). Still, I am recalling back to my old college town; stickers were quite commonly stuck to random things (though, also thinking back, I don't recall any). But anywho, ease of removal is a very good concern (we want to promote the series, not piss people off when they have to scrub brick or some such). Could even make due with simple charcoal or chalk rubbings over the stencil, if people wanted to be quite nice about removal (and by nice about removal I mean, easy enough so that people don’t get angry enough to care). A necessity of the project, however, is to not do anything harmful or dangerous. No bomb threats, but false news stories are fine.

EDIT: In researching the legality of such things, I found out that apparently stickers DO count as graffiti. Apparently a fair number of laws regard the entire "style" of graffiti to be graffiti, rather than the medium. ... Which curiously means people who draw "graffiti" like pictures on their own materials could be subject to legal gibberish. And also curiously means we'd be exempt, as the pictures just wouldn't have to be graffiti style. However, laws vary by towns so I doubt all of them are this nonsensical.

Hmm... cheap "bookmarks" might work too. Print out a page, cut them out, and put one in a book before you return it to the library, before you sell your books back to the student bookstore at your local college, or visit a barnes and noble and place a few in books from potential genres (I suspect people who read sci fi and fantasy might be more likely to be interested than people in the romance section). Maybe with inspiring quotes from the series and the C logo at one edge, with a few lines encouraging people to report the finding on the "Where in the World is Chrono SanDeigo" website.

So it would seem, the biggest challenge before us would be getting a site set up. Unfortunately, I believe that any good hosting service would require cashy money. Perhaps I am wrong in this belief. Standard internet models of recouping expenditures are, of course, banner adds and merchandising (where the real money from the series is made). As long as the website itself does not engage it dubious activities, recouping expenditures should be on the up and up as well. Nothing illegal about posting pictures of graffiti, for example.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 05:23:26 pm by Thought »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2008, 04:50:20 pm »
I remember seeing something somewhat similar to some of these ideas in a Something Awful forum thread. People would commit Random Acts of Kindness and leave a URL along with whatever they gave (where possible). Similarly, a URL to a page explaining the aim and where to purchase Chrono Trigger (which would be encouraged) or, if this is not possible, how to download an emulator and ROM could be left on/with/in bookmarks, stickers, presents, wireless network names and so on. Remember, advertising is all about recipient demographics, and many people may not have a clue how to find out further information through an esoteric quote, whereas many will recognise a website address and will have some means or another of going to it.

Also, a page on the site called "Is this legal?" or something similar to explain the law concerning stickers or to justify the means may discourage negative inclination based on concerns over legality.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2008, 06:28:32 pm »
I think the legalities would be a way to draw attention though, which is one of the main reasons to do it that way...I mean, bookmarks? Normally when you return stuff, I've noticed that librarians tend to go through the books even to make sure there aren't any dogears...i'm fairly sure a bookmark would be thrown, damned if it doesn't sound like a nerdy, slow way of getting the word out.

I'm talking about being able to get the WORLD involved...yeah, the internet's great, but you also need a STATEMENT. Something bigger & grandiose than just writing or making something online (not that those aren't already great ideas & ways of getting the word out & the world involved)...I mean, I imagine getting it sprayed on monuments, famous buildings, the 7 WONDERS! lol...I think I was just kind of thinking of that wall, I think, in the West Bank of Israel? Though it might be stupid to add a lame Chrono-related thing to actual meaningful protest.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2008, 08:48:15 pm »
Ahh Viral advertising that would be fun, EX:
1) we are pretty spread out place these stickers in few places.

MAKE EM REAL BIG and have a URL on it.

2) the site could easily be or some such.

3) after a month or two start up-loading Pod-casts showing off Gato, Telepod, the upcoming festival.

All of which are proven to work, and not too costly and simple, simples good.

I need a url but I have decent server space with godaddy.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2008, 06:22:04 pm »
P.S. Ramsus, "wiki-links" are those links in the text of wikipedia that connect with related articles. Consider the Magus article. A wikilink would be a link from the word Alfador that would take one to his article in the same way that clicking on Schala's name take one to her article. The encyclopedia has these, but they are fairly rare.

That's what I would have assumed you meant at first, except I wouldn't call them rare, since if you go to most pages, they usually have them all over the place (The Crono and Schala pages being perfect counter-examples). As such, I figured you must've meant something else, but I guess not.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2008, 08:00:30 pm »
i'm traveling across scotland in may-june, so consider scotland MARKED.



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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2008, 09:04:09 pm », damned if it doesn't sound like a nerdy, slow way of getting the word out.

We're talking about trying to get more people involved in a game that is over 13 years old, and we spend some of our free time discussing the conceptual mechanics behind it. I think we count as nerds.

But admittedly, bookmarks wouldn't be the fastest or most efficient way of spreading the word. However, I fully subscribe to a blitzkriege form of marketing. Hit them as much as we can in as many ways as we can. I suppose one might call it "tooth and nail" advertising. Fight with all we can, in every way we can, every where we can.

"I aim to misbehave," misbehaving is a good way to protest things. But... what would we be protesting? Sure, let's stick it to the man, but who is this man that we are sticking it to?

I need a url but I have decent server space with godaddy.

Thanks for offering the server space, Kebrel (and I like "ashtear-robotics," though "chronowashere" and "chrono-was-here" both appear to be open as well). Also, thanks for that image. I think I might be able to make a mock-up stensil thingy for it.

But this is another reason why we need take legalities into consideration. If the site isn't on the up and up, whoever is controlling that site could be in for all sorts of unpleasantness. Wouldn't be right of us to put them in such a position.

One of the first steps in preventing such unpleasantnesses is to document and show that we tried to be proper. This entire discussion, for example, would work in our favor; shows that we aren't being neglegent. Additionally, if we look into into if the Chrono C thingy is trademarked/copyrighted (not entirely sure which it would fall under), then it is very difficult for us to be held at legal fault if it turns out that it is trademarked/copyrighted (assuming, of course, a search now turns up nothing).

anywho, Viva La Revoluccia!

EDIT: An additional "logo", besides just "Chrono Was Here" could be:

"He died for the future of mankind
He Rose again
He defeated a giant porcupine from space"
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 09:07:34 pm by Thought »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2008, 02:39:32 am »
A family favorite method around legally gray area is have a minor do it, many contracts go void, and the law lets them slide. Plus as for the logo thats fanart, which means(in the USA at least) we can use it for non-profit with out repercussions.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2008, 10:37:52 am »
yeah, anything that's a fan-made counts as fan-art and would be immune to copyright laws (i think).

i feel like we're over-analyzing the "risks" here.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2008, 11:04:53 am »
Due diligence, my dear Gentleman Caller, due diligence.

But aye, basic risk assessment does not need to dominate the discussion.

EDIT: Anywho, so since it looks like Kebrel has been kind enough to offer hosting space (thank you once again, though please correct me if I misread you) I suppose the next order of business is determining a domain name and registering it. (As a side note, please forgive me if I mutilate terminology somewhere along the way. "Damn it, Jim, I'm a historian not a techie")

The two potential domain names seem to be:

Chrono-Was-Here (or Chronowashere, but I like the other version more, personally).

Any other potential names? Maybe "gospel-of-chrono" or some such?

Side note; we might want to wait to actually purchase the name until everything is ready. That is, stensils are done, legalities have been researched, admins of the site have been selected, most the web code's been written, etc. No sense on anyone spending money before they need to and before things are chugging along nicely.

EDIT AGAIN: Might want to register the domain via a service like "domains by proxy, inc." It has dealings with godaddy, which is a plus
« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 01:53:08 pm by Thought »