Author Topic: Creation of a Chrono Wiki  (Read 7583 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« on: April 08, 2008, 03:58:30 pm »
So I was thinking today...

There's so much information contained within the Compendium, and I know that Zeality and some of the other head honcho's have discussed going through and revamping the Compendium Encyclopedia, and that got me thinking...

Why don't we create a formal Chrono Wiki!

Just a thought!  It would provide easy organization and plenty of room for, well, everything Chrono!

Let discussions begin.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 04:20:09 pm »
The encyclopedia IS a Wiki. It's closed for quality control.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2008, 06:14:21 pm »
I was referring to an actual Wiki format, but it's just a thought...


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 09:17:03 pm »
I was referring to an actual Wiki format, but it's just a thought...

The encyclopedia IS a Wiki. It's closed for quality control.
A quote to answer a quote

Sorry V_Translanka, I couldn't resist.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 11:30:30 pm »
Cute, but useless, Kebrel.

But besides the point...what's not organized about the Encyclopedia anyways?? It's pretty straight-forward...>_>


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 11:39:24 pm »
I was referring to an actual Wiki format, but it's just a thought...

And just what do you mean by "Wiki format"?

We use the same software as Wikipedia, just heavily skinned and with all the wiki features taken away from anonymous visitors. If you have an Encyclopedia account though, it's just like Wikipedia.

We don't allow anonymous edits because our community size is too small to fight spamming and catch quality issues with less important contributions.

So it's very important that you clearly define what it is that you're suggesting, because "wiki format" just isn't communicating it.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2008, 12:33:09 am »
well please please please understand that i wasn't implying there's anything wrong with the compendium format, and i am GLAD that not just anyone can contribute.  i guess i was just referring to what i would consider a true wiki format is as follows:

something akin to that - like an extension of the compendium, of sorts.  maybe related to but not a literal aspect of the compendium.  you know, another tool to spread the gospel of chrono.

 ah well, it was just a thought.  no biggie.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 12:34:40 am by Boo the Gentleman Caller »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2008, 01:02:33 am »
Chrono fans are lucky that the Compendium exists in place of some Chrono wiki. The Compendium grants complete control of information and appearance to us, and supports a unique domain fan site. Anything Wikia is chained to a big network, 99% of the time with the Monobook skin, and open to vandalism and everything else.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2008, 02:06:17 am »
Chrono fans are lucky that the Compendium exists in place of some Chrono wiki. The Compendium grants complete control of information and appearance to us, and supports a unique domain fan site. Anything Wikia is chained to a big network, 99% of the time with the Monobook skin, and open to vandalism and everything else.



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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2008, 03:40:42 am »
Yeah, the Compendium Encyclopedia is more than fine as is. Why fix what isn't broken, as they say? If someone wants to make another wiki(a) somewhere, gods bless 'em, but it won't be our Encyclopedia here (w/o stealing it, of course, lol).


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2008, 11:45:05 am »
well please please please understand that i wasn't implying there's anything wrong with the compendium format, and i am GLAD that not just anyone can contribute.  i guess i was just referring to what i would consider a true wiki format is as follows:

something akin to that - like an extension of the compendium, of sorts.  maybe related to but not a literal aspect of the compendium.  you know, another tool to spread the gospel of chrono.

 ah well, it was just a thought.  no biggie.

In other words, you still only have some vague concept of what it is you're trying to express.

Most of the differences between our "Encyclopedia" and those wikis are superficial. We use URL rewriting to add ".html" to the end of our entries to make them seem more static, and we use a custom layout, but the same code runs both our wikis. Even the organization and writing style of our wiki isn't all that different, and anyone with an account can just as easily make changes or view revisions, roll back changes, etc as with any other wiki.

When you log in with your account, the wiki here looks and feels exactly like Wikipedia. It even has that same Monobook skin. The only functional difference is the access rights of our wiki. We have closed access rights, and they have open access rights.

Thus the obvious thing you're probably suggesting is that we open up our wiki's access rights to everyone. Is that right? What kind of differences (good and bad) do you think it'd make if we did? Do you mostly think it'd speed revision of the Encyclopedia entries and give fan projects more scratch paper than forums posts if anyone could edit it? If so, why?

Also, I think by using the word "format" you're just confusing everyone, including yourself. To just a regular visitor, the Compendium appears like a big, static, obtrusive beast with its Encyclopedia entries written as dogma, regardless of the reality. What fan would dare edit such a thing? All you really seem to want is to have a big, friendly looking white page with big "Edit" links everywhere, so that any average fan wouldn't be afraid to edit something.

Are you also suggesting that we really change our site's image as well, so that we're perceived differently? Get rid of the slick blue layout, throw in some ads, add a bunch of links to every page to edit, review, revise, etc. for anonymous users to see? Basically, encourage regular users to create accounts and edit pages?

No really, what do you mean by "format"? The way we look? The way the site's technology operates? The organization of the content? Or the content management style?

It's important to define how much the word "format" encompasses at this point, because it's not clear to what extent you're suggesting we make changes. That's what I'm especially curious about right now.

So take some time to question your own underlying perceptual assumptions and biases, learn about the technology and editorial styles of all these sites, quantify the difference in a meaningful way, and then organize and write out your ideas so we can develop suggestions about specific aspects of the site. Then we can also discuss the negative and positive effects of any changes, and everyone will be able to join into the discussion and refine various aspects of the idea.

Keep in mind, opening the site's Encyclopedia wiki up to everyone is as easy as adding a few things to the current layout and changing one configuration option. That's it. No programming, nothing to install or set up, no moving of any data around... Edit one template, change a config option, and everyone can happily edit anything with all of the same functionality as wikia or wikipedia.

But the perception thing though... that opens up a whole new can of worms.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 12:10:20 pm by Ramsus »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2008, 12:19:06 pm »
It might be that the Encylopedia is a part of the Compendium whereas with most Wikies, they are stand alone sites.

Of course, the subject of the Compendium's encyclopedia is significantly different than most wikies as well; it is heavy with fan speculation. Large amounts of the encyclopedia might not exist if it were a stand alone site.

Additionally, the encyclopedia seems to be different in terms of navigation compared to other wikies. Experience with finding things in wikipedia doesn't totally translate into experience finding things in the Chronopedia. Some things are harder to find, though a good deal is easier to find too. There is no search option that I am aware of, for example, and wiki-links are a bit rare. On the other hand, the 'pedia's main page layout is wonderful and the Alphabetical listing is useful.

And, obviously, the Chronopedia doesn't look like a Wiki. Thus, it doesn't automatically get assigned the conceptual benefits or penalties associated with wikies by the viewer (if the individual has any).

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2008, 02:15:31 pm »
Thought just said everything i was going to.  it's not big deal either way.  and sorry (not sarcasm) that i don't know much about wiki's and the proper terminology; none of that's really my thing.  talk to me about professional design or marketing and i can hold my own, but when it comes to all-things-internet, i fail.

anywho, in the end i was just referring to a stand-alone site apart from the compendium.  nothing at the compendium needs to change.  (well, i wouldn't complain about a search function in the 'pedia, but even that isn't necessarily necessary.)  as said, if it doesn't need fixing, don't fix it.

i guess i was just thinking of another way to introduce others to the chrono universe.  one can never have too many outlets or avenues.

i'm not the one who would go about creating the wiki, anyway (no html experience or time), so, yeah...  gonna leave it at that.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 02:58:03 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2008, 03:57:26 pm »
Well then, the underlying current here it seems is not about creating a new Wiki (though naming such a thing would be fun) but rather marketing. It might be best not to view this as a repository of information, as that appears to be a secondary goal, but rather advertising. As Boo said:

you know, another tool to spread the gospel of chrono.

A wiki to promote the Chronodom... interesting thought, certainly, but I am not sure how useful it would be (as I suspect the only people who'd access the site would already know about the Chronoverse).

If an extra-compendial Chronopedia (yes, I like adding "Chrono" to the beginning of words) were to be created, what would it contain? "Factual" information about the game? That would be a small wiki, then, as there are only 3 games of actual information. To my knowledge, the Compendium's encyclopedia already contains basically everything scrap of factual information available (and thus, the "Chronopedia" would in many ways just be a mirror site).

But as advertising... while as indicated, I doubt a wiki would really spread the word, I like the thrust behind the idea.

After all, Browncoats were able to get a major motion picture studio to make a movie based on a TV series that didn't even last a season. By fan fervor alone, Chronodom should be able to get a game company to make a new Chrono installment. Marketing would be an essential component to that. We could do the impossible, and that makes us mighty.


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Re: Creation of a Chrono Wiki
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2008, 04:00:42 pm »
We could do the impossible, and that makes us mighty.
Truly inspiring, Thought!