Author Topic: Is Magus really all that cool?  (Read 126641 times)


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #150 on: September 02, 2008, 05:21:19 pm »
Maybe the king sees his wife in his daughter because they look almost like clones, just different hair styles.

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #151 on: September 02, 2008, 06:37:55 pm »
Ah, we never saw Aliza. She might not look as much like Nadia as Leene does.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #152 on: September 02, 2008, 06:50:37 pm »
Don't we see her sprite in the explanation Lucca gives as to her disappearance? There's obviously some inbreeding going on in the Guardia family line...


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #153 on: September 02, 2008, 08:24:51 pm »
Don't we see her sprite in the explanation Lucca gives as to her disappearance? There's obviously some inbreeding going on in the Guardia family line...

Inbreeding is quite commen in Royal Families from what I've seen, normally cousins. Brother and Sister was of course much less commen, but depending on the place not unheard of. Typically cousins though sometimes distent...sometimes not. It is perfectly logical and acceptable to think that The King and Queen are cousins. (I doubt they are Brother and Sister so hehehehe) and Queen Leene may have been Cousins with the king of 600AD.

Eitherway I think the King trying to protect Nadia/Marle because of her mothers death, combined with her royal responibilites which she was mostlikly reminded of alot made Marle grow into a naive,confused, and rebelious young women thus being counterproductive to the kings original desire to keep her safe from harm and making Marle come off as a Ditz even when she wasn't being one.
It's tragic, if you ask me because she's a princess when she's trusting she a Naive, when she doesn't understand something that she wouldn't understand unless she was Lucca or Robo she's a ditz or stupid, when she sweet she sappy, when she sad she's whiny, and when she's angery she's being spoiled and unreasanable.

Anyone else this would make them a well fleashed out person, but not Marle, no she's a Princess so her emotinal and given depth it gets turned into a sterotypical whiny girl even though all her reactions are perfectly explainable and perfectly in character.
I always felt like she was a breath of freash air compared to some princesses of the era (and now) who are damsels in distress or if they are given a personality it whiney and bratish and just trying to escape the couped up life of luxery, without ever giveing a logical reason on why they would want to...thus makng them seem even more spoiled!


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #154 on: September 02, 2008, 10:58:34 pm »
A damsel in distress can't handle the bad guy by herself. I'm not so sure if she really could keep the title that's she's been labeled with cause she can fight off the bad guys by herself... She might not be as strong as the rest of the team but she can still hold her own.

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #155 on: September 03, 2008, 01:25:26 am »
 No, that was a series of the same sprite repeated over and over with a slight palette swap. I mean come on, you don't really think Taban and all those other mustache guys all look the same do you? The hat that shades his eyes, man! That's Taban!
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 09:44:57 pm by Captain B »


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #156 on: September 03, 2008, 02:12:17 am »
I'm pretty sure it's said in the script that Marle looks like her mother...

   Princess Nadia's a dead ringer for
   her mother. That's why the King's so
   strict with her.

Hmm! And the Retranslation...

   Marledia-sama is like a living copy of her mother
   Ariche-sama. That's probably exactly why the
   King is so hard on her.


And Marle never really struck me as the horribly sheltered and naive princess type, since she passes herself off as a normal girl with ease. She's never "Oh, what is this peasant thing you call 'work'?" and most of the time is just curious and eager to learn, at least to my knowledge... The closest thing to naivety I can think of is her idea that when things suck they should be changed, whether they be death or the apocalypse... and really, that seems more awesomely badass than idiotic, sequel "karmic" death aside.

As for her dad... I think he might have overcompensated on the lack of feminine role models in Marle's life by enforcing the more stereotypical behavior, or rather, putting her in the hands of trained professionals because he knew he couldn't handle it. It's also probably partially him being overprotective, but who can say for sure?


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #157 on: September 03, 2008, 02:51:52 pm »
I'm pretty sure it's said in the script that Marle looks like her mother...

   Princess Nadia's a dead ringer for
   her mother. That's why the King's so
   strict with her.

Hmm! And the Retranslation...

   Marledia-sama is like a living copy of her mother
   Ariche-sama. That's probably exactly why the
   King is so hard on her.


I wasn't making incest jokes, it was very commen for royaltiy to marry there cusions, it doesn't always happen but it was rather commen.

And Marle never really struck me as the horribly sheltered and naive princess type, since she passes herself off as a normal girl with ease. She's never "Oh, what is this peasant thing you call 'work'?" and most of the time is just curious and eager to learn, at least to my knowledge... The closest thing to naivety I can think of is her idea that when things suck they should be changed, whether they be death or the apocalypse... and really, that seems more awesomely badass than idiotic, sequel "karmic" death aside.

As for her dad... I think he might have overcompensated on the lack of feminine role models in Marle's life by enforcing the more stereotypical behavior, or rather, putting her in the hands of trained professionals because he knew he couldn't handle it. It's also probably partially him being overprotective, but who can say for sure?

I noticed that I was using naive wrong, but her personality does have to do with being over sheltered. She's mostlikly snuck out before, thus she's had time to perfect the Normal Girl act. The more proper word would be idealistic then naive when it comes to changeing things. I never once said she was idiotic, I said the only time she doesn't know something is when there is logically no way should could know. Never said she didn't understand "work". He refused to let her go to the fair then had the boy she was with arrested without listening to her side of the story....sound like an Over protective father to me.  :)


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #158 on: September 03, 2008, 05:20:52 pm »
I was making an incest joke based on that fact that Mikey over-explained (explanations make jokes funnier! V_V)...but then you made the biggest one of all, maggie...

I'm pretty sure it's said in the script that Marle looks like her mother...

   Princess Nadia's a dead ringer for
   her mother. That's why the King's so
   strict with her.

Hmm! And the Retranslation...

   Marledia-sama is like a living copy of her mother
   Ariche-sama. That's probably exactly why the
   King is so hard on her.

nyuck nyuck nyuck


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #159 on: September 03, 2008, 05:43:31 pm »
Mphf...mmmm. hmhm bwhahahahaha....ok maybe it's not that funny, but still.

I didn't even realise that inbreeding comment was a joke though....I think there something wrong with me.

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #160 on: September 03, 2008, 09:46:23 pm »
They said that of Nadia and Aliza?   Ah well. *shrugs*   

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #161 on: September 18, 2008, 07:24:59 pm »
You guys all forgot that if you are found "not guilty" the king sentences Chrono to death against the rules anyways so it doesn't matter what you do.  All I know is I hate her father with a passion cause of not allowing a fair trail,  EVERY time I see that scene for some reason I feel sympath towards them,  Marle and Chrono.     Don't forget that Lucca helped out in that place.

May Lucca, Chorno and Marle rest in peace,  RIP.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #162 on: September 18, 2008, 08:22:16 pm »
Actually, no...he isn't sentenced to death if he's not found guilty...He's sentenced to a few days in prison for running off with the princess...It's the Chancellor who comes into the prison to kill him anyways.

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #163 on: October 06, 2008, 05:10:44 pm »
I'm really getting tired of everyone saying that magus is the best character in either of the Chrono games.

I'm really getting tired of how out of every 5 CT fanfics I read, at least 3 center around him.

Am I really the only one who isn't freaking obsessed with Magus? I mean, come on! Sure, he's cool and all, and he's Schala's little brother, but in the end he's just BORING. He has very little Personal Development, and he always acts all stuck up, like he's better than everyone else.


Not sure if the conversation has deviated at this point, but I'll address the original question.

I think there are many reasons Magus comes off as "so cool."

For one, he's built up from near the start of the game to be a momentus figure.  Most of the bosses in the game you're introduced to moments before fighting them, but Magus gets at least a quarter of the game devoted to fighting him.  not to mention his dungeon, which is still one of the coolest in video game history, and his three henchmen, who have enough personality to cure cancer.

Then you get to him only to discover a massive plot twist, so he gets that attributed to him as well.  Which brings me to point number two... plot twists.  Magus is surrounded by them.  His role as the prophet, his role as Schala's brother and the Queen's son...

He's also the most single minded character in the entire game.  His entire will is bent on revenge, and he doesn't deviate from that course for any reason (except to occasionally turn someone into a frog).  He has no loyalties beyond those that will help him reach and defeat Lavos.  Even defeating him, which leads him to offer advice on how to get Crono back, seems to be a selfish act: after himself, he figures Crono has the best chance of defeating Lavos.  Along with this, I have to disagree that he's not developed.  In fact, aside from Frog, he's given the most back history of all the characters.  We get to see his dark relationship with his mother, his attachment to his sister... hell, we literally WITNESS his backstory.

Then, too, his future is left uncertain.  Even Radical Dreamers doesn't really finish him, and he's only there in spirit in Chross.  Of course, this is true of most of the Trigger characters, but it still adds to his appeal.  That he's searching for Schala only makes him cooler, because we all love Schala (well, at least until she stopped dying her hair).

He's also rather innovative in a lot of ways.  He was the "cool evil tall guy with long hair" long before there was a Vincent or a Sephiroth or an anime explosion in America.  He's also one of the few villains in video game history which you can get on your party.

Lastly, his music rocks.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #164 on: October 07, 2008, 02:52:27 am »
It's odd how every newbie adds to this thread.

Yeah, my mind has changed since I made this thread. So, I one-hundred percent agree with you Zipp Dementia. and also, welcome  to th Compendium.