Author Topic: Is Magus really all that cool?  (Read 126643 times)


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #105 on: August 15, 2008, 04:02:18 pm »
Ayla isn't really all that looked at, and while Crono may not speak his actions define him moreso.
Robo IS more developed but most of his development coes from sidequests you don't have to go on. I'm just not counting those. Coutning side quests, oh yeah, way more developed. But I feel Ayla's actions and voice don't save her from being least explored. Crono gets to do a lot more but only because he's main character. If he didn't have that factor, definetly dead last cause you wouldn't see him that often.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #106 on: August 15, 2008, 04:30:09 pm »
Agreed, never wanted to play Ayla much at all to be honest.

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #107 on: August 15, 2008, 04:35:05 pm »
Ayla isn't really all that looked at, and while Crono may not speak his actions define him moreso.
Robo IS more developed but most of his development coes from sidequests you don't have to go on. I'm just not counting those. Coutning side quests, oh yeah, way more developed. But I feel Ayla's actions and voice don't save her from being least explored. Crono gets to do a lot more but only because he's main character. If he didn't have that factor, definetly dead last cause you wouldn't see him that often.

If you're not counting the side quests then almost all the characters have barely any development.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #108 on: August 15, 2008, 04:42:59 pm »
Yeah, one of CT's major points is the fact that it was one of the first RPGs that incorporated character development into its sidequests. You might as well say that anything after you have access to the bucket in the EoT is "just a sidequest"...>_>

Canon counts.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #109 on: August 15, 2008, 07:49:13 pm »
Alright, I'm just saying what I thought.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #110 on: August 15, 2008, 08:13:03 pm »
Gotta say, Robo IS one of my favorite characters (sidequests included). Ooh, I was just thinking about the Missus (ms.) Robo. Combine her with Mother Brain and the Blue-Modeled Robo's (the name escapes me), and Robo ends up as one of the most explored characters in the game.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #111 on: August 25, 2008, 08:27:33 pm »
In response to the thread topic: Yes. XD He's just so awesome, I have to say. Everyone's right, he's certainly the most unique and most explored character in the game. I'd have to say that he and Glenn would have to be my favorites. Crono comes close but I hate silent protagonists. :/ Prometheus (I like it better than Robo... -.-; I prefer to call all the characters by their real names, e.g. Frog=Glenn. I also tend to rename them to those names if I can. (Is Marle a pseudonym, though? Or is that her real name or something? I get the impression that her first name's Nadia, and that Marle is a pseudonym she made up, but whatever...)) is definitely good, but it would have worked better if he wasn't a robot... I hate it when stories have robot characters that display emotion and sentience. (*cough*Transformers*cough*) They aren't sentient...while it does pain me to say it, you can't have a sentient robot creature...they're just computers. They don't have real minds... Prometheus is a memorable character nonetheless, and I do like that he adds diversity, but... Ayla definitely comes dead last for me, though. I just do not like her. You're right, she has very little characterization and that annoying prehistoric "accent" of hers does not help her case... -.- I do like the CT cast as a whole, though. Marle is definitely a close second, she's quite characterized and I like her a lot. She serves the "generic hero's girlfriend" model without being wussy, damsel in distress, and extremely girly. (In fact, I really like how she saved Crono, instead of the other way around) And she casts Haste. That's definitely a plus. :p As for Lucca... I didn't like her very much. I never really used her. She's a generic smart, scientist girl, and while I do accept that she's a genius, she does not seem to have a lot of characterization until Chrono Cross... (Which is so loosely connected to CT and so radically different that it feels like it's in two different universes altogether...) From the first time you can switch party members, I did: Crono, Marle, Prometheus, then when you get Glenn, Crono, Marle, Glenn, then when you get Janus, (I never added Ayla to my party except when she was needed) Crono, Marle, Janus all the way. He's just amazing. So much backstory, so much development and painful choices... Plus, he has all those awesome quotes. :D I, personally, would really like to see a sub-game centered around Janus. You're right, his personality is just so open-ended and filled with different possibilities... And yes, I do believe that it's cannon that he remains alive. (As evident by Lucca's letter in CC -- I don't consider Radical Dreamers cannon, as the developers themselves say it's no longer cannon. Which is one of the reasons why I hate it whenever someone says, "Oh, Chrono Cross is the 3rd game", or "Actually, we need a fourth game" whenever people ask for a third Chrono game... It doesn't even have "Chrono" in the title, too... >.>) And, wow, this is turning into a long post. o_o I'll wrap up with Schala, since I haven't addressed her yet. As evident by my sig, I really like Schala. She was so alike and yet so different from Janus. (Even down to their innate element, if you've (spoilers?) played Chrono Cross...uh...I think... o_o? (end spoilers?)) She just seemed like such a great character. I was quite sad to see her suddenly disappear after so short a time. :( *SPOILERZ!* Why did Lavos have to eat her? Why? *sob* *END SPOILERZ!* I don't know, she was just such a memorable character. I really liked her. She deserves a sub-game too. (Possibly both Janus and Schala could appear in the sub-game) In my humble opinion, PCs from most characterized to least: Janus, Glenn, Marle/Prometheus, (I can't decide which one's more characterized) Crono, (only barely) Ayla.

Chrono Trigger was an amazing game, loved it so much. It's a pity the money-obsessed heads of Square hate it. *cries*


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #112 on: August 25, 2008, 08:36:48 pm »
There is nothing in the human body a machine can't mimic, so yes Robo can have a personality.

Robo is the best not Magus!!!!


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #113 on: August 25, 2008, 08:42:25 pm »
There is nothing in the human body a machine can't mimic, so yes Robo can have a personality.

Robo is the best not Magus!!!!


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #114 on: August 25, 2008, 09:13:30 pm »
I like both Robo and Magus, but I think I'm going to stick with Frog.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #115 on: August 25, 2008, 09:43:59 pm »
Jesus H. Chrono, Chocobo_Fan, that was the ugliest post I've seen here in a good long while. I'm gonna try to break it down in these quotes...

Is Marle a pseudonym, though? Or is that her real name or something? I get the impression that her first name's Nadia, and that Marle is a pseudonym she made up, but whatever...))

In the Japanese version her name is Marldia. Thus, "Marl" was supposed to be like her slipping up & almost telling Crono her name (or at least only shortening her real name by 3 letters...>_>).

Prometheus is definitely good, but it would have worked better if he wasn't a robot... I hate it when stories have robot characters that display emotion and sentience. (*cough*Transformers*cough*) They aren't sentient...while it does pain me to say it, you can't have a sentient robot creature...they're just computers. They don't have real minds...

Uh...have you never heard of A.I.? Just because it doesn't exist in our here & now doesn't mean that it can't (or won't for that matter). I mean, they're ROBOTS...what's to say they can't have emotions at some time in the future?

You're right, she (Ayla) has very little characterization and that annoying prehistoric "accent" of hers does not help her case...

It seems like you're taking your own bias towards her to judge her amount of character development, which I think was more than decent. She's one of the few characters we actually see have a relationship with a character outside of the party (& not only with Kino, but all of her village). Not to mention her awesome speech with the Laruba Village Chief & her offer to bring Azala with them when Lavos was coming down. In fact, one could make a pretty good case for her being one of the MOST developed characters of the bunch. Just because you might not like her doesn't change that.

In fact, I really like how she (Marle) saved Crono, instead of the other way around

Well, there was the whole him saving her from being misplaced from time thing in the beginning (and going after her in the first place)...>_>

And she (Marle) casts Haste. That's definitely a plus.

Haste Helms>Marle

As for Lucca... I didn't like her very much. I never really used her. She's a generic smart, scientist girl, and while I do accept that she's a genius, she does not seem to have a lot of characterization until Chrono Cross...

Again, it seems more like your own personal preference rather than the actual character's development. We see a lot of her personality through the game (since she's one of the first characters in it)...and we even see the specific event that drives her to be that "generic smart, scientist girl", and it's a fairly emotional, memorable scene at that! And I don't remember a lot of characterization of her in CC besides a letter she wrote.

I don't consider Radical Dreamers cannon, as the developers themselves say it's no longer cannon. Which is one of the reasons why I hate it whenever someone says, "Oh, Chrono Cross is the 3rd game", or "Actually, we need a fourth game" whenever people ask for a third Chrono game... It doesn't even have "Chrono" in the title, too... >.>

RD is just as canon as CC if you ask me. Both take place in alternate dimensions, much the same as even CT starts. And even if the title isn't a copy of the original, I don't see how that makes it any less of a sequel. It's still the second game of the series.

Chrono Trigger was an amazing game, loved it so much. It's a pity the money-obsessed heads of Square hate it. *cries*

What gives you that idea? The team behind the series all but left Square for the longest time. If anything, they've been oddly GOOD to the series by not just dumping the series onto any ol' team to pump out another game. They even stopped two fan games, showing that they have no intention of giving up on the series.

Anyways, from now on, learn the mighty Art of the Paragraph. It's your friend!


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #116 on: August 25, 2008, 10:25:18 pm »
Oops, sorry about that. :( My memory's a bit fuzzy, (Tsk, I need to replay CT, don't I...?) and yes, I have terrible paragraphing skills. -.-; I need to work on that... And originally, I had intended the post to be shorter, but I tend to ramble and it just kept going... I do that sometimes. -.-;

Oh, I didn't know that. So Marle is her real name. I'll call her that then.

Blargh, I can't explain this very well... And yes, I have heard of A.I., but it's artificial intelligence... It's different from ours. Or something. I'm really bad at explaining this, so I won't go any further into it, and I'll leave the topic be for now.

Hm. Ayla does not have many ties into the actual story, unlike most other characters... (She plays a smaller role than, say, Glenn...) I suppose in 65000000 BC alone, though, she does have characterization... It's that she's very different from the other characters. It's hard to fit her in anywhere else than the prehistoric era. In my humble opinion. My memory may be going fuzzy. Again.

Myes I forgot about that. -.-; I find the whole Death Peak thing to have a greater impact than the "saving Marle" quest at the beginning of the game. Maybe. We are each entitled to our opinions. Marle seemed like a very unique character to me, though.

And the Haste thing was not as serious as the rest... Although it should be noted that that Haste is unique to her, and there are some things better than haste helms. I also generally always have her in the party anyway.

Dah, curse my falty memory! >.< Right, right. I did actually like that scene, although I still have to prefer other characters over Lucca nonetheless.

And, uh...? Radical Dreamers has been officially stated to be non-cannon... It's interesting, but seems to be nothing but a shadow compared to Chrono Cross.

Well, I'm glad for the fact that they're remaking CT for the DS, but people have stated before that SE does not seem to like the Chrono franchise. Chrono Cross was... Not so good, compared to CT. It raised more questions than it answered, and had little connection to CT games. It didn't seem as well-put together as CT. It's better than nothing, though, I'll give it that. I have faith that the Chrono series may be revived, what with CT DS, though :)

So sorry for my abysmal paragraphing skills and my crappy memory. :( And for the lack of quotes in this post, as I don't want to make this post longer than it currently is.

And no offense, but isn't this a bit off-topic? This thread is about Magus, not what we're doing now. I don't like getting into heated debates, anyway, as I'm quite shy and do not like to see people angry.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #117 on: August 25, 2008, 10:40:15 pm »
I don't know how you can like Marle and not like Ayla, they have one of the best scenes together with the Rainbow Shell quest (though I usually have Magus in the party because I really like that burn the letter teasing bit,) especially with insight from the retranslation.

And even though Kato dislikes it and it's not as "fleshed out" as Cross, I prefer Radical Dreamers because it was more concise, had an emotional Serge, and the only really big questions it left behind were what happened to Crono and Marle. Magil too, of course.

If they do decide to make another game after CTDS, I hope it's not another "completely new adventure" that answers one question from the past games but brings up a whole slew of new problems. Really,  it doesn't have to be MAGUS: THE GAME, but I'd love a remake of CC with less characters and more ties to RD and CT.

And yeah, Magus is still pretty cool, but I sometimes worry that's just nostalgia talking...


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #118 on: August 25, 2008, 10:47:07 pm »
If they remade CC, they'd most likely put in more characters (jesus christ).


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #119 on: August 25, 2008, 10:51:17 pm »
"This new Chrono game has stronger ties to its predecessors. No, you don't actually find out anything about the fates of the old Trigger team or even Serge and Kid, but you can travel everywhere from Guardia to El Nido and recruit up to fourteen characters from each town! You can even recruit Lavos himself in New Game +!!"

Oh Lord, I mustn't give them ideas...

But considering how Kid's character changed from RD to CC, what would Magus have even been like in Cross had they completely included him? I'm still of the "Guile was Magus to the very last second, and they just changed his name" idea, but I'd like to hear something else.