Author Topic: Is Magus really all that cool?  (Read 139118 times)


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #135 on: September 01, 2008, 12:30:17 am »
Does anyone remember the Pokemon movie?(the first one, not all those dumbass remakes). I know it's animated but that was a video game movie and was actually good.
Also Mortal Kombat, the first one. Really stuck true to the theme AND the actual story of the game and even the way the game played in many aspects.

And speaking of video game movies...
They're making another... it had potential until they decided "I'm taking an action game and giving it a romance theme, thus changing it entirely. Try and mix it up!" Not exact words but that's what they're doing. Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time. Also, their cast doesn't even look anything like the actual characters...


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #136 on: September 01, 2008, 01:01:25 am »
Jake Gyllenhaal... Eh.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #137 on: September 01, 2008, 02:45:45 am »
I think he all have ADD (thus is a good excuse...i mean reason why we can't stay on offence to any one who has ADD)

Ah, but you miss the most important part of a good movie, it being enjoyable which Silent Hill very much was. It deviated from the story, no it was a different story, but still had the themes that make the game.
But I didn't think it was good, I felt it didn't capture the Theme at all! (Ok possible some of the the psycological themes, but they felt screwy
the basic message of the Movie is : Mother is basicly God! Children always love MOMMY!
Game: Everything in the game is Psycological, even when it involves seemingly mystical elements it is still the mind that causes the event in motion, ever monster you face is a reflection of the mind....down to a monster in the first game that reflected something the cute little god bearing girl decided was awesome from the book "The Lost World" also the concept of love is a lot deeper in Silent Hill games then the movie)
MOvie Version of Love: I'm a little girl, with kicka** power....but watch as I spare mommy, because I wuv my mommy.
Game Version of Love: Love is a deep and complicated thing.

1st: Watch as a father figths for his daughter who is the only one who is keeping him sane after loseing his beloved wife, his deep love for her fare outwaying her "true" mothers love which is nonexistence thus showing how Love and family is not a matter of genetics but a matter of feeling. Even after he learns of his daughter true powers and darker existence he still accepts her as his daughetr and thus in essance gets his daughhter back int he form of a baby only now as her true self, both her selves may no escape the pain they suffered due to the cult and the town of silent hill. (I dind't mind spoilering that since finding the first game is like finding a needle in a haystack....that's on fire!)

I won't list the other games but trust me Silent Hill is an awesome game with alot of themes, Love is surpriseingly often very important in some form, and it's only one of the themes. (Along with decay and BATHROOMS)


As for Chrono Trigger, why does Marle get such a bad rap!  I never understood that.
Marle is one of the driving forces in the game, but no one seems to care at all!
Marle dissapears on Telepad
Marle disappears (mostlikely entitiy)
Marle and Crono go to the castle...leading to Crono's Trial, leading to the escape, leading to the gate to the future...
Then Marle presses the button the shows the day of Lavos...then plants the idea of changeing history into everyone head....hmmmmm
INfatc it was "changeing history by saving Marle form non-existence" tha showed them they COULD CHANGE HISTORY!
One could say the entity is useing Marle as a guiding light, a way of ensureing that they know of the future.

And when alls said and done she's still pretty kicka**


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #138 on: September 01, 2008, 03:43:28 am »
Marle was a bit of a ditz, didn't have very powerful attack magic or a tech that healed the entire party (Cure 2 is just... more powerful? Bwuh?) and the people that do fanworks tend to be extra nerdy, and as such typically go for the more nerdy Lucca type... Also, Marle did have some bitchy idiot moments.

I kind of think of it this way,

Lucca: Sorry for putting you through all that, Marle...
Marle: Are you joking? That's the most fun I've had in months!
Lucca: ...Wait, you consider disappearing from existence and nearly destroying time FUN?
Marle: You'd think that would say something interesting about my life experiences, outlook on life, or my general character, but it's easier to assume I'm just stupid.
Lucca: Haha, maybe YOU should be wearing this helmet!


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #139 on: September 01, 2008, 04:23:20 am »
Marle was a bit of a ditz, didn't have very powerful attack magic or a tech that healed the entire party (Cure 2 is just... more powerful? Bwuh?) and the people that do fanworks tend to be extra nerdy, and as such typically go for the more nerdy Lucca type... Also, Marle did have some bitchy idiot moments.

I kind of think of it this way,

Lucca: Sorry for putting you through all that, Marle...
Marle: Are you joking? That's the most fun I've had in months!
Lucca: ...Wait, you consider disappearing from existence and nearly destroying time FUN?
Marle: You'd think that would say something interesting about my life experiences, outlook on life, or my general character, but it's easier to assume I'm just stupid.
Lucca: Haha, maybe YOU should be wearing this helmet!

Ok maybe not powerful (note: I always used Lucca, Marle, and for me yes she was quite powerful hehehehehe)

I admit she had her "ditz moments" but if you think out it, there all more like "naive moments" her father obviously has tried to force her to live a sheltered life. Actully I like every character for some reason or another, I'm just the kinda person who loves useing magics users and personally liked Marle and feel she gets a bad rap.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #140 on: September 01, 2008, 11:53:48 am »
She was kept from society for a long time. You can't blame her for that! The king is stressed and why do you think this is? He DOES happen to have the issue of the Chancellor... I'm guessing it's moreso the blame of Yakra. You can notice when he's eliminated Marle's personality changes in ways for the better.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #141 on: September 01, 2008, 06:45:25 pm »
She was kept from society for a long time. You can't blame her for that! The king is stressed and why do you think this is? He DOES happen to have the issue of the Chancellor... I'm guessing it's moreso the blame of Yakra. You can notice when he's eliminated Marle's personality changes in ways for the better.

Marle reminds me of the girl from that movie Enchanted.

Like how she went all nutso crazy the first time she actually was angry.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #142 on: September 01, 2008, 07:53:28 pm »
Mortal Kombat wasn't good...not even the first one (not to mention the extra horrible sequels & television series). Lu Kang not ONCE throws a is up w/that BS? Surely not as bad as the Van Dam Street Fighter movie, but it was a close race...Fighting game movies especially need to stay in the realm of anime it seems.

As for Marle (why the awkward jump in subject, Mikey?)...She's a singular healer with one of the weakest Magic attacks (not to mention weakest physical attack). Supposedly she makes up for it with Haste, but I've never bought that (Haste Helms on 3 good characters>Marle casting haste on two good characters & wasting space with herself). Her character is ok for a princess character, not as annoying as most that follow that cliché, and her yelling at the guards during her father's Rainbow Shell trial was priceless, but overall, I found her one of the most bland.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #143 on: September 01, 2008, 08:57:59 pm »
Mortal Kombat wasn't good...not even the first one (not to mention the extra horrible sequels & television series). Lu Kang not ONCE throws a is up w/that BS? Surely not as bad as the Van Dam Street Fighter movie, but it was a close race...Fighting game movies especially need to stay in the realm of anime it seems.

As for Marle (why the awkward jump in subject, Mikey?)...She's a singular healer with one of the weakest Magic attacks (not to mention weakest physical attack). Supposedly she makes up for it with Haste, but I've never bought that (Haste Helms on 3 good characters>Marle casting haste on two good characters & wasting space with herself). Her character is ok for a princess character, not as annoying as most that follow that cliché, and her yelling at the guards during her father's Rainbow Shell trial was priceless, but overall, I found her one of the most bland.

(Hehehehe I didn't want us to get to far off the original subject...about Magus so I tried to gravitate towards Chrono Trigger...hehehe feel free to ignore it hehehehe)

And I agree Mortal Kombat movies wasn't good and neither was Street Fighter movies. I'm not big on 2d fighting games though. I'm just happy they never made a Darkstalkers movie (does anyone know about that horrible American show they made....if you have never seen it I have one thing to say: LUCKY!). Although I would love to see a girl in a little red riding offite blow stuff up and shoot would be funny(something is deeply wrong with me) ^^ (BB Hood = funny evil human, so evil that weaker Darkstalker tremble at this adorible blondes feet...then get killed!) but it wouldn't be worth it.
1: The way we depict vampire now-a-days men Demitri would *shiver* let's not dweal to deep into that.
2: Eveyones fav succubi would be turned into sexy villians (Morrigan Aensland is not a villain. Lilith isn't either. But being as they are both sexy demoness: Lilith is part of Morrigan, but in the movie they would proble get turned into S&M Queens or something.)
3: I wonder who they would try to romanticly pair....either way, creepy.
4: I fear what they will do to every character..... most of all Felicia who is one of the better known characters in the game, will everyones fav ex-singing dance now Nun Cat Girl be turned into a sexy Love intrest, I pray not)

Luckly such a travisty will never happen because Darkstalkers....well actully I see no reason why it couldn't happen...infact based on Hollywoods rate of making bad movies based off of ANime,Games, ext. it shold take long...I'm Scared.

Is there a post for Movie You pary Hollywood never makes, becuase is not I think we need one to blow off the stress of realiseing everything we ever loved (and hated) will be ruined by Hollywood at some point


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #144 on: September 01, 2008, 10:51:33 pm »
I kind of liked the Darkstalkers cartoon...minus the kid or whoever it was that I recall...But there has been a couple Darkstalkers anime...

2: Eveyones fav succubi would be turned into sexy villians (Morrigan Aensland is not a villain. Lilith isn't either. But being as they are both sexy demoness: Lilith is part of Morrigan, but in the movie they would proble get turned into S&M Queens or something.)

Yeah, because they're not into S&M at all...>_>


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #145 on: September 01, 2008, 11:03:22 pm »
No, I don't think there is a thread like that unless it's in the recent hour or so. But it seems every game that can have success with a movie they either do everything that could ruin it, or they just don't do it. Metroid for one. Me and my friends have worked for ages and have come up with a script that could implement into a Metroid movie and work very well. if WE could figure it out, there may be about a 1% chance Hollywood can as well. Same goes for Zelda(although that one is more complicated than metroid, but we've also got that covered)doubt hollywood can figure that one though...
Super Mario Bros had a massive chance of being great. So what did they do? Instead of Peach let's use daisy. Let's also change their costumes entirely! Goombas and Koopas, yeah koopas are good but Goombas... who cares if they are the most recognizable mario villain besides Bowser? Take them out. The Koopas will all be 9 ft men in business suits with buzz cuts that are gelled back. And let's not forget Bowser! instead of a giant dragon turtle dinosaur thing, he'll be a big time business man kind of character! And so many other changes that would destroy mario's chances of ever having a good movie...


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #146 on: September 02, 2008, 12:31:18 am »
I kind of liked the Darkstalkers cartoon...minus the kid or whoever it was that I recall...But there has been a couple Darkstalkers anime...

2: Eveyones fav succubi would be turned into sexy villians (Morrigan Aensland is not a villain. Lilith isn't either. But being as they are both sexy demoness: Lilith is part of Morrigan, but in the movie they would proble get turned into S&M Queens or something.)

Yeah, because they're not into S&M at all...>_>

Hehehehe, yes but it's not central to their characters (except Lilith has some suggestive and violent things she says.) In the Hollywood version Sex and S&M would be all there is to them.
Wait I dn't remember seeing that morgain pose before, did you make it (I mean she does that pose, but the offite looks diffrent,also it's just one picture which seems add. Funny though....Morrigan is actully kindly allowed Lilith to become one with her again in her ending for the 3rd game, in Liliths ending...lilith is somewhat less lucky and doesn't reach Morrigan in time...sad huh.). Then again I haven't play Darkstalker in awhile.
Also that cartoon derailed every character in the game.
I've seen some of one of the Animes. It wasn't bad.

No, I don't think there is a thread like that unless it's in the recent hour or so. But it seems every game that can have success with a movie they either do everything that could ruin it, or they just don't do it. Metroid for one. Me and my friends have worked for ages and have come up with a script that could implement into a Metroid movie and work very well. if WE could figure it out, there may be about a 1% chance Hollywood can as well. Same goes for Zelda(although that one is more complicated than metroid, but we've also got that covered)doubt hollywood can figure that one though...
Super Mario Bros had a massive chance of being great. So what did they do? Instead of Peach let's use daisy. Let's also change their costumes entirely! Goombas and Koopas, yeah koopas are good but Goombas... who cares if they are the most recognizable mario villain besides Bowser? Take them out. The Koopas will all be 9 ft men in business suits with buzz cuts that are gelled back. And let's not forget Bowser! instead of a giant dragon turtle dinosaur thing, he'll be a big time business man kind of character! And so many other changes that would destroy mario's chances of ever having a good movie...

Metroid Movie, are you serious, Hollywood would tear Samus to peices quicker then you can say "Samus is Blonde!". Seriosuly that would be the first to go, since no one ever takes a blonde seriously in an action role (if you can argue this list me at least 10 blonde female action movie heros). Also there no Male Love Intrest which Hollywood would rectify asap. Hell I wouldn't be shocked if they completely threw her off character and made the guy the main character.
Exec: Hmmmmm Metroid is about what.
Guy Pitching the Idea: A kickass bounty hunter named Samus Aran who fights Space Pirates and sometimes Metroids which are energy draining Jellyfish things.
Exec: I see....Samus hu HE sounds awesome! Make it!
G.P.T.I: Um Samus is a girl!
Exec: What! That's insane! Wait no it works, we'll up the sexy, an attractive Brunette Action girl in ripped up clothes.
G.P.T.I: Um Samus wears clunky body armor and I think she's blonde.
Exec: This will never work, next you'll say there no male love intrest!
G.P.T.I: There's no love intrest.
Exec: Eh the fans are stupid, as long as it has the name they'll flock to see it.

If they attempt Zelda I will be the first person readying weapons to kill the people who came up with the dumb idea to do this.

I think people could learn from SMB movie. What they can learn? Stop making movies from Video games!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 12:35:35 am by OverlordMikey »


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #147 on: September 02, 2008, 01:20:27 am »
That sprite of them is from CvSNK2...and, yeah, a Metroid movie wouldn't work since most of it is just her alone for entire games just rooting around for crap...So they'd just turn it into some kind of lame ass Tombraider set in space.


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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #148 on: September 02, 2008, 09:51:38 am »
That's why i say there is only a chance of them figuring it out. For my group it took about 18 people to figure out a working script. We'd make the movie except, Samus' environment would be hard to make on a low budget. Her suit would also be hard to make, and the aliens... it'd be hard in general.
And Zelda that one I can just explain easily although Hollywood could never come up with it, it's always a different Link so why not have the main character NOT be Link but instead a messenger of sorts to deliver the costume and such to the actual Link whom has vanished and no one can find him, right as Ganon is awakening. That's the simple explanation but we've dwelled deeper into it than that. It'd have to be a trilogy to work though...
And Super Mario Bros I'm thinking was made by the one person in the world who's never heard of it.
I've seen plenty of good fan trailer ideas on Youtube and they look like they'd be great, especially the Metal Gear Solid one and one of Pacman.

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Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Reply #149 on: September 02, 2008, 03:13:01 pm »
 Regarding Marle's sheltered life, there's also the issue of the late Queen Aliza. It's very likely that after she died, the king either A): felt it was his fault and vowed not to let the same happen to Nadia, or B): vowed to raise Nadia for the both of them, undertaking and overshooting a responsibility he dare not fail. He still sees a little of his wife in Nadia's eyes, and he doesn't want to lose that.