I think this thread should be fun for the Magus haters too
Note: We didn't just talk about Magus for hours on end, there were lots of in-between conversations and I edited huge chunks out to be Compendium relevant. Frawg = Frog
Warning: Cusses, Sexual Content, Magus Abuse
Myshu: (Ah shit, Magus has... reverted to a wee childe and started weeping, like a fagson)
Myshu: (Stop crying boy)
DK: lmao a FAGSON?
DK: so offensive
DK: so offensive
* Myshu off the cuff
L_Cully: Magus is a fagson whether he weeps or not.
L_Cully: God I hate Magus
L_Cully: I wish he would burst
DK: lmao I hope magus gets acid in his eye
maggiekarp: DK can you write a story where Magus gets acid in his eye and it has to be replaced by one of Robo's eyes
L_Cully: I hope Magus accidentally inhales a lot of red pepper.
maggiekarp: but Robo hates him so much he makes everything look like Schala's bloated corpse
Rydia: MK you're just trying to offload your drawing responsibilities on DK in the form of writing
SaintNick: why would they waste one of Robo's eyes? They'd just steal a button, or something absurdly watery from a taxedermy shop
Myshu: That's fuckin' morbid, man
DK: Magus squealed like a burning rabbit as Lucca's DeathPenis(TM) Syringe dildo unleashed a torrential font of iris-melting fury. "THAT'S FOR CALLING MY MOM LARA STUMPTEAR!" she howled, running off into the night, tears streaming down her face, hypodermic donger wagging in front of her like a reverse puppy tail that was also a syringe full of acid because she has sexual problems.
maggiekarp: yessss
Myshu: lmao the trademark symbol
DK: It had to be done, cheap Porre knockoffs will flood the market
DK: I hope Magus gets so hungry he has to eat plants he just finds growing around, and those plants are poison ivy.
maggiekarp: "Dalton's back and he has two eyepatches for some reason" "Porre sucks bros, just sayin"
DK: I hope Magus gets a real bad UTI.
maggiekarp: I hope Magus turns Frawg back into a humawn and they have wacky roadtrip adventures
DK: I hope the red dust Magus inhaled during the events at the ocean palace give him a kidney dreamstone and everyone forces him to pass it so Melchior can use it as a weapon and he's giving birth to it swaddled in sweat-soaked sheets and everyone's laughing real hard.
SaintNick: I hope Magus has to buy a car, and it's a used Kia Rio, and the seatbelts fail/
Mozz_Sherman: Magus: The engine likes to flood
Mozz_Sherman: the car always [HONNNNK!]ing stalls
DK: I hope magus gets roofing tar all over his genitalia somehow and has to explain it to his companions
Mozz_Sherman: and the driver's seat has a big rip so a spring always pokes me balllls
Mozz_Sherman: OUCH OUCH OUCH
Mozz_Sherman: I hope someting unpleasant happens to Magus's physical form.
SaintNick: I hope Magus finally finds someone who likes him, just so he has someone he feels like he needs to explain the roofing tar to.
maggiekarp: there were a lot of naked parties in CT, nothing to do with liking
SaintNick: And the roofing tar is just the last straw, so that kind soul calls him a tarbaby, sticks a piece of litter to his junk, and storms off over the unmowed grass.
Mozz_Sherman: and/or bullies him into eating litter
Mozz_Sherman: !quote *litter
Snewman: #361: <DK> Listen, it's crunchy. Don't knock it until you've tried it. | <Jerm> (DK doesn't actually eat cat litter) | <DK> Uh... yes I do, actually.
DK: I hope Magus gets a winning lottery ticket and feels his spirits rise because now he can finally invest in that Zeal-and-Alfador-and-dead-sister themed miniature Chronogolf course he's been dreaming about since he first felt Ozzie's lash. But it turns out that he mistread it and the 7 was actually a 9 that he scraped too hard, so he wins nothing and he cries that night eating cold beans from the can in a pair of soiled underwear.
SaintNick: DK you're not fooling anyone, that was an episode of My Name is Earl
DK: I think that was every episode of My Name is Earl
Mozz_Sherman: if you add Jaime Pressly being white-trash, yes.
L_Cully: oh hehe i started a meme with magus ill-wishes.
L_Cully: yay
SaintNick: Someone tell this cigarette to pour me another drink.
DK: I hope Magus meets a woman who he really thinks he's impressing but at the end of the night she puts a cigarette out on his tongue
maggiekarp: I hope Magus gets amnesia and starts wearing a lot of chest-exposing shirts
DK: I hope Magus loses a nipple in a horrible fishing accident.
L_Cully: that's only 4 reviews per hour
SaintNick: I hope Magus meets a woman, but decides to miss out on a one night stand on the idea that he can turn it into a more meaningful relationship. He wakes the next morning to find the pocket with her number soaked clean through with his own urine, and the urine of several others.
L_Cully: unacceptable
L_Cully: I hope Magus posts a story in a big fandom and it only gets one reply and it's someone correcting his spelling.
DK: I hope Magus has a drunken one night stand with Gato
SaintNick: I hope Magus finds out he's a hemophiliac after he stubs his toe.
Mozz_Sherman: he sings this loud and proud so everyone in the building can hear.
SaintNick: I hope Magus' dad finally makes him get a haircut and a job. He continues to write his bad poetry, while he tells all of his coworkers at Li'l Ceasers he's going somewhere.
DK: call it off, sounds too much like my life
SaintNick: Eventually he just starts telling them he'll be assistant manager next time they have a round of promotions, but that's just as much of a lie.
L_Cully: I hope it's a
L_Cully: story.
L_Cully: I hope Magus has to clean out the bathtub and sweep the verandah and put his laundry away and when he pauses for a drink all his lemondrop schnapps is gawne
SaintNick: Magus seems more like a golschlagger person to me
SaintNick: it's got real gold in there. It's like I'm drinking rich people!
DK: I hope Magus is still struggling with his tam o'shanter while he's heading down the icy front steps and he slips, landing hard on his hip and driving the pencil he has in his pocket into his left testicle
Mozz_Sherman: i hope magus doesn't even know the joy of tasting lemon schnapps thus never had it in his cup to begin with.
Mozz_Sherman: you know, we're kinda being dicks to him, now.
SaintNick: I hope Magus realizes how much he deserves for us to be dicks to him.
L_Cully: I hope Frawg never runs out of lemondrop schnapps ^-^
maggiekarp: I hope Magus finds out just how good Frawg is to him
Myshu: It's neko time
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=5474286maggiekarp: meow meow whatever |:3
DK: it's never neko time
maggiekarp: I hope Magus finds someone that understands neko time :3
L_Cully: I hope Magus gets stuck in neko time :3
maggiekarp: I got some pictures of Magus making neko time awkward for his past self
DK: Also I got in trouble for griefing on SS13 because being made a revolutionary is apparently not carte blanche to stab a sleeping crewmember in the eyes with the screwdriver over and over until he's blind, then weld him into a closet
L_Cully: I hope all that happens to Magus.