Plows threw Lavos shell w/epoch, Inner Lavos appears
I gotta take some from CT Unglued, because Crono is so epically (Is that a word?) funny in it -
Mom - "Oh, by the way, that inventor friend of yours, uh, you know! Oh, dear, I've forgotten her name."
Crono - "You managed to forget the name of my only friend on this whole damn continent..."
*Frog comes flying down from the ceiling and chops the naga-ette in half*
Crono - "Yeah, this ranks like a 9/10 on my weirdshitometer."
Frog - "Mine name is Frog."
Crono - "In that case, I am Boy, and this is Girl."
*Lucca gives Crono Codec, then tests it out*
Lucca - "Can you hear me?"
Crono - "Yeah, you're standing right next to me."
(Sorry if the wording of that is off a bit, but meh.. Epic anyway)
CT Unglued FTW!