Well well, It's been a while. Well, as you don't know, one of the major problems with me (outside the little time I get to do anything project wise) is the lack of any place to place this comic. I'm currently working on this issue right now: literally. One of my biggest classes is a self paced Web protfolio class, and basically requires me to make a full up and running website. So while I've been working on that, I've also been working on a space for the comic as well. Granted, I'm not a master of Webdesign, but I'm working as hard as I can to get this site up and running.
Anyways, good news followed by MORE good news?! Inconceivable!
MaggieKarp: a fellow Chrono fan, has done me the favor of making an cute Cover for the comic: though back end or front, I'm unsure of of. I'll have to work on the other half myself.
Anyways: here's the cover itself.
One more piece before I go: I did manage to produce an MSpaint for you guys:
Well, that's it for now. I'll give you updates on as they come up.