Author Topic: Terminus Traductions' CC Tools -- NOW WORKING CORRECTLY!  (Read 5975 times)


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Terminus Traductions' CC Tools -- NOW WORKING CORRECTLY!
« on: May 13, 2008, 03:14:33 pm »
Hey all, I thought I was able to get the Terminus Traductions Chrono Cross Translation Tools working correctly today, but now I'm fairly positive they're malfunctioning on me. When I put my CC_CD1.iso file in the Image_Avant folder and run the Dump_Main batch program, it gives me a file that's over 5 gigs and counting before I had to shut it off for lack of hard disk space. I thought that was a bit weird, considering the whole first CD is 720MB or so in Bin format (it needs to physically be in the BIN format, 2352 bytes/sector but must be named with the ".iso" extension for the program to read the image). Certain scripts are compressed on the game disk, sure, but decompressing those should NOT generate entire gigabytes of information. I think?

Has anyone else had this problem?

If anyone with C/C++ knowledge would care to take a look at the source code for the Terminus Traductions tools and see if something improper is going on, I'd be grateful. After investigating the tools in-depth, I do believe everything necessary for major Chrono Cross hacking (and not just translation hacking) may be in there. For example, there seems to be a pointer dumper and a general LZSS decompressor that might decompress not only the game dialogue, but fieldscript (event code) as well...

The compendium's Terminus Traductions tools backup is here:

EDIT: I should warn, all the commentary in the source code happens to be in French.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 12:06:05 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Terminus Traductions' CC Tools -- producing files WAY too large...
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 11:26:43 pm »
Thanks when I finish the Trigger Spanish Translation I will work on Cross one.


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Re: Terminus Traductions' CC Tools -- producing files WAY too large...
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2008, 12:44:01 pm »
I already showed this to jono over PM, but I'm posting some specifics about my problem so everyone else can see as well, and possibly offer suggestions or their own experiences with the Terminus Traductions tools:

The Terminus Traductions tool set apparently requires a BIN-format game image that is nevertheless named CC_CD1.iso (BIN format is 2352 bytes/sector, whereas ISO format is 2048 bytes per sector; the tool set needs the file to be "physically" in BIN format, with the .iso extension just a filename convention). My game image is 736,651,104 bytes long in BIN format for the first CD.

I encounter different problems depending on whether I'm running the batch files or the "Chrono Cross" utility. If I launch the "Dump Main" batch file, I get the following screen:

It seems to be saying that it's dumping OUT files 0 ~ 24, but it doesn't go any further and yet it creates a file called 0000 (PSX-EXE).psx in the Dump_Avant folder that grows indefinitely -- it got up to 4 gigabytes in size before I had to shut off the dump for lack of disk space. The game should *not* be that large, even if the dump program were decompressing all the dialogue and so forth. I guess I could always be wrong on that, but I'm getting the distinct impression that the dump program is just churning out junk data.

My main difficulty with the main "Chrono Cross" utility in the Terminus Traductions tool pack can be illustrated thus:

Having realized that the Terminus Traductions tools produce the exact same .OUT files as the Yazoo dumper, I am finally convinced that we need to migrate to using this Chrono Cross file dumping suite for further exploration of the game's files -- no risk of losing the work we've done labeling the files created by the Yazoo dumper. The Terminus Traductions file dumping/decompressing suite has a whole bunch of unexplored tools, and the folder structure it uses is way more orderly (if in French).
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 12:47:54 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Terminus Traductions' CC Tools -- NOW WORKING CORRECTLY!
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2008, 12:12:34 pm »
Alrighty, finally got this baby working, apparently. I was trying to launch Dump_Main.bat first thing, and apparently one needs to launch all the other batch files first, and then Dump_Main.bat does its thing correctly.

Something to note -- the Terminus Traductions tools only seem to dump up to OUT 3054 -- in other words, we might have missed the battle models completely were it not for Yazoo's tools. I'm not sure how to get this baby to dump everything just yet, or even if it is capable of doing so. My main goal is to explore the Lzss_D function and Dump_Ptr function, as these may immensely further our exploration of fieldscript, battle script (this is code I'm talking about, not to be confused with dialogue), and hacking that requires pointer changes. If anyone has success using the Dump_Ptr function, give us a holler here.

EDIT: Okay, I think I just Lzss decompressed a bunch of stuff with the Terminus Traductions tools. I did a Lzss_D command after I had dumped everything up to OUT 3054, and a bunch of D### folders popped up under 30_Fichiers_Avant. I guess after we complete the Magus Edition patch and figure out the remianing texture issues and model animation format, my next step will be to write a guide on using the Terminus Traductions tools successfully.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 12:34:57 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Terminus Traductions' CC Tools -- NOW WORKING CORRECTLY!
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2020, 08:06:26 am »
I'll refresh the topic.
I have the same problem, run the Dump_ batch program, it gives me a file that's over 9 gigs and counting before I had to shut it off for lack of hard disk space.

Maybe someone has already solved this problem and has a solution.
What steps should be taken to decompress the game disc?