When did I post this thread... a couple weeks ago? Lol, and NOW we're going to have a discussion about it. Well good, i was hoping so, this is a major point of interest for me.
In terms of Lavos being evil. On one hand, I would have just said it was animal... but then again, how can an animal with no preferences or understandings of anything other than its own survival, corrupt human kind?
We'd be giving an animilitic creature, a tick, a lot of credit for being able to completley manipulate the minds of intelligent, magic wielding humans. The idea just seems like a very large stretch for me, and also anticlimactic. the Fall of humans gets brought about by a tick.
If we look at the situation, Lavos could have been defeated somehow or someway if he had just decided to outright attack the Earth while Zeal existed. If he didn't control Queen Zeal, etc., Lavos would have been in some kind of trouble. However, we can see that the Queen is corrupted, and it doesn't seem to be blind corruption either. She isn't just a genocidal machine, with a bloodlust for watching magic power destroy nations. She wants to rule the world... forever. As Queen Zeal, she already rules... but with Lavos, she is immortal. How can a tick corrupt a woman into going into such lengths to achieve this... how can it even show her that such an idea of immortality were possible. It would have to be more than just an animal.
Picture your pet if you will. Dog, cat, turtle, whatever. Now imagine it had the power to destroy the Earth, blah blah blah, and grant you immortality... but it still possessed the intellect of your original pet. Do you think it could even convey the idea of immortality, or even the idea of becoming its partner and ruling the Earth, and convince you to use all of your friends and family? That's a big question.
So people have a theory that Lavos is pretty much dead after 1999AD. That seems like a plausible idea. Weird, yet plausible That also brings the question of how you still can fight him in some way through the Black Omen. Perhaps, when Lavos had absorbed enough energy, he gained the capability of existing outside of time. I never understood how fighting the Omen took me straight to Lavos. Another question to think of.
Why not just consider this thread the collection of "Lavos, how, why, and when in 2300 AD. Still Alive, why, how does he exist... all of it".
To the Sun Keep question that no one has approached.... meh, I can't approach it either. I guess the Sun Stone and such is nothing more than a grand plot device, that was cool to see at the end of the game. But it's still strange that place still shines with an everlasting light despite the ravage of the planet that Lavos delivered. In fact, it's practically the only place where a solid beam of sunlight still exists. The Lavos spawn seem capable of destroying your party, but they don't seem like they want to travel very far. If Lavos knows that you're messing with time in the first place, why not attempt to counter events by snuffing out the light of the sun stone. Perhaps he can't see or control everything.