Don't go trashing all of G4; x-Play sold out. Blame them for your misfortune.
Also, I have to side with them on the Crisis Core review. It was just filler dressed up with some new characters and CGI cutscenes. It's been done, and it's been done far better. Instead of looking at it like "Oh, it says Final fantasy VII. It HAS to be good", take care in noticing the actual falts it has as a game, not just an installment in your favorite series. And this is coming from an FFVII fanboy as well.
Think about when Brawl hit the shelves; everyone was so excited, as was I. But their ARE faults in the game, like the camera zooming out way too far and the fact that you have to play the entire single player mode to unlock all the characters.
I mean, seriously, after playing 10 hours of the SE, fuck Solid Snake, I should get Bill Friggin' Murray.