I thought he might have a point, cuz a kid shouldn't be able to buy a rated R game,
Well, I played SIlent Hill, Resident Evil, Metal gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto, and many other M Games before i hit the age of 8. When I was 11, I even played through Leisure Suit Larry (though i regret it). I don't think that it should be against the law to sell M games to younger audiences, but I think that the parents should definitely have a say if they think their child isn't ready.
Then again, most parents, (not saying all, especially mine), are somewhat naiive to the ways of gaming. Have you ever been to an R rated movie, and then you hear a screaming 5 year old in the theater? Those parents might let them watch a guy get loaded with barrels full of lead, but they wouldn't even fathom letting them particpate in an unrealistic simulator even if it only involves Zombies or Giant Mechs. As a parent, one should try play a demo of the game, or at least supervise the child while he or she plays it.
Another point, parents are afraid of exposing their children to violence, but then how do you explain the large youthful audiences of Dragon Ball, or even Pokemon? The former depicts that you can fly and shoot fireballs with your hands while beating the crap out of people, while the latter depicts cockfighting to solve playground disputes. I grew up watching those shows and loving them to death, but it wasn't until now that I realized they're not much worse than R rated movies or games.
The message i'm trying to convey here is to NOT buy your child video games directed towards a mature audience if you know he or she are Batcrap Crazy. However, if your child is an avid gamer, no matter the age, and you believe that they're intellegent and responsible for their own safety, then sure, go pick them up that copy of Final Fantasy VII or MGS, even if the characters may swear every 5 minuts and gore is abundant.
Many M rated games are incredible, unforgettable, magnificent works of art that shouldn't be missed out on. A plethura of memories could be created for a young gamer by buying them a new game, even if it's M Rated, and it'll put a smile on their faces.