but imo they should remove the Ghost Children forever. They don't make any sense and are just there for plot dump.
Well we could argue the shade bosses in CTDS somehow connect to them, so at least they have some meaning... in a flimsy way. Plus I thought their dialogue improved the Miguel scene.
But yeah, keeping out of analysis here, I'd like to see a polished script most of all, and also more development/backstory for those who need it. I say keeping the tons and tons of characters is fine as long as that important few have reasonable development. Call me crazy, but I think a lot of the game was lacking dialogue, mainly during the Lynx section of the game. I felt like it was trial and error, just trying to get somewhere without any clear objective or reason.
I'm agreeing with chrono eric on the TimeDevourer thing. That bugged me.
Tying in Guile as Magus... I dunno. I'm not sure what to think of the new ending, but I'll just wait and see.
I don't think the game needs to cover Crono and Marle, though. There are enough plot threads as it is, and besides, Cross was intended to be a new experience, it can stand on its own two legs.
Last thing... Make the whole underlying Dinopolis and Belthasar plots more clear. Oh, and speaking of which, Dinopolis could be a new dungeon?