Oh, they'd definitely get boosted in NewGame Plus - but anyway, yeah, this idea for a hack would definitely be a challenge hack - not for the first timers. @_@ First timers would cry, facing my counter-inproved Dario. @_@
Speaking if NG+...
"All bosses have double Evasion, 99 Accuracy, and +4800 HP. [Exception: Ozzie, Slash, Flea.] Bosses get a further HP bonus equal to ([Party's Current Star Level]-48)x100. Bosses get a bonus to Strength, Vitality, Magic, and Spirit, equal to [Party's Current Star Level]/2, rounded up.
Basic Example: Mama Komodo, party at 48 Stars. HP: 4960. Strength: 37. Magic: 31. Vitality: 25. Spirit: 24. Evasion: 20. Accuracy: 99.
Basic Example 2: Miguel, party at 73 Stars. HP: 9250. Strength: 106. Magic: 57. Vitality: 92. Spirit: 51.
[Note that I'm not swearing to these figures as far as any knowledge of enemy stats in the base, unhacked game. It's more of just an idea of how Mama Komodo and Miguel might look, not the exact stats they'd be given.]
All instances of level 3 or less elements are replaced with their level 4 equivalent, for enemies and bosses.
Basic Example: Harle uses MeteorShower instead of Photon Beam."
Sound like fun? @_@