Evil. Such a strong word in some cases. I can discuss this forever! *chuckles*
But Evil, much like the human aspects of Time, is only a persception of a being. One who views something as Evil is only viewing it in their perspective. What is Evil to one, might not be considered Evil to another. Of course, in most cases, Evil is harmful is some way, but on rare occassions is is either a misunderstanding or a helpful cause to the enviroment, Time, History, or other such thing. Of course, such Good Evils are rarely documented, so thus they are not part of History. Only the Evil Evils are documented, because they influence us the most.
Take Lavos for instance. If Lavos were meerly reproducing, it was doing Evil with good intention for itself with bad results for the host planet. If Lavos meant to destroy the planet by some diabolical plot (the fact that it is very intelligent), then it would commiting a Evil action with Evil intention for itself or possibly some other higher aspect with bad results for the host planet.
Either way you look at it, both intentions are bad in any way. For us that is.