Oooh, Esuna! Cool, we'll use that. And maybe she could have Heal 2 instead of Haste... Though she should get it earlier. And it really should be "Holy", as a tribute to FF. (like Flare) Plus, the sun is, like, holy and stuff in some cultures... As for her first spell, it shouldn't be "Moon Flare", since it's star-based. I think "Starfall" would be okay.
Oh! Idea! For her level 2, she could jump into the center, (like Crono's Thundaga/Lightning 2) a small beam of light could fall down on her, and then beams of light shoot out from her across the screen. (A reference to how moonlight is reflected sunlight, maybe...) Still no clue on a name, though. :/
Maybe she could learn a buff spell that raises stats of the party temporarily? Hm...