now we have proof that what we see in the concept art is not always to be believed.
Wait, what evidence was provided that proved that??
The medal Pierre actually wears is identical to the real deal. The concept art differs distinctly from that, and yet claims to be the very same object (IF Pierre acquires the Hero's Medal before appearing in battle -- anyone know?). Either the concept art is inaccurate or the texture art is inaccurate.
By corollary, if Pierre joins the party *before* he receives the Hero's Medal, then the "Hero's Badge" used in MedalSome and the Hero's Medal shown in the concept art are two different objects.
Again, can anyone confirm that the flow of events for recruiting Pierre is as follows?
1.) Talk to Pierre. "My preciousss is loooost!"
2.) Find John and nab the Hero's Medal from him.
3.) Pierre says "Thankies!" and offers to guide Serge & Kid to Viper Manor, at which point he joins.