I was just curious what alignments the local Compendium populace holds(don't be afraid to put evil, no ones judging.
) For those who are not familiar with the D&D alignment systems, check these two links to find out:
DefinitionsQuizI, myself, hold a True Neutral alignment with good and/or chaotic tendencies.
A few predictions:
ZeaLity: True Neutral
Lord J esq.:Lawful Neutral
V_Translanka: Lawful Evil
Thought: Neutral Good
Faustwolf: Neutral Good(Lawful Tendencies)
Nightmare975: Chaotic Neutral
x_XTactX_x: Chaotic Good
There are a few others, but I'm not quite sure of them just yet...
So post your alignment and a little synopsis.
Edit: added personal tendencies.