Normally UV data will have a pattern like the following:
## ## ## ## ## ## #0 ## - #0 ## 0# ## for triangles, in which the 0s could also be 8s. In this case six bytes for the UV coordinates that could be any value within the texture bounds, followed by an additional three byte pairs that are indices identifying the vertices to which the texture piece is assigned. The quads would have an extra two bytes (one for the additional U, one for the additional V) as well as an extra byte pair for the vertex index. The 0s and 8s are what to watch out for. If you've got three byte pairs that end in 0 or 8 in a row, you've likely got UV data.
HOWEVER! It appears that weapons use two textures if I'm correctly recalling what Satoh wrote. M, something very evil happens with the UV data when double textures are used. Let's say we've got a triangle texture piece encompassing coordinates (10,10; 20,20; and 30,30). We would expect to see something like this:
0A 0A 14 14 1E 1E C0 FF - A0 00 B8 01.
But what we actually see is this:
0A 0A 14 14 1E 1E C1 FF - A1 00 B8 01.
See how there's a "1" instead of a "0" in some cases for the vertex pointers? I'm not sure if the last nybble is used as a texture page or not, with an odd number simply telling the game engine to use the second texture. I haven't seen a case in which, for example, the B8 01 above would turn into a B9 01. I've been sidetracked for the longest time collecting all the Battle Models into one place, but after that I'm going to test the UV map and see if this might be some way of specifying texture pages.
A really neat trick I learned for mapping UV coordinates is to paste the data into Microsoft Excel, do text > columns if you have that option and get the bytes into proper order, then go over a few columns and do a HEX2DEC() function on the cells filled with hex values. HEX2DEC and DEC2HEX have saved me copious amounts of frustration, but I think one has to enable those functions manually via the data analysis tool package or something.
The classic .TIM flub in the wiki shouldn't have any effect on the model textures because I've been giving those to everyone in either .BMP or .PNG format. That saves Luminaire the trouble of having to address the .TIM format as well as the model format. However, thanks to your discovery, I may have an easier time viewing weird textures in TileMolester.
EDIT: Satoh, which weapon pack are you looking at and what's the offset at which the data you posted begins?