For shame...
it would seem you skipped over a few quintessential, 'must-have' rom hacks; namely(Title; Company|Game Type|Hacker(s)/Translator(s)):
Graphics: 3/5-Simple, yet effective; low framerate hinders enjoyability a little.
Sound: 3/5-Okay, not anything that I'd download and listen to, but it's not annoying, either.
Plot: 4/5-Good plot; doesn't blend as well as it could with the gameplay.
Execution: 4/5-Gets points for originality, well executed, but takes a little time to fully understand. Be sure to play in mouse mode
Overall: 3.5-Worth a try.
Graphics: 5/5-Pretty, high-res, very animated, nuff said.
Sound: 5/5-Great Audio, sets the mood well.
Plot: 4/5-Very nice actually; a few too many cliches here and there, but all-in-all, a solid title spanning three scenarios and a fourth supplementary.
Execution: 5/5-Very well done; I couldn't put this one down until it was finished and even then, I felt there should've been a sequel.
Overall: 4.25-You should definitely play this game.
Graphics: 5/5-being one of the few games that used the SFX2 chip, the graphics are superb; complemented with 'full' 3D range of movement.
Sound: 3/5-okay to good music; about what you would expect from Starfox title.
Plot: 4/5-better than the last, but I wont spoil it for you.
Execution: 5/5- Very F-U-N.
Overall: 4.25-You should definitely play this game.
The only thing that has changed with this title is the execution; much harder-in all aspects, new weapon, and bugfixes.
Overall: 4-if you like SoM and challenges, you'll LOVE this patch.
Graphics: 5/5 Up there with Star Ocean and Tales of Phantasia.
Sound: 5/5-Great tracks; play it just for the music if you have to.
Plot: 5/5-masterpiece, yet retains a sort of comic relief throughout 6 different scenarios.
Execution: 5/5-A work of art and lot's of replayability.
Overall: 5-Why haven't you played this game yet?!
Graphics: 5/5-What can I say it's got pretty graphics too, being one of Square's last games on the SNES.
Sound: 3/5-Meh it's okay; definitely not the gem of the game.
Plot: 4/5-Good for it's scope; lot's of cliches, but it would appear that the game is a satire of cliches in a way.
Execution: 5/5-lots of sidequests, battle system is awesome, and, for all it's flaws, the game tends to hold on to the player throughout the course of the game.
Overall: 4.25-You should definitely play this game.