To my understanding, one of the reasons for the development of the Time Bastard theory is a simple issue of the conservation of matter (it cannot be created or destroyed). However, considering Schala's situation, I have become doubtful as to if this real world law of physics actually applies to the Chronoverse. Specifically, Schala seems to be a direct violation of the conservation of matter.
Allow me to elaborate. Time Bastard states that duplicants are sent to the Darkness Beyond Time in order to preserve the conservation of matter. Of course, this is slightly misleading as the matter of that duplicant can't be sent to the DBT, only the information (which itself can't be destroyed, but it can be created). If the matter of the individual was sent, that would still violate the conservation of matter, so matter must just be rearranged according to the discarding of information.
Chrono Cross states that Schala fell through a temporal vortex thingy along with the Mammon Machine and gets merged with Lavos in the DBT.
That leaves us with a problem. Either the matter of Schala's body was sent to the DBT (thereby essentially destorying matter) or her body was left behind somehow (possibly indicating that that Schala that was sent to the DBT was herself a Time Bastard). However, when Schala sends her Daughter-Clone to the world, that would seem to be the creation of matter (and possibly indicating that there are two different living Schalas in a single dimension's timeline).
One possibly solution to this is that Schala sent Kid out of the DBT essentially at the same Time Error moment that she herself disappeared into the vortex. Matter in, matter out. However, as noted, matter can neither be created nor destroyed so Kid is not only Schala, but her body was essentially made from the matter of Schala's body (can't create or destory matter, but you can rearrange it). However, even in the DBT Time Error continues to follow and before Schala made her clone she helped Serge. This is a sequence of event which means some Time Error had to have passed. Even if only for a few seconds of Time Error, matter had been essentially destoryed.
Have I missed something? Does the DBT count as part of the system of the universe as a whole (and thus, matter in the DBT doesn't really count as being destroyed, but rather gets tallied in with everything else)?
Personally, I am inclined to say that Schala was sent to the DBT whole hog (as it were). This is because that would explain one important detail that was identified as important
back in 2004 but hasn't been established in the intervening 4 years: what did Schala bring to the table that allowed Lavos and her combined to form a being capable of devouring time? The answer, then, is matter. Schala brought something that the Lavos in the DBT didn't have (a physical body). With a body, and its position outside of time, it became capable of effecting reality. I'd still maintain it sucked the energy out of time, rather than munching time like a sandwhich, but that is a different topic.