Well, I just saw a gameplay trailer for Diablo III and it made me change my mind really. I'll be hoping to do some modeling in Maya soon. Now, I'm not really after the best graphics in the universe, but rather acceptable ones. Seriously, if you want the best graphics of manking, play Age of Conan which is 28 gigs... yeah, I thought not.
As well as my eager decision to model the game in 3D using Maya, I'll be introducing to the game a new aspect, inspired by what I've seen in Diablo III: active combat.
With this comes a complete change in the battle system. Turn-based combat is eliminated, and instead players will be using hotbars. If you've played any of the Warcraft games, you'll be familiar with this. Each melee attack or spell is bound to a key. Pressing that key triggers the ability. Every ability of every character will cost MP, like in Trigger, except for their basic attacks/spells, which will be free of cost.
Also, I've decided to steal another element from D3: destructable environments! Players can knock down environmental objects, blow holes in the walls, and even set fire to carpeting to hinder enemies or even crush them completely.. Re-entering a zone resets environmental structures. However, if it's not easy to exit and reenter a zone, a player can open a time rift that will send him back to a room or area's entrance. However, when the environments reset, enemies will too. Use the rift ability with responsibility!
Another newcomer to the Chrono franchise is multiplayer. With an internet connection, friends can join in to control a variety of playable characters and assist their friends in conquering even the most toughest enemies. Certain areas in the game, though optional, feature tons of multiplayer content. Though, if you prefer to play alone, the AI will control your allied characters, which you can switch between at any time. A handicap feature will be associated with the AI. You also have the option of accessing a console that logs messages during your gameplay, and allows chat in multiplayer.
Finally, if you find yourself having difficulty in the game, or if you simply want to be godlike, a cheat system will be introduced. Cheats are enabled by inputting their corresponding phrase into the console.
Here are a few cheats I thought up. Hope you enjoy:
ItsOverNineThousand - Invincibility and instant kills
LessQQMorePewPew - Infinite MP
Stay tuned for any changes or new features!