I suppose I can shed the blanket of internet stealth. Here goes:
True Name: Grant "Tacten" Ferrell
Age: 15
Interests: Foreign Literature, The Arts, Music, Writing, Video Games, Manga, and Anime
Hobbies: Drawing and Writing.
Profession/Occupation: Art/Commisions
Education: Just finished the 9th Grade, College Prep Summer Courses.
Current Resdence: Orlando, Florida.
Favorite Food: Anything Asian and/or Teriyaki.
Favorite Movies: Prefers to look at Picture Books really fast.
Favorite Band: Anyone who can do guitar solos that sound like "Fananana", and then some bass.
Heroes/Idols: Masato Kato, Nobuteru Yuuki, and Kramer the Assman.
Any questions?