Let's all hope that Chrono Trigger DS is not half-a**** excuse for Squeenix to milk the cash cow. We have begged, petitioned, and waited patiently for years. I sincerely hope this will turn out to be the ultimate love letter to us fans. <3
To me, it sounds like they could be using this to test the waters of CT's popularity after 13 years. I bet if this game sells extremely well, we might see an effort to get the Dream Team back together for a full-fledged sequel.
I'm going to value this release the same way I valued FFVI Advance. I have a feeling the extra dungeon will either be along the same lines as FFVIA's Dragon Den, since nobody would want to mess with the Singing Mountain/Zeal Dungeon without the dream team.
I am pretty confident that they'll put in the Battle 2 music in there somewhere, however.
This seems like a very wise comment. Though Cross was released 7 years ago, it wasn't as popular as they may have liked. With this release, they can obviously take advantage of the cheap opportunity to just take all the content they released and that which they produced but never released and not only test the waters but also make some guaranteed money. The new dungeon and the other new content will attract many, but not all, of the fans of the original to snap it up again, but more importantly, it may create a brand new audience for the game, seeing as so many of those ignorant young'n's have never heard of CT but so conveniently, for Square Enix, possess a DS. This opens up the opportunity for Square Enix to pick the series back up, if they find the response and conditions acceptable, though I'm betting that since they probably didn't have to reassemble any of the Dream Team that the logistics of another game may be a bit harder than for any other games they could devote their resources to instead. However, some of those former developers and artists still have a decent relationship with Square Enix, so it is not out of the question.
In any event, this is all speculation. I'd love to get my hopes up, but I should probably wait until the remake is released to see if they gave it the fine, royal banging it deserves.