Author Topic: Lucca vs Lynx  (Read 27969 times)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Lucca vs Lynx
« on: January 13, 2005, 12:18:20 pm »
Sory if i posted this in wrong section of forum and if this has already been discused.

I have seen many people ho can`t understand how Lynx was able to kill Lucca. It happend after some time when ct adventure ended so it would be natural that Lucca`s skills would worn out and she wouldn`t cary her big gun all the time, after all it`s peace. So imho it is simple as 2x2 that Lynx easily killed Lucca when she decided not help Fate

Old School Chrono Gamer

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« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2005, 07:41:51 pm »
You're forgetting a very big fact.  Spekkio had infused Lucca with magic.  A few rounds of "Flare", or even "Fire 2" would toast him.  And if you're thinking "Well, Lucca didn't want to use fire magc in a burning house, I remind you that Lucca wasn't killed in her house.  She was taken to Chronopolis to undo the Prometheus program.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2005, 09:04:27 am »
Nop, she refused to help so was killed in her house if i`m not mistaken.
And about magic, magic is same skills. Spekkio teached them a bit of magic and they in their journey learned to use it better from fights. And in the end how can you say that Lynx was weaker than Lucca even when she was fighting Lavos? Imho Lynx full power was never shown in the game.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2005, 10:07:17 am »
This hinges on the Aeris rule, and will probably be fully discussed when the "Fates of the CT Team" article is created. Titanic spoilers if you haven't played FF7, and want to.


The Aeris rule means that any RPG character, no matter how badass in battle, can be killed by a simple knife to the back outside of it. The great Magus could be felled by Tata in a cutscene with a cup of poison tea, and Crono and Marle could be defeated by the Porre army. What we know should dictate that Tata would be sent to the far side of the universe via Black Hole, and thousands would be blinked out of existence in Luminaire, but since these occur outside the game, they're subject to the Aeris rule, and the safety and defense of the characters plummets.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2005, 01:17:10 pm »
Lynx is a powerful magic user who can teleport, fly, and create shadows.  I think that if Lynx had the element of surprise and Lucca was not armed or amored, he could overcome her.  

What I don't accept is that any of the time travelers fell in battle to the Porre military, under any circumstances.  Any of the travelers in battle readiness is a match for Lavos, and Chrono Cross did not demonstrate that Porre had any power which could threaten them.  I don't believe an assassination attempt would be successful either.  Any being who could withstand a blow from Lavos would not be significantly injured by whatever Porre would dish out, armored or not.

Zeality, that is an unfortuate reality of the genre.  Graphical and gameplay limitations introduce these inaccuracies.  At that point in the game, Sephiroth had the power to kill Aeris, but the battle system dictated that the damage caused by a sword blow was easily recovered from.  If Aeris was completely vaporized by a magical attack it would make more sense.

I think the Chrono Series is a bit better than other works at being consistent.  Take Crono's death for example.  Any plot events which break the battle system have sufficient supernatural power.  Except for Ozzie's traps, those are stupid.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2005, 09:35:40 pm »
IMO, any such "Aeris rule" is an attempt by the game developers to escape rationality, reason, and physics, and therefore constitutes bad storytelling.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2005, 10:24:39 pm »
That's stretching it a bit. At worst, it's a way of taking control away from the player.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2005, 04:55:18 am »
That is evil :| but if everything would be in player hands it would also be a bit uninteresting

Old School Chrono Gamer

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« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2005, 02:25:36 pm »
You forget that Aeris wasn't just stabbed by anyone.  She was stabbed by SEPHIROTH.  And come on, what was her max HP at that point in the game?  Didn't Sephiroth nearly anihilate that dragon at the cloud flashback in kalm with just one swing.  Also, I direct you to the last fight of the game.


If you chose to see what would happen if you didn't use the free omnislash when you fight HUMAN sephiroth, he slashes you with his sword for about 5,000 points of damge.  It all plays in with the FF7 battle system.

By the way, when the hell did chrono and marle die?  I must not have put the right character in my party when a certain scene occured in Cross.  Please explain this to me someone.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2005, 07:33:10 pm »
It's never stated anywhere that Crono or Marle died. It's sometimes assumed that this happened in "The Fall of Guardia," as seen in the PSX version of CT. In fact, there are many theories about what actually happened to them. The most notable:

-The pictures seen in Lucca's orphanage imply the orphans saw the CT crew.

-It's possible that Miguel is Crono.

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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2005, 06:15:28 pm »
If you really think about it no matter how strong your characters get they are still human(with the exception of Robo obviously) and human flesh can be cut easily. Now during battles characters are wearing strong armor and therefore don't die from normally fatal attacks. However there are always small areas of the body not covered by armor and when your not in battle the attacker probably has time to hit you there instead of slashing madly(like in Aeris's case, all Sephiroth had to do was get her beneath whatever armor she had equipped) And should a character be wearing no armor even a toddler with a knife could kill someone like Crono as long as Crono didn't have time to dodge or attack first.

Therefore in the case of Lucca Vs Lynx it is most likely that Lucca was wearing no armor therfore only one hit from Lynx would kill her. All lynx had to do was wear enough armor to withstand her Flare or catch her by surprise before she could attack.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2005, 07:11:10 pm »
I think you guys might be looking into the whole thing a little too critically.  Remember, the leveling, update of weapons, armor, and abilities are all tied to gameplay, not story.

The best analogy I can think of is in the case of the Resident Evil series.  In that series, your character can be bite by zombies, slashed by Hunters, and mauled by every sort of monster, all of which are infected by a deadly and communicable virus.  However, no matter how much the character is hit, he/she never really suffers the effects of the virus.  That's because he/she's not supposed to ever be hurt as defined by the storyline.

Point in case, Crono getting killed by Lavos, then coming back and wailing on the beast, taking hits that were actually stronger than that one attack and surviving.  In the end, if it's not designated by the story, it's never happened.  Every person remains at what could be considered a "normal" state, in which even Magus could be taken down by a single blow from a sword (much like Aeris was).  The sole purpose of HP, MP, leveling, and all that is for gameplay, not story, because, let's face it, if just about every attack from an enemy were to work as it would in reality, then even Goblins and Imps would be deadly enemies throughout the entire game.

That would mean that, skill wise, Lucca never managed to improve any from her natural state.  (How could she have beaten Lavos then?  Lotsa dodging, grit, and having the script on her side :P ).

At least, that's the way I've always seen it.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2005, 09:16:53 pm »
The numerical and computational aspects of the battle system are obviously related to game play, but the events displayed on the screen are very realistic and I think they are actually happening.  The game doesn't take place in reality; it takes place in a fictional world where magic and time travel are possible.  Crono can withstand attacks which would have vaporized him before because he became more able over time.  Even if you don't believe that Crono achieved supernatural abilities, he obviously improved in strength and skill over the course of his travels.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2005, 10:02:03 pm »
Not to mention that characters in any RPG tend to get unrealistically tough to kill. For example, in D&D, the average 5th level character (not very high leveled) can withstand a bullet to the head at point-blank range with ease. As said before, this is a flaw inherent in almost all RPGs; making an entertaining combat system necessitates bending a few rules.


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Lucca vs Lynx
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2005, 10:03:12 pm »
Oh, and if you follow the rules strictly, 75% of commoners will be killed by the attack of a common house cat.