Author Topic: Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7... possible connection  (Read 1146 times)


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Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7... possible connection
« on: July 05, 2008, 03:23:50 am »
Ok so the thread in another forum isn't getting the publicity it deserves so I figured I would post a theory here.

Ok so the Lavos' spawns always travel through space and has to repeat a process to create new spawns. Now different types of planet DNA can mean different looking Lavos. It may also mean a different means of travel.

We know Jenova crashed into the planet in FF7 with a comet. Ok so it doesn't mean it's impossible that a lavos' spawn rides a comet instead of acting as one.

Anyway, after weakening the planet and growing strong enough, Lavos emerges destroys the planet and creates spawns.

Jenova had a problem. It was sealed in a geological stratum... So it could only influence life.

Lucca says the words that the human race is raised like farm animals only to be slaughtered. So does that mean Lavos' influences things? Yes we can see his influence on Queen Zeal and the Mammon machine and all of that stuff.

We can also see Jenova's influence by influencing Shinra to make reactors and soldiers and the injection of Jenova cells with the showering of mako.

They each have similar characteristics and each came in a similar way.

Does this mean we have a relation between FF7 and CT.... Not only are my two faves of all time, but I honestly think we could have a connection here.

So I will leave it up to you, what do you think?


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7... possible connection
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 07:55:04 pm »
Well, I'm sure Square's past games greatly inspired later ones; here is a mini list of what I can think of right now:


1. Both violently crash into planets
2. Both can manipulate planet's inhabitants
3. Both have multiple forms
4. Both have the ability to mimic (Lavos first form/ Jenova morphing into Sephiroth and mimicing Cetra)


1. Lavos produces offspring/ Jenova does not (unnatural things from experiments such as the Sephiroth clones don't count)
2. Lavos destroys a world after harvesting, leaving his children to conquer other worlds/ Jenova herself moves from world to world, using the previous planet as a vessel.
3. All said and done, the will of Lavos is absolute - he can never be truly manipulated because he always maintains the upper hand/ Sephiroth's will eventually takes over Jenova's and she works to promote his cause.
4. Lavos waits until he feels threatened or his absorption is complete to truly attack the world/ Jenova attacks the Cetra immediately - mimicking them to get closer in order to slaughter them.


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Re: Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7... possible connection
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 11:09:07 pm »
actually what about the darkages?


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7... possible connection
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 12:47:28 pm »
Oh yea... well then changes point 4 a bit

4. Lavos waits until he feels threatened, his slumber is disturbed, or his absorption is complete to truly attack the world/ Jenova attacks the Cetra immediately - mimicking them to get closer in order to slaughter them.

and adds another difference:

5. Lavos can be summoned to a location/ however Jenova is the one who "summons" (attracting her cells back to the main body

EDIT: typo