Hey guys, I'm the creator of Chrono Crisis. Just wanted to let everyone know that Crisis is now being developed in a much better program, and it's also going to be executed in a completely different way. The official website will be up soon, for now I have some sketches of my brand new original characters to show.
But first, here's the new introduction and a brief summary of the story:
The Earth... She holds everything we know, everything we can ever hope to understand. She is marred with the scars of humanity, wounds from wars fought needlessly from era to era, dynasty to dynasty. I suppose it is natural to pray that time heals all wounds...But there are some things that even the long droning march of time cannot heal. We learned that as children. We witnessed the dreaded future sculpted by the extraterrestrial being known as Lavos, and gazed into the dying eyes of the people there... And saw nothing but bleak grey. Everything was grey. It was if Lavos had taken even color from the people of the world... But why? Why was our Mother Earth under attack from this horrific monster? What was... Lavos? And why could it warp the minds of whomever approached it? We tried to fight it... We chased Lavos through time, doing everything we could to tip the scales of fate in our favor. We risked everything for a future we could never hope to see. In the end, we emerged victorious, saving the future, and ultimately, we hoped, ourselves. It was such a long journey... And we were so young... If we had only known that the evils of the world didn't end at Lavos... If we had only seen the evils in our own kind... If we had only realized that by saving one future, we were destroying our own...Now, nearly 1,000 years have passed since Crono, Nadia, and Lucca returned home from defeating Lavos. A mysterious new villian arises from the depths of time to send the world into darkness once again, and it's up to a new team of time travelers to set things right. The young Xavier Ashtear starts what becomes the next epic chapter in the Chrono saga, paving the path to the true future by uncovering the secrets of the past. Our new heroes will discover the hard way that time is a very delicate thing... And that the slightest change can have great consequences... Consequences they never thought possible.
Xavier Ashtear (Descendant of Lucca in 1999 A.D.)
Matison Embree (Best friend of Xavier)
Celia Guardia (This is an old sketch, a new one is being done, and Celia is a current princess of Guardia in 1999 A.D. , along with her sister Lillia.)
Arlecia Chino (World famous rock star)
And here are some screens of Arris Dome, 1999 A.D.
Outside of Subway
These are just beta shots, since I'm working to get them to blend with the CT style as much as I can, but they're a start. Once the new NPC sprites are finished the areas will also look more populated.
So, what do you guys think?