Author Topic: E3 Discussion  (Read 8204 times)

Eternal Myst

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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2008, 09:44:30 pm »
Yeah this is the biggest mistake ever. The 360 has a stupid cheaply made graphics chip and Square-Enix pushes graphics to their limit.
No it's not.Us 360 users are actually excited for this.
" The 360 has a stupid cheaply made graphics chip "
The graphics for the PS3,and Xbox 360 version of COD4 are identical yet some people say the 360 version looks better or the PS3 version looks better,and they are really identical.

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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2008, 11:38:48 pm »
It's hard for programmers to utilize the power of the PS3 if they could it would look better.....

it's hard for game makers to utilize the sensors for the wii.....if they could there's be tons of great games for wii (don't get me wrong i love the wii but only nintendo has fully utilized the motion sensors in my opinion)

Xbox from a game programmer/manufacturer is in my opinion the best/safest choice.  don't get me wrong I'd LOVE to see other manufacturers utilize the wii mote or push the PS3 to it's limits but I can see their point of view (this is coming from a programmers perspective on things).

It's going to be really, really, really hard for nintendo/Sony to beat the xbox E3 announcements made today.  Square has always been sony's ace in the hole (atleast for me and probably most people here considering were at the compendium).  Plus the netflix announcement....that's huge consoles are definitely evolving to become a media center and I have both a sony and xbox and I have to admit xbox is a better media center and this will probably  make me use it even more.

Funny comment from digg
Sony better announce halo 4 as an exclusive or they are ******



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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2008, 11:46:53 pm »
I think i would die laughing if they announced that FFXIII is going on the Wii as well. When I saw the MS press conf. I was like, what's Mr. Prez of Square enix doing,.. zomg FFXIII for 360!


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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2008, 12:18:48 am »
The prez of SE has a funny accent. I cracked up when he said "Stah Oshin: 'Till End off Time"

And leave it to Microsoft to zoom waaaaaaay out during the most anticipated trailer of the night. Pure asshole.

The new Resident Evil looks awesome.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2008, 12:27:32 am »
I can't decide if I should get a PS3 or an X-Box360.

AH!  I want MGS4 (already beat it, but on a friend's borrowed PS3) and FFXIII... Plus there's Mass Effect and Resident Evil 5, amongst others...

But then you have Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, and Oblivion to make me to choose...



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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2008, 12:28:42 am »
I can't decide if I should get a PS3 or an X-Box360.

AH!  I want MGS4 (already beat it, but on a friend's borrowed PS3) and FFXIII... Plus there's Mass Effect and Resident Evil 5, amongst others...

But then you have Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, and Oblivion to make me to choose...


Go for the 360. They're having a lot more additions to XBOX Live.


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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2008, 12:31:43 am »
I think I'll definitely go for the 360 aswell. Those titles, coupled with the new titles coming out for the Wii, like the Tales of Symphonia sequel, not to menton that it has the most chance for a new Chrono title, I think I'll be set.

I've already played through MGS4, and I practically co-own my brother's PS3, so I've sort of got all my bases covered. *Thumbs up*


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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2008, 12:59:25 am »
Yeah this is the biggest mistake ever. The 360 has a stupid cheaply made graphics chip and Square-Enix pushes graphics to their limit.

History repeats itself once again... Take a look at betamax v VHS; Genesis v SNES; hell, N64 v PSX: the latters won out because they valued quantity of use over quality of hardware. This is, and always will be, the 'true' formula of success─Microsoft simply beat Sony to the punch by sealing more third-party exclusive vendor contracts, rather than focusing more on the hardware component. Ironically, though, this is why Sony beat out SEGA...


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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2008, 05:08:13 am »
Quote from: jsondag2
It's hard for programmers to utilize the power of the PS3 if they could it would look better.....

Xbox from a game programmer/manufacturer is in my opinion the best/safest choice.  don't get me wrong I'd LOVE to see other manufacturers utilize the wii mote or push the PS3 to it's limits but I can see their point of view (this is coming from a programmers perspective on things).

I'm fairly sure Crystal Tools (formerly the White Engine) makes it so that SE can easily develop for either system...So, as long as they can do it and pump out their games on time, I don't see the fuss.

Quote from: Boo
But then you have Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, and Oblivion to make me to choose...

You should just play Oblivion on PC...that's your best choice anyways.

Quote from: Tact
I think I'll definitely go for the 360 aswell. Those titles, coupled with the new titles coming out for the Wii, like the Tales of Symphonia sequel, not to menton that it has the most chance for a new Chrono title, I think I'll be set.

It has what? Since when? What would make you think that? Oh, nothing, silly of me to think you would contribute something that made sense...:lol:

Anyways, from what I've heard it'll still be exclusive in Japan on PS3, but that there will just be 360 versions available in the English markets. Like I said, if they can do it and not effect the release dates (hey, wtf? XIII's been postponed how many times? V_V), I don't care if they go for it...If there's an audience there that'll buy it, how can you blame 'em?


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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2008, 09:47:16 am »

Quote from: Boo
But then you have Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, and Oblivion to make me to choose...

You should just play Oblivion on PC...that's your best choice anyways.

Or just not play Oblivion at all.  Why you ask?  Because it is an empty shell of a game developed by assholes who don't know how to make a good game.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2008, 12:29:02 pm »
Or just not play Oblivion at all.  Why you ask?  Because it is an empty shell of a game developed by assholes who don't know how to make a good game.

Wha?!  I love Bethesda, and I love the Elder Scroll games.  Plus, the new Fallout looks great... But to each his own.

As for Oblivion, I wish I could play it on PC (the modding community doubles the play value on such games), but my PC is ancient and needs it's memory wiped.  As of currently I am using a Mac laptop for all my computer needs (which doesn't really include gaming, moreso graphic design).


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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2008, 01:10:55 pm »
They bought and butchered the Fallout license.  Sure, their games are "OK".  I played Morrowind and Oblivion for quite a number of hours, but I was not satisfied with either.  There is little substance to them and even less player satisfaction for continuing in the game.  The Dwemer (I forget the name) robot/dwarf thing from Morrowind and finding their ancient ruins and reading about them was the only thing that peaked my interest between the two...well the Oblivion Gates were neat too, until after the 2nd one when you realize that they are all way too similar and you don't feel like you are doing much for the world by closing the individual gates.  Anyways, they took a fantastic IP, Fallout, that is a true RPG game, and changed it to "what they do best".  They modified their Oblivion engine and set it in a post apocalyptic environment and slapped the name Fallout on it.  They have warped and modified the game into something completely different than the original games..."Oblivion with guns", I believe is the common phrase associated with game.  I definately will not purchase that game.  I may play it one way or the other, but buy it?  Never.

btw, how did the move go?

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2008, 01:14:13 pm »
Having played the other Fallout games (except for Brotherhood of Steel), I don't mind the change, myself.  But then again, I enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion - I liked having so much freedom that you don't know what to do.  But I also recognize that not everyone feels that way, so it's all gravy, baby!

The move went well.  She's at work now, I'm painting our entertainment system and packing stuff up at her old place.  The wedding is this Saturday and I can't wait.


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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2008, 01:24:41 pm »
Fallout 1 and 2 does have that same feeling of going where you want, although I think it is a richer experience.  But!  What can you do, what's done is done.  I hope they release a mod kit for the fan community, is all.

Good good.  The countdown begins!  How is the weather forecast?  Or is it indoors?

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 Discussion
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2008, 01:41:11 pm »
I think Bethesda said they will not be releasing a MOD kit any time soon, if at all...  Which sucks for sure.  And I agree with you about Fallout 1 and 2 being more enclosed and story-driven.

The weather is...  We are hoping it doesn't rain, but it looks like it could.  It seems to rain every weekend here, leaving the week itself sunny and bright.  And it is outdoors, but luckily we have a backup plan...