Working at a movie theater has its advantages. Such as being required to "quality check" movies before they come out.

So, obviously, I just spent the last three hours watching "The Dark Knight".
Let me be clear. I don't really like comics or superhero stuff. The older Batman movies (the 80's and 90's ones)? Hated them. They were too silly for my tastes, and none of the villains were scary. I liked "Batman Begins" quite a bit, but it wouldn't be one of my favorites. I honestly didn't believe that the Joker could be pulled off either believably or in a remotely scary fashion.
I was wrong.
"The Dark Knight" probably just became my favorite movie of ALL TIME. IT IS THAT AWESOME. HEATH LEDGER SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME IN THAT MOVIE.
Heath Ledger as the Joker was AMAZING. I would be scared to death of this guy if he were real and I ever met him. I was very doubtful at first of Heath Ledger's ability to play the role until I saw the teaser trailer for the movie. I thought, "Eh, I'll give him a chance." HE IS A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER THAN I COULD HAVE EVER IMAGINED. In fact, I can't even imagine anyone else in that role now. Heath Ledger IS the face of the Joker now!
At times the Joker's antics were like calculated chaos. Here's the thing though, HE WASN'T PSYCHOTIC. He had a complete grasp on reality for the entire length of the movie! He completely knew the difference of right and wrong, but loved wrong, and loved pain and making other people hurt! AND HE WAS COMPLETELY BELIEVABLE! He's the first true villain I've seen who's sanity is questionable, and not for the reasons you might think! Yes, he acted crazy, but though you know he's insane, he meets none of the normal criteria for insanity (other than the traditional, 'he wants to kill people' perspective). You know something is VERY wrong about this guy, yet...yet...you just can't figure out what! He's not insane (not completely, at least), he's not psychotic, and he's got a full grasp on reality, and you're not sure if he's a flippin' genius or a crazy dog as time goes on.
He was SCARY. I mean, there are weird villains in every superhero flick, but his performance is very intense. I...wow. I just don't know what else to say. I think Heath Ledger scared the crap out of me as the bad guy.
The movie was long, but I didn't notice. In fact, when it was over, I was looking at my watch and going, "Hey, is it over already?"
Go see The Dark Knight. GO AS SOON AS YOU CAN. I see most of the movies that come out (it's part of my job), but I haven't seen one this amazing in YEARS. Even if you're not a fan of Batman (I'm not) please go! You won't regret it!
I know I'm just going on and on about it, but...wow. AMAZING. I just want to tell everyone I can about it!