Author Topic: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)  (Read 4823 times)


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2008, 02:13:15 am »
I don't think they might be able to do another movie... I don't see how they can top that one. There wasn't any foreshadowing to other villains, like the Joker was in Batman Begins. When I walked in the theater, I was expecting at the end of the movie to see a glimpse of, say, Sub-Zero or Poison Ivy, or hell I'd even settle for the Quizzler. But they didn't, and they didn't need to.

... the crappy mess of a movie called Superman Returns.

What didn't you like about it? I thought it was a fantastic film. A little tongue-in-cheek at some parts, but overall a very solid, well-made movie.


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2008, 02:19:45 am »
It was neurotic. Everyone was constantly unhappy, Lex Luthor was wooden, they didn't play up the hero aspect enough (for Christ's sake, use the John Williams theme more) and the climax wasn't explained well. The climax seemed almost anime-ish; like "whoa my friends are here, my power TRIPLED!" except now the kryptonite island magically doesn't hurt him. But that's just a flaw of Superman as a character; it's kryptonite or nothing most of the time. I love the original Superman, though.


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2008, 02:25:46 am »
... Huh... Darn it, you're right.

I haven't seen the originals, however, so I really wouldn't know what I'd be comparing it to. I read the comics, however, and was dissapointed at how light-hearted the movie seemed compared to the graphic novels.

Anything to please the masses I suppose.

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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2008, 02:46:03 am »
Now I want to see the movie even more after reading this thread.  I've only seen the first two Tim Burton ones, and Batman begins.  Hated Burton, loved Begins.  Batman, and Batman returns were just so stupid.  Nicholson wasn't a bad Joker, but the character was just so stupid.  And the Penguin was laughable.  Batman begins was just so epic, and complicated.  One of the things I loved was the way where you always thought you knew who the bad guy was, but it changes like 3 or 4 times.  Although one thing I did like about Batman returns was this line.
"Eat floor!  *Throws Catwoman on the floor* High in fiber."


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2008, 07:15:29 pm »
It was neurotic. Everyone was constantly unhappy, Lex Luthor was wooden, they didn't play up the hero aspect enough (for Christ's sake, use the John Williams theme more) and the climax wasn't explained well. The climax seemed almost anime-ish; like "whoa my friends are here, my power TRIPLED!" except now the kryptonite island magically doesn't hurt him. But that's just a flaw of Superman as a character; it's kryptonite or nothing most of the time. I love the original Superman, though.

Yeah, Kryptonite, then they retcon Red Kryptonite in, then all of a sudden he can't use his x-ray vision through lead. I honestly never liked Superman all that much.


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2008, 10:56:25 pm »
It took two days, but I finally feel empathy with the Joker.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2008, 03:57:13 am »
I work at a movie theatre too, so I saw it on Wednesday for 50c :)

This movie was incredible. However, seeing as how almost everyone in this thread has praised this film 100%, I'll share some of my more negative experiences. Warning! Spoilers ahead!

The Joker character was inconsistent. And not in a psychotic, Joker-ish way either. Sometimes he was cold and calculated, other times he was a maniac. His maniac times were far better, as his calculated side took away from the anarchistic and chaotic villain that was supposed to rival Alex from A Clockwork Orange. That said, he is still one of my favourite movie villains of all time, and his amateur video scenes are some of the most memorable from te film

Christian Bale was irritating. His deep Batman voice got repetitive and annoying, and didn't add to Batman's dark and mysterious character one bit.

The action scenes were too chaotic and dark, making it nauseating and confusing to watch. However, I will forgive them, since every other action movie does the exact same thing, only worse.

The moral dilemmas were redundant. It seems as though they were trying to make the movie deep and meaningul, but after a while it became "Hollywood-deep", which is as deep as a puddle. Less moral dilemmas would have saved this film from the false profoundness plaguing cinema, and concentrating on a couple would have done the film much better service.

Often while watching the film, it seemed as though they had kids in mind when making the film. Although I'm not a huge fan of gore, it annoyed me that they tried to make the film as dark as possible but showing violent build ups, but at the last second, pussy out and either avoid a full shot of the violent action, or cut it out altogether.

Another thing that bugged me was the amount of deus ex machinas. Quite a lot of times, something came up that saved the parties at the last second. For example, Gordon coming back to life. Also, while not quite deus ex machinas, the unrealistically advanced technology that seems to work perfectly in the situations.

Still, despite the negatives, I loved it. I'll give it a 7/10, which may seem bad to you guys, but trust me, is a very good score on my scale.

EDIT: If Ledger were still alive I would have loved a Joker backstory movie.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 04:00:23 am by Burning Zeppelin »


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2008, 05:14:12 am »
Aaron Eckhart hasn't gotten enough credit, I personally loved his performance in the movie more so the Ledgers.


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2008, 04:31:09 pm »
Tried to watch "Batman & Robin" today. Couldn't even sit through half of it.

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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2008, 12:28:43 am »
Aaron Eckhart hasn't gotten enough credit, I personally loved his performance in the movie more so the Ledgers.

I'd actually be inclined to agree with you there. Don't get me wrong: the Joker was excellent. But something about the progression of Eckhart's character, this sort of 'fall of a hero' motif (which, I must add, is the stuff of true tragedy) seemed incredibly powerful. And he acted it so well!


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2008, 03:52:18 am »
I liked how they showed that Joker can both be unbelievably creepy, yet also funny, all at the same time when he performed his 'dissapearing pencil' magic trick.


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2008, 05:48:59 am »
 :lol: I haven't really seen this movie, but I saw the trailer.

My review: When I was 7+ I enjoyed reading comic books and watching Batman. I even used to purchase "Justice League" just to see him. Yeah, I was a superhero freak then. But heck, Batman was my most favorite.  :lol: He has no superpower and sort, he was just a regular man with incredible ninja-like reflexes and sharp mind. To me he was more like a detective. And dang nabbit, he's still my favorite. Also Joker, he's my most favorite villain of all time (now that I think about it, that's why I like Kefka in FF6 so much!) and I can't EVER get his insane laughter offa my mind! Two of the deadliest and coolest villains of all! But some shows and stuff didn't do them any justice... Bleh...

But when I saw the trailer, for some reason I didn't really like Joker. o_O I dunno. He just didn't "seem" like the Joker I had always feared and liked. That's why I didn't watch it. But now that everyone's talking so highly about it, I think I should give it a shot.  :lol:


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2008, 10:30:36 am »
The Tim Burton ones were not so bad or if you prefer the ones without Val Kilmer or George Clooney as the Batman.  But I haven't seen these two "restarts" so I can't compare.  Heard good things though, but Batman is not on my priority list these days. 

On wearing costumes to the theatre, when I went to see Spidey 1 or 2 in the theatre way back when, a guy was dressed in a spiderman costume, head to toe.  They called the cops and made him take off his mask, wouldn't start the movie until he did so.  Good thing too, it could have been a member of al-Qaeda!


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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2008, 04:46:59 pm »
An interesting sidenote:  This past weekend I witnessed several young children being taken out of the movie by their parents, screaming hysterically.  It took one little boy ten minutes outside to calm down before his parents left. 

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Re: Just watched "The Dark Knight" (no spoilers)
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2008, 10:25:25 pm »
stupid kids and stupid parents. didn't they see the trailer? idiots. now they traumatized their kids because they didn't guess that the kids would not be able to handle it.