Author Topic: Game sequels you'd like to see  (Read 2816 times)


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Re: Game sequels you'd like to see
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2008, 10:10:36 am »
Snatcher.  Oh, yes. 


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Re: Game sequels you'd like to see
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2008, 07:32:58 pm »
Quote from: hotspot
Of course The chrono trigger/cross series.

Yes, Chrono 4 already!

Quote from: Delta Dragon
Megaman legends 2

Yes, Megaman Legends 3 needs to be made a thing...I can't believe Capcom giving up on a series (ending?) with The Adventures of Tronn Bone...right? RIGHT? Naw, not even Capcom could quit on a Megaman series, right...Oh wait, they never gave us Megaman Soccer 2 either!?!

Quote from: tushantin
I'd BETTER see a sequel to FF6

I think a sequel would be difficult though since Magic ceases to exist, and we know that if the main characters lose their main ability things get wonky *cough*X-2*cough* :lol: but, seriously, besides an awesome FFVI DS ala FFIV DS, I'd love to see some Prequel (I think there's at least a few possibilities) action for FFVI...maybe an anime & CGI movie as well. Make a FFVI Compilation. Yeah, I said it, what!? Maybe they could make a some kind of generational thing (that includes older versions of the original cast?) ala FFIV The Return: Journey to the Moon, only make it ala FFIV DS (hey, they've got most of the 3D models right there, right? they could port The Return!)...It'd be neat to see them have to be cut down to their base abilities that really set them apart, since that's often a complaint people have about FFVI, that it makes every character the same.

Quote from: Mavix
i would like to see Legend of Dragoon 2

Yeah, that'd be nice enough, maybe even a prequel could work with LoD as well, since it ends on kind of a finishing note, as I recall...although, again, they could make it generational or heck, just a spiritual sequel since the game only has the one title to its name...

As for my own additions...

FFTactics - The actual FFTactics, none of this FFTAdvance or FFTA2 junk. An ACTUAL sequel that actually plays like it, not just on a geometric field like it that takes place in a world with the same name. An ACTUAL sequel. May or may not include original characters as playable, but certainly as nice lil cameos here & there...maybe find out w/Ramza & Alma ended up doing w/them Zodiac Stones (or maybe just a passing comment from someone who knew/met them)...

Vagrant Story - I haven't even beat VS and I still want a sequel to it. I hear the Valkyrie Profile (EDIT: thanks for the correction, I think I was probably high when I wrote all of this post & was more worried about misspelling "Valkyrie" >_>) games play a lot like it and in some cases (but not all), people say that it's better even, so maybe I'll give that a go since Square seems to be pimpin that series pretty hard as of late...

Parasite Eve - I never played the second one, and it's nice that they're giving it a sequel or w/e happens with The 3rd Birthday (hooray for cell phone things!)...But I'd like an actual sequel for a current-gen system would be great. I mean, the way I saw it, back in the day, anything RE could do, PE could do better & as an RPG...But then RE4 came about & I think it's time for the Parasite Eve series to step it up (not necessarily RE4/5's style or anything, but just something to up the par/keep up).

Dept. Heaven - This is a great series which has already given us their funky, unique take on RPGs with Riviera: The Promised Land, which, besides a fairly basic battle system, had engaging characters, neat enough movement system (you have to play to understand, I think, the best I could say was that it was "point & click" which I don't think accurately judges it) and their bizarre (& difficult as you go along I've found so far) SRPG Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone, which I loved how the battle system just seemed to keep growing and although the graphics weren't fabulous and the gameplay could have used some kinks taken out (but damn if they didn't get intense when they came down to the wire) & the upcoming Knights in the Nightmare (for DS), which will actually be the 4th installment of the Dept. Heaven I'm really looking forward to not only the 4th game to come out, but also w/e they have in store for Dept. Heaven III.

Metroid - More games like the remake Metroid: Zero Mission (why they haven't made an updated version of The Return of Samus, I'll never know) & Metroid: Fusion would be great, but I'd like to see her (Samus, of course) in 3D but with 2D physics (ala Street Fighter 4) this fan-made remake of how a Super Metroid remake should be made...

That would kick ass.

Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium - I'm not counting the Online & Universe games...MMOs are spiritual successors at best. We need a new Phantasy that doesn't suck ass. C'mon, Sega, you can do it! What? You're making a Sonic RPG instead? Well, no wonder you lost the console wars you sick fucks...! >_>

Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense - I know that the Twisted Metal games got stale real quick (I think basically people realized they were just modified Mario Kart games)...but I always liked the Vigilante 8 series a lot more...and with modern graphics, I think the series could make a killing...but maybe they're already doing that and failing with Twisted Metal and I just haven't cared enough to find out...>_<

Strider - Capcom teased us by including one of gamings best ninjas in their lineup on Marvel vs Capcom 2...I want to see him in a new game, a 2D sidescroller, a 3D sidescroller, ANYTHING (I don't know how much a completely 3D game would work w/o messing with gameplay too much). Maybe put up some competition with Ryu Hayabusa again though...?

Probably tons more I either can't think of or are already getting a new game (Fuck yeah Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff!)...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 02:55:19 am by V_Translanka »


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Re: Game sequels you'd like to see
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2008, 05:53:15 am »
Vagrant Story - I haven't even beat VS and I still want a sequel to it. I hear the Valkyrie Story games play a lot like it and in some cases (but not all), people say that it's better even, so maybe I'll give that a go since Square seems to be pimpin that series pretty hard as of late...

Valkyrie Profile. If you're playing it, I hope you have a walkthrough at hand... The game basically expects you to have the power of foresight.

Vagrant Story is great, although I'm not too far yet.

Delta Dragon

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Re: Game sequels you'd like to see
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2008, 09:37:00 pm »
As an after though I just remembered something.  They need to STOP making stupid new Sonic games and REMAKE the old classics.  If they remade Sonic 2 with better graphics, it would sell like crazy.  Oh, and I highly agree on a sequel to FFT.  That's another one of my favorite RPGs.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 02:38:21 pm by Delta Dragon »


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Re: Game sequels you'd like to see
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2008, 07:33:04 pm »
You're all going to laugh at me, but I'd like a Chameleon Twist 3.  Also, Megaman 9's already coming out, so let's just say I'd like MegaMan 10! :D

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Game sequels you'd like to see
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2008, 08:26:46 pm »
Yeah, I could go for a sequel to FFT.  And Terranigma.  I would also settle for a sequel to Skies or Arcadia.


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Re: Game sequels you'd like to see
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2008, 09:43:50 pm »
Parasite Eve - I never played the second one, and it's nice that they're giving it a sequel or w/e happens with The 3rd Birthday (hooray for cell phone things!)...But I'd like an actual sequel for a current-gen system would be great. I mean, the way I saw it, back in the day, anything RE could do, PE could do better & as an RPG...But then RE4 came about & I think it's time for the Parasite Eve series to step it up (not necessarily RE4/5's style or anything, but just something to up the par/keep up).

Hey, I just heard, along w/FFXIII Agito, they announced that The 3rd Birthday will also be released on PSP! Hooray! I knew they'd end up porting/changing their minds/whatever's happening with the cell phone games...I wonder if FFVII: Before Crisis & FFIV - The After: Return to the Moon will get ports as well...hmmm...