lot of work went into this one. The only 2d element in the scene is the sky, everything else is 3d. I am thoroughly surprised my computer did not blow up with that much geometry in my scene, although during the creation process of this image I did crash frequently.
The environment is loosely based on the environment frog is seen in during the masamune cutscene in the PS1 version of chrono trigger. (See cutscene here:
I Re-did the pose based off of the quick one i had done before. I think this pose is an improvement and looks more dynamic (the feet placement, etc). He has new eyes that are actually frog eyes, and many material adjustments (IE sword).
I rendered out around 10 different passes from 3ds max and comped them together in photoshop (with other adjustments) to create this final image. In fact, I have stared at it so much my eyes are about to bleed, so if I missed something or something looks off to you please let me know so I can fix it. There are a few minor things i can spot, but nothing too bad. As with all the CT images I have been doing, I have learned a lot. I think in doing this one I learned the most compared to any of the others.
ANYWAY, I hope you guys like it!
Note: This image is best viewed when listening to Frog's Theme :p>>