Author Topic: Turn Based Combat  (Read 6855 times)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: Turn Based Combat
« Reply #60 on: August 18, 2008, 07:58:55 pm »
He can't "handle" the controls because they aren't as good or as easily adaptable as a PC.

with the whole more buttons deal both 360 and PS3 are compatible with keyboards and mice.

Yeah, thus showing even more how the home consoles are really nothing more than glorified (outdated) PCs.

If, for whatever bizarre reason, you enjoy a controller, just like you can get keyboards for home consoles, you can get a vast array of controllers for your PC.

you know you don't have to use outdated when everything is outdated.  In my opinion the PS3 either rivals what's out there or is better power wise.  I don't know of any home PC that uses 6 cell processors that would be affordable not to mention you have to overhaul your PC just to run blu-rays.  Even if they are using outdated hardware they seem to be able to keep up with graphics on PCs and they don't have update there console to do so.

I love how this conversation changed from talking about RPGs to what platform is better I could really careless I do whatever I need to do to play the games I want to play, I truly don't have a preference like so many others.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 08:08:03 pm by redwing605 »


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Re: Turn Based Combat
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2008, 08:25:06 pm »
The keyboard is a good point, I myself have used keyboard on a console before.

However, consoles are designed so all you need to do is buy the game. If you have to go purchasing side parts (peripherals) to use the game then, it starts taking away from the purpose of a console anyways.

That aside, even if you DID use a keyboard, I'm not POSITIVE, but I do know that on any standard game, the buttons only correspond with the controller buttons, which means none of the numbers at the top do anything, and anything that isn't an a,b,x,y,l or r (and the window key) won't do anything.
Though they may change this if they start going all MMO on our asses, HOWEVER, that'd take some patching for specific keyboards I'd think, which is why it's hard to go MMORPG on consoles.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: Turn Based Combat
« Reply #62 on: August 18, 2008, 08:38:22 pm »
The keyboard is a good point, I myself have used keyboard on a console before.

However, consoles are designed so all you need to do is buy the game. If you have to go purchasing side parts (peripherals) to use the game then, it starts taking away from the purpose of a console anyways.

That aside, even if you DID use a keyboard, I'm not POSITIVE, but I do know that on any standard game, the buttons only correspond with the controller buttons, which means none of the numbers at the top do anything, and anything that isn't an a,b,x,y,l or r (and the window key) won't do anything.
Though they may change this if they start going all MMO on our asses, HOWEVER, that'd take some patching for specific keyboards I'd think, which is why it's hard to go MMORPG on consoles.

Depends on what game you play, like half-life from the PS2 had a feature to allow the use of keyboard and mouse and the controls are just like playing on PC, thats just an example I don't know how many games nowadays do that.