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Author Topic: Chrono Trigger Movie Script  (Read 3696 times)


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Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« on: August 14, 2008, 09:33:33 pm »
Before I put it up, I'm just curious if I would put it here? I have an idea for a Chrono Trigger Trailer, not a whole movie, just a trailer for one, like people have done with other games, Metal gear Solid, Pacman, Dig Dug, F-Zero, Punch Out!, Contra, etc.
I feel one should be made for Chrono Trigger live action and I've had a pretty decent script for awhile now but I just want to be sure...
Is this where I would post the script for comments on it?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 12:04:02 pm by ONSLAUGHT »


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Re: Is this where this would go?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 09:58:50 pm »
Post away! this is as good of a place as any.


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Re: Is this where this would go?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 10:00:12 pm »
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it─as you described it─would fit here.

Edit:Ninja'd?! Dammit Kebrel!


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Re: Is this where this would go? AKA Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 11:30:30 pm »
*EDITED Maybe now it'll be easier to read*

*EDITED so I won't double post*

*EDITED for same reason as last time*

*EDITED once again, same reason, wouldn't mind someone posting... :( *

*Somebody please post something!*

I am considering which characters to drop if I have to. I don't have any pictures to upload or edit yet, but I will definetly be making this since I am officially working on making Lavos.

Now if you want to know how I'm doing this so you may have your own little pet Lavos at home, here is how.

First, find a dome shaped object. Next step if you want to preserve the object(I'm not) then put some tin foil around it and paint it the color of your Lavos.(my Lavos is simply black and red like the day in 1999 AD that it busted out of the ground) Next using BLANK and BLACK paper, you will be rolling into cone shapes.(make sure you have a lot of this because you are going to do this well over 30 times for an authentic Lavos). I'm doing 64 total. They don't all have to be the same size as well. After this, tape them on the inside and out so they stay rolled up. Next get them attatched to your object, whatever it may be.(different objects need different methods) Next, when the spike are on your Lavos, if you're going for my kind of lavos, I'm going to get some red paint and just do some strokes on the lower parts of every spike and the body. Finally, the head of the Lavos Outer Shell. For this you want to slap some paper on the front of Lavos, but make sure it is slightly pushed out. Make it look like the eye obviously(spirals and at the center a black pupil, every other spiral a different color). Then, for the eyelid that it is famous for, You simply take the right shade of yellow, put it on paper(or if you have some paper that is already that color, saves you a step!)and then tape it, staple it, or glue on the eye. for that pop out effect. Just make sure to not press down too hard or the eye WILL get crushed and the pop out effect will be useless and you might as well have drawn the eye on there.

And that's how I'm making my Lavos. If I can, I'll record it and put it up on my Youtube profile. Labeled below.

NEW YOUTUBE ACCOUNT MADE! Expect to see updates as soon as I get a video editing system, no clue how long that may be. The account name is Chrono TriggerTrailer and can be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/ChronoTriggerTrailer.

Very well then! Also this idea dies when I gain a hatred of Chrono(that'll happen when I fall down a flight of stairs and lose all memory of positive things of Chrono).


First all the companies' logos that would make the movie and/or assist with it's development.

Fade to black.

Standard Chrono Trigger opening. Seagulls can be heard as well as the ocean. Moving up the eastern side of the western continents we move in on the northeast part of the land, where the town is all a bustle, the fair can be seen with balloons popping off in celebration of the anniversary of the Kingdom of Guardia. The camera moves in on a single house fading into it's front door. The camera moves in the house and heads for the stairs, and fades out. It moves up the stairs and fades out. Finally we see Crono in bed sleeping. Close up of his eye opening up as a blinding light fills the screen.

All black background with words appearing on the screen.

"The classic tale from Square"

"Now on the big screen for all to see..."

Crono is at the fair and stares in awe at everything around him, gawking. Camera is spinning around him. A second shot close at his face as he looks about.
Crono is now seen running for Lucca's machine when he bumps into Marle. Crono falls back  and Marle falls on her side, her pendant coming off, gliding through the air. A shot of just Marle if seen as she gets to her knees. She rubs her shoulder.
Marle: Ow! That really hurt!
Marle is still rubbing when she sees Crono lying flat on his back. The camera goes back to Marle. She puts her hands to her mouth in shock.
Marle: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Oh, I didn't mean for that, are you alright?
Marle is seen sitting on her knees over Crono who slowly gets up rubbing his head and he waves her off that he's alright. Camera back to Marle.
Marle: Oh, thank god.
Marle puts a single hand up to her chest where she notices she's missing her pendant. She looks down at her chest and notices it is gone. Marle jumps slightly freaking out.
Marle: Ah! My pendant! Where is it?!
Marle begins looking frantically as the camera pans over to her pendant on the ground and then zooms in on it. Camera shows just pendant on ground as Crono walks over and picks it up. Side view of Marle's back. He taps her on the shoulder and she turns around to see him holding it in her face. Marle squeels a little(about a second)and jumps up on Crono, hugging him and thanking him repeatedly.

"But when something goes wrong..."

People are panicking at the site of Lucca's machine and Lucca can be seen holding herself steady. A blue tint is across the screen as Marle is seen being sucked into a time gate. Marle is in a panic, looking around as she hovers not knowing what is going on. Crono is seen looking on determined to stop whatever it is, not knowing anything of what is occuring. Marle reaches out and appears to be moving toward her friends of Guardia but is sucked through and the portal vanishes.

Camera starts at crono's feet and he runs for the first telepod grabbing her pendant. camera is now in on his face as he holds the pendant in the air.

Black screen.

"And events unfold..."

-- = I may eliminate this, only one of the parts labeled this will be kept.

--Back in Guardia the Chancellor is seen at the site of Guardia Castle.
Chancellor: Take away this rapscallion! He is a, a, a, a terrorist!

--The scene moves over to a court room where the judge slams down his hammer.
Judge: This court finds the defendant guilty and to be executed!
Now over in a jail cell Lucca stands before Crono as he is sitting on the ground. Close up on Lucca's face.
Lucca: We gotta get outta here!

--Suddenly a time gate is seen and then the camera takes a deep dive into the portal.

"That lead to a terrifying discovery..."

In 1999 AD, Lavos rises from the ground, raining destruction from the heavens, burning, killing, ending the planet as we know it. Different shots of planet being destroyed will be taken including the famous Lavos rising.

"And the plan to change history..."

Marle is seen in the computer room looking on at Crono and Lucca.
Marle: We have to stop this by any means necessary!

(Maybe keep) Lucca is seen and she nods, camera zooms out to also see Marle and the two girls look at Crono.
Crono makes a fist with his arm about face level, elbow bent as he smiles and nods.

"But it won't be easy..."

In the End Of Time, Gaspar stands at the lamp post and Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Robo stand around him.
Gaspar: To stop Lavos you will need many friends, many powers, many items, many experiences!
Lucca's face is seen.
Lucca: Anything else?
Close up on Gaspar.
Gaspar: A lot of luck.

All of the following parts are just scenes that will happen consecutively for action like/dramatic effect.

(Note: Not all parts may be used, depends on who's costumes I may get.)
  • Crono and Marle in Magus' castle dodge an attack delivered by Flea.
  • Frog breaks the stone blocking the entrance to Magus' Castle.
  • Crono and Frog use the X Strike on Yakra in the Cathedral.
  • Ayla is at Mystic Mountain fighting off Reptites.
  • The Chrono Trigger rises into the air at Death Peak and Marle watches.
  • At the bridge of Guardia castle;the boss battle with the Dragon Tank;Lucca fires her gun at the head which comes off and Crono leaps onto it's back, stabbing his sword in and then slashing it out.
  • The Epoch can be seen dashing by the screen through a time gate.

Black Screen.

"Experience a journey like no other..."

Crono, Marle, and Lucca rise into the air they use the Delta Force on the Golem Twins in the Ocean Palace.

Black Screen.

"Take a trip through time."

(Characters names appear on screen the same time their scene is occuring)
Crono pulls out his katana and runs forth toward battle at Zenan Bridge.
At Death Peak over Crono's shoulder.
Marle: Don't you ever do that to me again!
Lucca has robots closing in on her, and she twists a nob on her Hypno Wave devise and the robot starts shakes the more she turns the knob until it explodes. She laughs and strikes a victory pose.
Frog is seen at Cyrus' grave holding up his sword before him, it glowing with power.
Robo in Proto Dome beats his chest and then blows off some steam.
Ayla soars through the sky on her pterodactyl.
Magus stands atop North Cape.
Magus: Play with fire, and you're gonna get burnt.
Magus snickers.

(Once again I may not use all of the following clips, it depends on what I have available.)
Crono is seen using confuse on a Hetake in Guardia forest.
Marle in Magus' castle leaps at a snake no crossbow ready to strike it with an arrow.
Lavos in it's third form roars in Crono's face.
Crono and Robo are entering Zeal Palace with guards after them. Crono leaps into Robo's grip and he spins crono using the Max Cyclone technique.
Crono flies through the air in prehistoric times using the Falcon Hit.
Lucca and Robo are back to back firing their guns in the future.
Crono uses Luminare in the final battle with Lavos.
Magus performs hand gestures in his castle when Crono, Frog and Marle use their Arc Impulse on him.
Lucca and Marle run forward in Guiardia forest and unleash antipode.
Crono carries Marle on his back and they walk along Porre in the present age.
Crono and Marle at Zenan Bridge use Ice Sword on Zombor.

The screen flashes to a pale white.

Chrono Trigger appears.

Information about the movie is shown.

Faded back to a black background, Norstein Bekkler floats across the screen stopping at the middle doing his laugh and then fades into the blackness.

It's on about it's third draft right now. Suggestions? Thoughts? Appreciation? Anything?

Edit: I may make a profile on Youtube for this stuff so when I get further with the project I'll post up a Youtube profile that will get videos on it about the project. Until then, just check in here for my info on it.

Edit: With Halloween coming up I am free to suggestions or ideas of things to do for costumes.
Also in case I lack on actors & actresses if anyone wishes to show a video link of some action I could use that'd be great.
Thank you!

Also do note that I may have to even eliminate characters, so sorry about that if I have to but I will do everything in my power to stop that.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 01:05:56 pm by ONSLAUGHT »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 02:28:26 pm »
I know double posting isn't the best thing but still, have to wonder, I recently made a staff, wondering if anyone has any ideas as to how it could be used?

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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 03:56:18 pm »
A staff?  Hmm, the only thing that I can think of would be to make it into a scythe.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2008, 04:47:17 pm »
That what I'm thinking I might do, so which would be better, black staff or brown(like a stick). Because if I use a scythe for it there's the really neat skull head scythe I want to use with Magus.

Also, I'm afraid i'm not getting the full trailer in time for the game unless all of my friends do that sort of stuff you see in the movies where all the friends round up everyone in town and get like that one celebrity their friend(me) wants to meet to help make it. And I don't think that's happening.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2008, 05:46:19 pm »
I decided to take out the crossbow, only because it is too hard to make(remember it's just a trailer, not making a whole movie, if I were such a thing would never happen)but I found a way to turn the staff into a bow for marle. It's a tad big, but it's good to use.

Frog is definetly going to show up beyond a doubt. An actor has been found, costume is all set. Frog is good to go, and first chance I get I will begin uploading photos of him and his creation process.

Please note no mask will be had for I shall replace the actor's head with a sprite head of Frog's.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 11:28:14 pm by ONSLAUGHT »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2008, 10:11:29 pm »

A Premonition
Chrono Trigger
Boss Battle 1
Lavos' Theme
Epilogue~To Close Friends~

As for remixes...
Chrono Trigger: The Frontier
Memories Of Green: Winds Of Time
To Far Away Times: Far Away memories
Wind Scene: 600 AD On Piano
Wind Scene: Memories From A Wind Scene
I have already gone through all the other songs to see where they would fit in and these songs just seem to be the best for a movie trailer.
Also sometime soon Im going to post the sixth draft of the script so yeah, what you can currently see is the third transformed into the fourth. I did on paper the fifth and sixth.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 07:26:53 pm by ONSLAUGHT »

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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2008, 12:23:08 am »
If you're doing songs as remixes, I highly suggest Atonement for the Magus battle.  Just a though though.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2008, 01:46:48 am »
I heard that and while it is very good, I didn't hear anything I could use for the trailer. I mean, even in the purposely made to be cinematic Chrono song they have i didn't get a cinematic experience! I feel more compelled to choose the originals but there is probably one remix I REALLY want to use, that sounds like if I could only choose one song it would be that.

EDIT: I have found some of the songs not quite as appealing and so in another grouping among me and others of what would fit, a few more were eliminated.
Also that one song I was talking about is The Frontier remix of Chrono Trigger. It really is an excellent remix on so many levels and sounds just like something you'd hear in the theaters if a trailer were to pop up for such a movie. That one I may actually use in the trailer, it's definetly above a lot of the others, possibly even the original!

EDIT: Crono is definetly going to appear in the trailer. I have an assured actor, and even if I cannot get the proper clothing, I can definetly get the hair. Nothing can stop him from appearing or stop this trailer now.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 07:39:43 pm by ONSLAUGHT »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2008, 08:57:45 pm »
Alright, this here is my sixth draft out of who knows how many I will have. Also, not positive but i think I have an actress who might be able to be either Lucca or Marle. I'll have to see, Magus also might be had.


First all the companies logos that would help make the movie and/or assist with it's development and production.
Commercial Break
A Fan Film
(more maybe added depending on who else helps)

Fade to black.

Standard Chrono Trigger opening. Seagulls can be heard as well as the ocean. Moving up the eastern side of the western continents we move in on the northeast part of the land, where the town is all a bustle, the fair can be seen with balloons popping off in celebration of the anniversary of the Kingdom of Guardia. The camera moves in on a single house fading into it's front door. The camera moves in the house and heads for the stairs, and fades out. It moves up the stairs and fades out. Finally we see Crono in bed sleeping. Close up of his eye opening up as a blinding light fills the screen.

Words appear on screen, possibly a voice in the background most likely not.

"The classic tale from Square"

Crono is at the fair and stares in awe at everything around him, gawking. Camera is spinning around him. Crono runs for Lucca's machine presentation and bumps into Marle, the two falling over.

"Now coming to the big screen for all to see..."

A shot of just Marle is seen as she gets up, rubbing her shoulder.
Marle: Ow! That really hurt!
Marle is still rubbing although not quite as much when she sees Crono on the ground getting up slowly. The camera goes back to Marle whom puts her hands to her mouth in shock.
Marle: Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! Are you okay?
Marle is seen on her knees over Crono who gets up rubbing the back of his head waving her that he's alright.
Shot fades out and fades immediately back in to them on their feet shaking hands.
Marle: Nice to meet you Crono! I'm, er, Marle!

Only text is seen on the screen.

"But when something goes wrong..."

People are panicking at the site of Lucca's machine and Lucca can be seen holding herself steady. Marle is shown being sucked in a Time Gate. Marle is in a panic, looking around as she hovers not knowing what is going on. Crono is seen looking determined to stop whatever is happening. Marle reaches out toward the camera facing solely her and the portal closes.

Camera movesto crono's feet and he runs for the first telepod grabbing her pendant. Camera is now in on his face as he holds the pendant in the air.

Black screen.

"Events begin to unravel..."

Crono is seen in Truce Canyon with his sword drawn surrounded by monsters.
Back in the present Chancellor's voice can be hard in background as clip goes on.
Chancellor: He is trying to overthrow the throne! Take away this terrorist!
Clip that is seen is Crono running throughout the dungeon, followed by Lucca holding up her wondershot, and lastly Crono leaping into battle on the castle's bridge.

A time gate is seen and then the camera takes a deep die into the portal.

"That lead to a horrifying discovery..."

In 1999 AD, Lavos rises from the ground, raining destruction from the heavens, burning, killing, ending the planet as we know it.

"And the plan to change history..."

Marle is seen in the computer room looking on at Crono and Lucca.
Marle: We have to stop this! We've got to change history like when you saved me.
Lucca is shown.
Lucca: I suppose it could work. Alright I'm in.
Crono is seen and he pumps his fist bent elbow and grins.

A pan across Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Robo is made as Gaspar speaks.
Gaspar: To stop Lavos you will need a lot of friends...
Switch to a scene on Denadoro Mts. Magus backhands Cyrus in the face.
Glenn: Cyrus!
Cyrus: Glenn, get out of here!
Magus: I'd worry more about yourself.
Magus casts a spell and Cyrus is on fire, Glenn watches in horror.
Magus: As for you, I think I'll have a little fun with you!
Magus casts a second spell and Glenn falls off a cliff changing back and forth between human and frog.
Gaspar: A lot of powers...
Marle is seen using Ice 2. (Location to be decided)
Gaspar: A lot of items, a lot of experiences!
Lucca: Anything else?
Close up on Gaspar
Gaspar: A lot of luck.

(Note: The following scenes will be driven on one right after the other.)
Crono and Johnny race.
Ayla uses Dino Tail on a group of enemies.
Cyrus leaps back from an attack, Glenn behind him.
Crono and Slash clash swords.
Epoch is seen dashing through a time gate.

(All names listed as such "Name" have nothing in the background except as they fade out and the clip fades in)
Crono can be seen at the controls of the Epoch.
Marle is seen knocking out an enemy of some sort(to be decided human or monster)(location also to be determined)
Lucca tosses a bat and it knocks out a monster. (location to be decided)
Frog slashes away a monster in the cathedral and looks over at crono and Lucca.
Frog: Lower thine guard, and thou'rt allowing the enemy in.
Robo is in the future and performs his victory pose.
Ayla is seen flying on a pteradactyl.
Magus is in his castle.
Magus: The black wind blows...
Magus flips his cape across the camera's view.

(Once again, the following scenes will be driven on one right after the other.)
Crono and Frog use X Strike on Yakra in the cathedral.
Marle runs toward the camera at Ocean palace. "Marle: CRONO!"
Crono uses Luminaire in Guardia Forest.
Crono, Robo and Ayla are seen standing before a monster.
Crono leaps toward Magus with Spincut at Magus' Castle, misses.
Frog at the stone before Magus' castle. "Frog: Cyrus I will avenge thee. MAGUS SHALL BE SLAIN!" Frog draws his sword and charges.
Marle uses Ice and Crono unleashes Ice Sword as he leaps in the air sword raised coming toward Zombor. A white flash covers the entire screen as Crono throws his blade downward and Zombor charges.

Chrono Trigger appears.

Information about the movie is shown.

I know I cut out a bit, and added a bit but that's what the drafting is about.  It's nice to know i can use sprites cause otherwise I'd have to cut out even more and the less I have to cut out the better! :D So, yeah thoughts, criticism, advice, anything will be accepted(except spam). A lot of the changes were made based on people helping to make it's advice considering we are quite limited, not to mention to help improve upon it as well(which scenes might be better for those who don't know what Chrono trigger is, giving certain characters more lines, if we have to remove the part it won't be a hassle whatsoever, etc.) So yeah, I'm sure I can find actors and actresses for everyone.
It seems odd though, for some reason not as many girls want to be in movies in my area. I know they don't think "those" kind of movies because i outright tell them what it is, show them forms and absolute forms of proof of how I'd get in trouble if it were anything else and yet no one is interested except males. This is making it hard to find Marle AND Lucca. Ayla will be a miracle, if i can get Ayla, I can get every character.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 05:50:18 pm by ONSLAUGHT »

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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2008, 01:47:31 am »
The only thing I can think of is you might want to do a little more with Frog/Magus.  If people don't know anything about Chrono trigger they're not going to understand why Frog wants Magus to die.  They just think Magus is another character.
Oh and I was having a hard time telling.  Is this live action or animated?


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2008, 05:25:19 pm »
This is mainly live action, but I have a style I'm doing it in where both live action people AND sprites interact.

Also, I wasn't sure myself if I had enough Frog Magus going on. Thank you for the advice.
I figured after reading it earlier today a way in which i can possibly fit in the scene of Magus killing Cyrus and turning Glenn into frog. It'd also make it though so I'd have to give extra footage of Ayla and Robo as well, which I could do. When they first discover Robo, and either Ayla talking to the laruba chief or fighting off more Reptites. I'm personally for the talk with the chief.

EDIT: I actully found a way to just add what was necessary and not add too much. I've actually already thrown it in the script. However it means the ideas for Robo and Ayla are to be cut unless I want it to run for too long(trailers are brief things, and this is already looking longer than 2 minutes).

EDIT: Yeah, I know it seems like I died but I didn't. Well, I mean the project anyways... it's still going.
Just stopped by to say that since this is a little to no budget film, we will be changing up some of the costumes, for example Magus. It looks good drawn but in a real life we don't want to see a shirtless guy with long blue hair and purple pants. Oh, an a ridiculously large belt that could pretty much be a shirt for how big it is. Instead, he'll be in a more black attire(I just see that kinda being darker anyways). Plus, Magus is suppossed to display a portrayal of a very serious enemy. One of my friends took one look at him and thought he was suppossed to be some joke character, a gay guy. Why? Cause he's in purple pants. Don't worry though, his hair remains the same.
Lucca will extremely small trims but you'll notice them. I'm thinking however of taking a different approach with marle since her clothing is out there, for hundreds of dollars and I'm not the biggest money maker there is...
Frog's all good. Besides some colors(greens to blues but not too many) he is the exact same.
Crono will be the exact same. Only thing to maybe be messed with is hair since a red wig is actually very hard to find.
Robo and Ayla are sprites, so that covers them all. Thank you to those still interested!
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 01:46:30 am by ONSLAUGHT »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Movie Script
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2008, 02:34:59 am »
Has the draft changed since then, or can I put this into fan fiction?