Yeah, but then what is Ozzie to him? Any way you look at it, it's really quite creepy.
Back to the topic! I imagine that a date with CT Glenn would be awkward, whether he was a frog or not.
Me: So, Glenn, what do you like to eat?
Glenn: Anything but frogslegs.
Me: Never tried 'em. Stay away from French restaurants, then?
Glenn: Yeah. I like bugs...
Me: ... okay... um... you have any friends or family?
Glenn: Well, there's Cyrus... he's so nice. When we're in bed...
Me: ... NEXT!
Me: ... hi, there, Mr. Frog. You seen my date?
Frog: I AM your date.
Me: Oh. ... um... what do you do for a living?
Frog: I save the space time continuum while avenging my dead boyfriend by killing a bastard with blue hair. You?
Me: ... this date is over.
Yeah, I'm kind of nuts right now, so...