
If you could go on a date with one of the Chrono characters, who would it be?

2 (1.5%)
8 (6.1%)
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22 (16.8%)
Other(please name who it would be)
13 (9.9%)

Total Members Voted: 127

Author Topic: Which Chrono character would you date?  (Read 76618 times)


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #75 on: January 09, 2009, 08:47:02 pm »
Oh, come on, Nerdy! There must be a character that makes you go, 'Dude! HAWT!' or, 'Want.' or... or... I don't know!

Come on, you're no fun.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #76 on: January 09, 2009, 08:54:50 pm »
I chose Other.

N/A. Not Applicable.

They're Video Game charecters.

I'm saying if they were actual people. Obviously they ain't real, just curious. Or do you lack an imagination?
Hahahahahahahahahaha :lol:
GET OUT. (If that's the case, no imagination cause spoil sports are mean  :P )

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #77 on: January 11, 2009, 02:43:06 am »
*sees the pic*

Three words.



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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #78 on: January 11, 2009, 11:01:15 am »
You saw Mana, didn't you? Heh.

Actually, the lolita movement in Japan was started by that guy. The lolita movement is best seen here, here,  and here

So you know, I have actually dressed like that. Once.

Back to topic! I imagine that a date with Magus would be kind of awkward.

Me: So, what do you do for a living?
Magus: I summon space aliens and turn knights into frogs.
Me: Oh. ... I'm a theatre junkie. You have any family?
Magus: ... *angst*
Me: ... Magus?
Magus: You're not Schala! *kill* *angst*


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #79 on: January 11, 2009, 11:56:27 am »
I imagine that a date with Magus would be kind of awkward.

Me: So, what do you do for a living?
Magus: I summon space aliens and turn knights into frogs.
Me: Oh. ... I'm a theatre junkie. You have any family?
Magus: ... *angst*
Me: ... Magus?
Magus: You're not Schala! *kill* *angst*

I see that Lucca is winning by a large margin... as well she should.  Everything Zergplex said about her is absolutely right.  Only problem is: she's too good for most people.  Why else was she still single while raising all those orphans?  You know, besides being too busy saving all of space-time to have a boyfriend.  Not like that stopped her childhood best friend Crono.

Now then, since some of the ladies were brave enough to step out of their female bubbles to imagine themselves as a male going for one of the female CT characters, I'll try likewise.


Dang, this is hard.  Well, I guess, personality-wise, Robo would be the best match for me out of all the available characters.  His non-human status kind of disqualifies him, though; I don't even know why he's on the list.  For the most physically attractive male, I suppose... Magus?  He may not have muscles on top of his muscles, but he has charisma in spades.  Too bad he wastes it on being a complete and total jerk.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #80 on: January 11, 2009, 12:02:55 pm »
See, if Magus were younger, I were a little older, and he wasn't a complete jerk who would rather get into incest than date another person, I'd seriously date him. I don't care if Alex doesn't like it; he's dead!

If there were anyone else for me in the Chrono series, I'd pick Glenn from Trigger. He's quite noble and chivalrous. ... although I'm starting to wonder if his feelings for Cyrus are more than friendly...


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #81 on: January 11, 2009, 02:04:45 pm »
I don't think Magus would get into incest, rather he'd be the over-protective older/younger brother who doesn't think anyone else is good enough for his sister. My brothers were like that, but they aren't super-powerful dark wizards.

The man in me says most of the women on that list are either scary or just plain unbearable in a relationship. It'd probably be between Schala and Lucca. Schala, because she's awesome. Lucca, because of the obvious. Smart, likes technology, likes to set things on fire, etc.
But I'm not a man, so I'll just stick to my vote for the Fiendlord :D

And yes, Glenn and Cyrus are definitely more than friendly. That just HAD to have been an "I love you!" that died on the way out at Cyrus' grave.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #82 on: January 11, 2009, 02:09:22 pm »
See, I imagine that Magus would be the overprotective little brother who would set anyone who so much as looked at Schala the wrong way on fire. And that he would want no one else. Then again, I have a bit of a sick mind, so...


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #83 on: January 11, 2009, 02:19:11 pm »
Oh, he'd set them on fire anyway! That's probably my favourite part right there.
Anyway, try thinking of it in Freudian terms. Young boys learn about sex and about admiring women from their mother - and since Janus' mother was crazy, he probably looked up to Schala. Now you could add yet another mental problem onto his angsty pile and say he never matured fully, since he was pretty much raised by Ozzie and the Mystics. So in that way, he would still prefer Schala over any other woman.
I think he has enough issues on his plate already, so I choose to assume the Mystics were able to raise him 'properly', in that field at least.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #84 on: January 11, 2009, 02:21:37 pm »
They had better done at least that, or else Magus would want Schala. And if they did it wrong... oh dear god! Maglea! MAGLEA! That sounds so wrong!


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #85 on: January 11, 2009, 02:24:48 pm »
...Good point. If Flea was the only female(?) role model he had, then Magus is DEFINITELY going to be messed up. Crap.
At least Slash would be a good foster-father. No gender confusion there.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #86 on: January 11, 2009, 02:33:37 pm »
Yeah, but then what is Ozzie to him? Any way you look at it, it's really quite creepy.

Back to the topic! I imagine that a date with CT Glenn would be awkward, whether he was a frog or not.

Me: So, Glenn, what do you like to eat?
Glenn: Anything but frogslegs.
Me: Never tried 'em. Stay away from French restaurants, then?
Glenn: Yeah. I like bugs...
Me: ... okay... um... you have any friends or family?
Glenn: Well, there's Cyrus... he's so nice. When we're in bed...
Me: ... NEXT!

Me: ... hi, there, Mr. Frog. You seen my date?
Frog: I AM your date.
Me: Oh. ... um... what do you do for a living?
Frog: I save the space time continuum while avenging my dead boyfriend by killing a bastard with blue hair. You?
Me: ... this date is over.

Yeah, I'm kind of nuts right now, so...


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #87 on: January 11, 2009, 02:40:40 pm »
Ozzie is way too lazy to raise a child himself. He most likely made Flea and Slash (or some imps, if those two weren't around yet) do all the work.

Glenn does seem like he would be the perfect guy, being so nice and chivalrous, but he strikes me as boring.
I like painting, drawing, working and rough housing. Knights, especially in the middle ages, are not supposed to let ladies do any such thing. Once you get involved with Glenn, you're stuck in front of the stove, and that's it.
Besides, he'd be too busy crying over Cyrus or trying to kill Magus to care. Glenn's probably more obsessed with Magus than you are!

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #88 on: January 11, 2009, 05:21:37 pm »
...I'd pick Glenn from Trigger. He's quite noble and chivalrous...

Not to mention a master swordsman. Cyrus says so himself.

Quote from: CT SNES Script
CYRUS: But why?
You're better with a sword than I am!

QFT, Cyrus!


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #89 on: January 11, 2009, 05:43:19 pm »
If Magus is so incesty, why does he let Kid hang around Serge in RD?

...Not canon, waaaah ;_;

Anyway, I think I picked "Robo" on the poll for perverted reasons, but thinking on it more, I guess Crono is the most datable of the bunch, even if I find Magus and Frog more attractive. (Yes, Frog. The curse isn't so bad considering how cute a frog Magus turned him.) Now if this Magus was RD Magil, that's an entirely different question...

If I were a dude or gay I'd probably pick Marle. She has an overpowering sweetness, and I find her adorable and spunky. Plus I'd probably be an ass man.