Well, I don't see myself giving up my possibly-copyrighted identity of Schala... ever. Something about her just triggers some strange energy in me. Not to mention we are so alike, it's scary, as if I feel I am her. Hence why this is my alias. Fast-forward to my 70th birthday in 2057 I'd possibly still be Schala, but Chrono would likely be irrelevent to future gamer society except for the chosen few such as this site. Chrono Trigger wasn't noticed recently by society for many years until the DS remake. Even then it will die out.
Like today, Final Fantasy I was a great game on the NES, but who would give a rats ass? Everyone's into their wii's and Xbox 360s and PS3s. Younger kids especially. "Durr....gee FF1 was 20 years before I was born. The graphics suck and so the game must suck...durr!"
Well kids, I say Age of Conan sucks. Oh no! How dare I diss a game with uber graphics! Well gee, there's hardly any community RP and it's full of lifeless gamers who just want to slaughter 3D animated creatures. Good game? I think not...