
If you could go on a date with one of the Chrono characters, who would it be?

2 (1.5%)
8 (6.1%)
17 (13%)
3 (2.3%)
2 (1.5%)
15 (11.5%)
7 (5.3%)
5 (3.8%)
12 (9.2%)
1 (0.8%)
4 (3.1%)
1 (0.8%)
4 (3.1%)
5 (3.8%)
8 (6.1%)
1 (0.8%)
0 (0%)
1 (0.8%)
22 (16.8%)
Other(please name who it would be)
13 (9.9%)

Total Members Voted: 127

Author Topic: Which Chrono character would you date?  (Read 84212 times)

Schala Zeal

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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #210 on: May 30, 2009, 02:10:17 pm »
Nintendo wants to target minors, that's why. Same as the tobacco company, lol.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #211 on: June 12, 2009, 10:12:52 am »
Nintendo had strict family standards towards everything at the time Chrono Trigger was released, not just on nudity, so while it was something small and something that could easily go unnoticed due to graphical issues, it was censored. If you want to get technical the snake lady wouldn't be wearing anything, if they were to go by traditional African tribe customs.

Since most people date with the eyes first, the same as they do eating,  even if your personality was good, but yet you had poor hygene and looked like a washed up rat, I'm sure no one would want to date you reguardless if they are thinking about casual dating or sex. I personally believe it's the inside that counts. The outside flesh has nothing on the spirit, the beauty of the spirit is more beautiful than anything the world has to offer, thus if you are only attracted to someone by looks, you are being attracted to only the flesh which can rot and rust.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 10:18:51 am by swordandshield »


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #212 on: June 12, 2009, 10:20:39 am »
...thus if you are only attracted to someone by looks, you are being attracted to only the flesh which can rot and rust.
And yet this is what was hard-coded into us by Mother Nature. This isn't to say you are wrong, nor to justify such an attraction - but instinct still carries on, deep within our brain, from millions of years of life on this planet. At least that's what I think, anyway. I've never agreed with such instinct, but I won't deny that I believe it still exists. Is the perpetuation of life beneath us humans? Not necessarily; but we still, and rightfully so I should think, place other things of higher value and find better reasons (some of us, anyway...) to have offspring with a particular member of our species (or at least going through with the act which can cause such a thing to occur, ~9 months later).
Aaah...let's hear it for overthinking and philosophizing (even if not very well, for my part XD) this thread's subject! Hoo-hah!!


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #213 on: June 12, 2009, 04:05:07 pm »
Ladies aren't gonna want you if you smell like ass, sorry bros.

If you want to get technical the snake lady wouldn't be wearing anything, if they were to go by traditional African tribe customs.
What the hell do videogame nagas have to do with traditional African tribe customs?


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #214 on: June 14, 2009, 04:45:27 am »
And yet this is what was hard-coded into us by Mother Nature. This isn't to say you are wrong, nor to justify such an attraction - but instinct still carries on, deep within our brain, from millions of years of life on this planet. At least that's what I think, anyway. I've never agreed with such instinct, but I won't deny that I believe it still exists. Is the perpetuation of life beneath us humans? Not necessarily; but we still, and rightfully so I should think, place other things of higher value and find better reasons (some of us, anyway...) to have offspring with a particular member of our species (or at least going through with the act which can cause such a thing to occur, ~9 months later).
Aaah...let's hear it for overthinking and philosophizing (even if not very well, for my part XD) this thread's subject! Hoo-hah!!
I know, it seems like a lost cause, since it appears to be an innate trait thats common with us, just like there is being born innate having the sense of good and evil. There is a void in our hearts and minds and we humans tend to fill up that void with junk. We are only dust and can offer petty treasures such as filthy rags and the world itself leads us into temptation who many could not resist due to deceit. There's more to our lives than the illusion we've been painted to perceive upon. Note the many traditions, customs, doctrines, and mis-guided concepts that come along with the package as well. There is only so much time and so much we can achieve and do at a time that we have to prioritize and pick and choose which path to ultimately walk. Life comes only once and life is what we should seek and focus upon, not imaginations of falsehood that only rewards with bondage and depression.

And to maggiekarp, women in most African tribes go barechested in contrast to women in other countries. While comparing nagas to them is odd, nagas live among the wild in the same fashion as the African tribes, thus they should technically be barechested.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #215 on: June 14, 2009, 10:17:08 am »
Damn this topic got derailed  :shock:
I wish I could vote twice.... cause you know, just as well as I do, that 2 is WAY better than 1.

I wonder why people like Lucca so much?


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #216 on: June 14, 2009, 11:57:08 am »
Because everyone started off going by personality(the sincere thing). Then it got to the perks of the character such as "Ooo, they're a princess and rich!" and "I'd have this strong swordsman to protect me!" and then it changed into the latest theme, who's best in bed? Although honestly no one's even taking into account any actual signs. They just look, "Hmm, who has the least clothing? Ayla does so that CLEARLY-"clearly-"must mean she's the best in bed!"

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #217 on: June 14, 2009, 12:47:32 pm »

While comparing nagas to them is odd, nagas live among the wild, thus they should be barechested.

Your logic is astounding.

They live outside, so they should be naked. Duh!

But really, I don't think I've seen a Naga-ette outside at any point in or out of the game. They've all been indoors. So your shaky logic just got shot down.


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #218 on: June 14, 2009, 01:39:47 pm »

While comparing nagas to them is odd, nagas live among the wild, thus they should be barechested.

Your logic is astounding.

They live outside, so they should be naked. Duh!

But really, I don't think I've seen a Naga-ette outside at any point in or out of the game. They've all been indoors. So your shaky logic just got shot down.
Maybe the idea is more, while they may be human-like, they are not actually human (hence "wild", is my guess), thus aren't bound by the same conventions as humans are, thus they could very well choose not to - who's to say what is and is not considered "decent" among creatures that aren't humans? Just to say, is all.

And to swordandshield: I couldn't agree more; this is not to hypocritically say I've never fallen into such traps, just to say, I happen to think along very similar if not exactly the same lines. Which is why I refuse to approach this topic (in the sense of the discussion, not so much referring to the start of the thread) in the manner of "Omg CLEAVAGE! WANT~" or something. x_X Honestly, to what meaning is it? Youth doesn't last forever - what do you have after that? We humans really need to start thinking ahead... In 10 years, this flesh changes so much - and yet the person within tends to remain relatively the same (unless we were to examine the developmental years, say anytime between birth and about 16 or so, which is inappropriate, I should think, for the topic at hand). So honestly, why invest in what will inevitably be lost, instead of what will inevitably remain forever? Why choose a person based on the temporary, instead of based on the permanent? I would rather take someone with a beautiful mind, heart, and soul, than a beautiful body. Call me foolish - but that body, just like your own, will not last forever, no matter how you try. This is not to disrespect any of the characters in this game; this is merely to call out those who made their votes simply based on nothing more than physical attraction. Are all humans really so shallow? How do you think they would feel? How do you think your life partner (I won't say husband or wife here, if only because I have nothing against any orientation, straight gay or bi, kthxbai) if they knew you chose them only for their outward appearance, something we all know can't possibly last forever or even close to forever?
Okay, I've...gone on long enough...but just one more thing, here.
There's nothing wrong with calling your lover "beautiful"; don't get me wrong there. I would imagine it's what every girl loves to hear. (And possibly some guys, but I would rather not make any assumptions there either way.) But will you be able to say that every day for the rest of your lives? Think about that. True love may or may not make you biased, but it will definitely allow you to see a beauty in them no one else ever could - you won't have that if you choose someone simply based on physical attraction alone. Once that's gone, what will you have left? Give that a thought, next time you look at someone in such a way...


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #219 on: June 14, 2009, 01:57:09 pm »
Keeping in mind that most of the characters are teenagers and their personalities aren't set in stone, and the fact that not everyone is attracted to Lucca's personality in the first place. And you can call someone beautiful 'til the day they die, since it's in the eye of the beholder.


Maybe the idea is more, while they may be human-like, they are not actually human (hence "wild", is my guess), thus aren't bound by the same conventions as humans are, thus they could very well choose not to - who's to say what is and is not considered "decent" among creatures that aren't humans? Just to say, is all.
A-are you implying African tribes are less than human? Oh dear!


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #220 on: June 14, 2009, 06:52:40 pm »

Maybe the idea is more, while they may be human-like, they are not actually human (hence "wild", is my guess), thus aren't bound by the same conventions as humans are, thus they could very well choose not to - who's to say what is and is not considered "decent" among creatures that aren't humans? Just to say, is all.
A-are you implying African tribes are less than human? Oh dear!

... *Mario RPG style ground flattening* Not the tribes, the NAGAS. X_X Aiya!


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #221 on: June 15, 2009, 06:47:23 pm »
Question: How much does it matter? it seems as though we've had this discussion quite a long while now(long enough I mean).

You SAY not to judge simply on appearance, and yet this seems to be important as whether or not Nagas(Nagas for god's sake!)are nude. :lol:
C'mon, which is it?


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #222 on: June 15, 2009, 06:48:54 pm »
I am going to take my ball and go home.
That's my final answer, Regis.
*pouts or something*


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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #223 on: June 16, 2009, 08:24:30 pm »
At this point, that's the best answer for anyone. :lol:

Katie Skyye

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Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« Reply #224 on: June 19, 2009, 09:35:00 pm »
Question: How much does it matter? it seems as though we've had this discussion quite a long while now(long enough I mean).

You SAY not to judge simply on appearance, and yet this seems to be important as whether or not Nagas(Nagas for god's sake!)are nude. :lol:
C'mon, which is it?

I guess the answer lies in whether or not Nagas are reptilian. They have a human-ish top half and a snake's bottom half. Therefore...um...it'd be a little hard to get it on. But besides that...

If Nagas are mammals, then they're warm-blooded and would have boobs; therefore, not wearing clothes would make them naked. If they're reptilian, they probably wouldn't have boobs, so not wearing clothes would not constitute nakedness.

So, decide whether or not they are warm-blooded mammals that happen to have scales (a la Pangolins), or whether they're reptiles with hair. If they're mammals, they (the females, anyway) would naturally provide milk for their babies, and would therefore need breasts. And if they have those, then not wearing some sort of garment covering them would render then nude by human terms.

...why did I even take that seriously? I DON'T KNOW. Maybe because I'm a Naga-Ette fan?

Even though Naga-Ettes are just crazy looking monsters...