Ah, here's a tasty tidbit, but not sure if it tells us anything important. In the screen below, I thought Lucca's tiles were just overlapping Slash's:
We can isolate the sprites in VSNES to get a clearer look:
And VSNES also allows us to toggle individual tiles on and off. When the duplicate Lucca is erased, lo and behold, half of Slash - four tiles to be precise - are missing! They didn't seem to be loaded for some reason:
It's as if the game engine loaded up Lucca's tiles in place of Slash's tiles. Were the tiles vying for the same space in VRAM? I'm attaching two ZSNES save states, one with Slash by himself, and the second with Slash and Lucca in the party, in case they prove useful to others with more SNES VRAM experience than myself.
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