My grandmother thinks I look like a geico caveman, even though I'm shaven and have short hair. (which, if you've seen a picture of me back at Order of the Black Wind, rest it's soul, you may find hard to believe.)
It seems the two most evil companies, McDonald's and Disney, don't really have that bad of commercials. McDonald's in a way is kind of cute and amusing, partially cause Ronald can entertain kids and I admire that, and partially because for some reason, as a clown, I never found him terrifying in the least. Not even after watching that McRoll'd video on youtube. Disney, it's mostly just about their new movies and stuff.However, I despise their cartoons these days, who are all secret agent this and martial arts that and "zen magic fireballs we ripped off of DBZ" those...
Now, for an annoying series of commercials...
J.G. Wentworth
Yaffa (though it made a great animutation)
Cashcall (we'll give you the money when you walk in, because we trust you!)
GET FREE JOKES ON YOUR CELL PHONE!!! WE'LL MAKE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR EVEN BETTER! (I'm glad my grandma doesn't apparently see these, or she'd try to get me to do this all the time.)
Anything involving politicians. because if you like to watch these, you probably want to raise taxes, destroy the national parks, and secretly support Al Queda. So vote no on them. I'm Captain B and I approve this message.
Anything involving Judge Judy.