
Who could challenge Crono and put up a decent fight, posssibly KO, Crono?

Link(Power of the Triforce?)
17 (20%)
Master Chief(Guns and guns galore?)
2 (2.4%)
Solid Snake(Stealthy tactics?)
2 (2.4%)
Cloud Strife(Massive compensating sword?)
9 (10.6%)
Sonic(Blue speed streak?)
1 (1.2%)
Pacman(Devourer of Everything?)
1 (1.2%)
Mario(Plumber on mushrooms?)
2 (2.4%)
Megaman(Lil boy blue + gun?)
1 (1.2%)
Darth Vadar(The power of the dark side?)
4 (4.7%)
Batman(The Dark Knight?)
3 (3.5%)
Chuck Norris(Roundhouse kick?)
4 (4.7%)
0 (0%)
Other(state whom)
23 (27.1%)
Samus(Gun Girl of God Level Yet Not God Level?)
4 (4.7%)
6 (7.1%)
Monkey King(Stretch Stick and Acrobatics?)
0 (0%)
Harry Potter(Demented Wizard Boy?)
0 (0%)
Kefka(JUST Kefka, no statues...just the crazed clown?)
2 (2.4%)
Ryu(Breath of Fire, Turn Into Dragon?)
1 (1.2%)
Mecha Zangief(Zangief and Mecha?)
0 (0%)
Randi(Secret Of Mana?)
0 (0%)
The Player Who Can't Play(What are these controls, what is SNES, what am I?)
3 (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 83

Author Topic: Who is a worthy match for Crono?  (Read 62309 times)


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #240 on: December 08, 2008, 07:34:50 pm »
Chrono beats aliens, Ike slays gods.

Um, Crono also beats Gods?
In another poll of Crono VS Serge it ended a while back but it pretty much came down to Crono. Serge whups god ass all over the place in Cross(since a large number of the games bosses' are gods)and if Crono is so better than Serge, then don't you think he would obliterate the gods so really that argument wouldn't stand a chance against him? Plus as also brought up...
What god does Chrono defeat? The only one I can think of is Spekkio, but recall he was the "Self proclaimed" god of war, now in the new translation is was switched to the Master of war, and in the retranslation is was the Master of war as well. He fought powerful creatures but no gods. As to whether he stronger or weaker the Serge I was always in favor of Serge, and know CTDS seems to favor that as well, in that Chrono and Co. can't beat the DD yet Serge and Co. can.

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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #241 on: December 08, 2008, 08:02:15 pm »
The only reason Crono and Co. couldn't beat the Dream Devourer is because they didn't have the Chrono Cross.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #242 on: December 08, 2008, 09:15:49 pm »
Serge doesn't need the Cronos cross to win though, in fact they don't even have magic.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #243 on: December 08, 2008, 11:18:31 pm »
Ok, first off I chose not to read those spoilers and am going for 100% of the game before I get that ending, so please stop right there since others may also wish to avoid spoilers as well. From what you have already revealed though I can say, Time Devourer, Dream Devourer. Two different names, I assume two different creatures. And on the chance that it's thanks to the retranslation that the name is different and they are actually the same creature, it could've been much more powerful than when Serge and that group fought it(Like how Lavos is first summoned at Ocean Palace and extremely strong there where as it isn't as strong in 1999 AD). Not to mention both parties wanted to save Schala, however you need the Chrono Cross to do that so CT team couldn't win of course.

I also support Crono being stronger simply for the fact that compare their Luminaires. Same attack, and yet Crono's is much more powerful. And don't think it's cause Serge's Flying Arrow is just that strong because it wipes the floor with that too. Even then, although it is Serge who defeats gods, the gods he defeats are no match for Lavos whom Crono can turn to mulch so the way I see it, Crono can handle gods. Plus, how do we not know whether Lavos is a god where it comes from? It certainly has that kind of power backing itself up, destroying an entire planet from waking up? Hades has to try to accomplish that whereas Lavos does it by accident.

Secondly, there are certain creatures that the races(often not human)consider to be gods and that's what I mean. Even then, if you want to get really technical about it, Serge wasn't truly fighting loads of gods either. He fought one, that's it.

And on top of all of this, one thing comes to mind, why are we actually claiming these characters defeat gods single handedly? Because they certainly do not do that. Ike has an assload of allies, so claiming him to do it by himself is pretty far fetched since he has a large number of assistants in battle. Serge, even more allies(I believe I don't know everyone in the game, just the gameplay for Fire Emblem)and even if he doesn't have more allies than Ike, he still has a massive number of allies and when playing these games although we can only see the characters we are playing as, going by cutscenes and such are we not to assume all the characters you have aquired in your quest are supposed to be with you? So when ike beats gods, he has well over 30 guys helping him, so of course he slays gods. Serge has 39 people following him everywhere once he's set for TD, whaddya think?
I think that goes to show even more how powerful the Crono cast is, because they fight these equivilant villains, but in even smaller numbers(maybe that's why Serge can beat DD or TD or whatever but not Crono? 40 is more likely than 7), that says something about their strength beating Ozzie Slash and Flea just as easily as Serge and co. do, but with less characters. Because if you really count the gameplay thems but not the cutscene strengths, then we might as well say Sonic the Hedgehog can do it b y going Super Sonic, or Flash from MK VS DC using the cheapest methods possible.

Hell if we did that we could count that little dude from katamari Damacy as being a threat, picking up Crono and burning him in a firey ash to help recreate the universe? That guy's a bastard to Earth, and the King Of All Cosmos is even worse... so why can't you stop playing?!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #244 on: December 09, 2008, 12:56:36 am »
Well, a fictitious character can be as powerful as you can think.
Someone in Dragon Ball can blow up a planet with a finger, but I'm not sure there's no more power guys.

Why could a human defeat such creature like Lavos who has the power which can destroy the whole world? Well, because they are heros, they can't lose. XD


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #245 on: December 10, 2008, 10:20:38 pm »
Because Crono & Co. leveled & their stats are **! Those aren't even numbers, man! O_o

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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #246 on: December 10, 2008, 11:56:40 pm »
Fei from Xenogears could simply just will Crono out of existence.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #247 on: December 11, 2008, 01:01:15 am »
Instant death should probably be negated from these versus matches as well...Though I probably wouldn't say so if it were for Magus (he can create a BLACK HOLE!!)...*shrugs* Erasing someone's existence...hmmm...seems like the Entity might have something to say about that...it also seems like a god-tier ability...

Feldschlacht IV

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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #248 on: December 11, 2008, 01:16:58 am »
Ah, fair enough.


Fei could punch a hole in Crono's chest and instantaneously close any distance between them before doing so.

Or jump on in the air and Ether blast his face off.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #249 on: December 11, 2008, 04:14:19 am »
Ok, first off I chose not to read those spoilers and am going for 100% of the game before I get that ending, so please stop right there since others may also wish to avoid spoilers as well. From what you have already revealed though I can say, Time Devourer, Dream Devourer. Two different names, I assume two different creatures. And on the chance that it's thanks to the retranslation that the name is different and they are actually the same creature, it could've been much more powerful than when Serge and that group fought it(Like how Lavos is first summoned at Ocean Palace and extremely strong there where as it isn't as strong in 1999 AD). Not to mention both parties wanted to save Schala, however you need the Chrono Cross to do that so CT team couldn't win of course.

I also support Crono being stronger simply for the fact that compare their Luminaires. Same attack, and yet Crono's is much more powerful. And don't think it's cause Serge's Flying Arrow is just that strong because it wipes the floor with that too. Even then, although it is Serge who defeats gods, the gods he defeats are no match for Lavos whom Crono can turn to mulch so the way I see it, Crono can handle gods. Plus, how do we not know whether Lavos is a god where it comes from? It certainly has that kind of power backing itself up, destroying an entire planet from waking up? Hades has to try to accomplish that whereas Lavos does it by accident.

Secondly, there are certain creatures that the races(often not human)consider to be gods and that's what I mean. Even then, if you want to get really technical about it, Serge wasn't truly fighting loads of gods either. He fought one, that's it.

And on top of all of this, one thing comes to mind, why are we actually claiming these characters defeat gods single handedly? Because they certainly do not do that. Ike has an assload of allies, so claiming him to do it by himself is pretty far fetched since he has a large number of assistants in battle. Serge, even more allies(I believe I don't know everyone in the game, just the gameplay for Fire Emblem)and even if he doesn't have more allies than Ike, he still has a massive number of allies and when playing these games although we can only see the characters we are playing as, going by cutscenes and such are we not to assume all the characters you have aquired in your quest are supposed to be with you? So when ike beats gods, he has well over 30 guys helping him, so of course he slays gods. Serge has 39 people following him everywhere once he's set for TD, whaddya think?
I think that goes to show even more how powerful the Crono cast is, because they fight these equivilant villains, but in even smaller numbers(maybe that's why Serge can beat DD or TD or whatever but not Crono? 40 is more likely than 7), that says something about their strength beating Ozzie Slash and Flea just as easily as Serge and co. do, but with less characters. Because if you really count the gameplay thems but not the cutscene strengths, then we might as well say Sonic the Hedgehog can do it b y going Super Sonic, or Flash from MK VS DC using the cheapest methods possible.

Hell if we did that we could count that little dude from katamari Damacy as being a threat, picking up Crono and burning him in a firey ash to help recreate the universe? That guy's a bastard to Earth, and the King Of All Cosmos is even worse... so why can't you stop playing?!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's only Ike.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #250 on: December 11, 2008, 05:13:15 pm »
For me, it's between Lise Rolante from SD3 or Yuria from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
Lise can summon gods and her limit break-like attacks are devastating. She seems better to me than Crono on the physical side. Yuria, on the other hand, can summon the embodiment of light. Narga can top luminare any day.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 05:22:48 pm by mikeb123 »


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #251 on: December 11, 2008, 05:51:45 pm »
For me, it's between Lise Rolante from SD3 or Yuria from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
Lise can summon gods and her limit break-like attacks are devastating. She seems better to me than Crono on the physical side. Yuria, on the other hand, can summon the embodiment of light. Narga can top luminare any day.

Maybe that second person, but the first one definetly classifies as a god level character. You said they summon gods! :lol:
How much closer can you get to a god level besides being a god?

Fei could punch a hole in Crono's chest and instantaneously close any distance between them before doing so.

Or jump on in the air and Ether blast his face off.

That chest thing might work if he moved fast enough...
But Ether Blast, I dunno...
He DOES have teh Lavos on his head...
But in seriousness, why would he have to jump above him to blast his face off? His helmet(just because graphics refuse to show it doesn't mean it's not there) would protect him from an attack directly from above(how would that even get his face)unless it were of an almighty goddish level(which it ain't). Plus with his speed he could easily run from that in the time Fei jumps.

But that first point considering speedwise, might count. Depends on what Crono might do. Such as if he were using Cyclone and Fei tried this attack as Crono started, he might just wind up with a couple of chopped off hands. But, that's the only move really he might not predict(also unpredictable because it's the weakest attack and who would expect Crono to use his weakest moves?)


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #252 on: December 11, 2008, 07:02:07 pm »
For me, it's between Lise Rolante from SD3 or Yuria from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
Lise can summon gods and her limit break-like attacks are devastating. She seems better to me than Crono on the physical side. Yuria, on the other hand, can summon the embodiment of light. Narga can top luminare any day.

Maybe that second person, but the first one definetly classifies as a god level character. You said they summon gods! :lol:
How much closer can you get to a god level besides being a god?

Fei could punch a hole in Crono's chest and instantaneously close any distance between them before doing so.

Or jump on in the air and Ether blast his face off.

That chest thing might work if he moved fast enough...
But Ether Blast, I dunno...
He DOES have teh Lavos on his head...
But in seriousness, why would he have to jump above him to blast his face off? His helmet(just because graphics refuse to show it doesn't mean it's not there) would protect him from an attack directly from above(how would that even get his face)unless it were of an almighty goddish level(which it ain't). Plus with his speed he could easily run from that in the time Fei jumps.

But that first point considering speedwise, might count. Depends on what Crono might do. Such as if he were using Cyclone and Fei tried this attack as Crono started, he might just wind up with a couple of chopped off hands. But, that's the only move really he might not predict(also unpredictable because it's the weakest attack and who would expect Crono to use his weakest moves?)

It was stated earlier that Master Chief couldn't have powerups like overshield and camo and power weapons, so it's only fair Crono has a wooden sword.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #253 on: December 11, 2008, 09:10:00 pm »
Maybe that second person, but the first one definetly classifies as a god level character. You said they summon gods! :lol:
How much closer can you get to a god level besides being a god?
Yuria summons a god too. Her personal tome, Narga, summons the god of light in fire emblem.
Not only that, but she has the blood of the god Narga in her veins.
Also, I should clarify that SD3 is also known as Secret of Mana 2 to those who have never heard of it.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 09:21:59 pm by mikeb123 »


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #254 on: December 11, 2008, 11:03:34 pm »
It was stated earlier that Master Chief couldn't have powerups like overshield and camo and power weapons, so it's only fair Crono has a wooden sword.

Actually, it was stated no specified equipment, not original equip only...

Anyways, I wouldn't count Lise or any summoner as god-level...They're relying on someone else to do their fighting for them though...While it still counts as them being worthy, it seems a little weak to me regardless...That's also a specific class change for Lise to be able to do that, right? :lol:

Also, I will never call Seiken Densetsu 3 "Secret of Mana 2" (without SD3, a backslash & quotation marks around it)...that's just the stupid name the ROM hacking community has perpetrated because some people are lazy & stupid and can't handle two (technically three) different names for the same series of games. While it's the series sequel to Seiken Densetsu 2/Secret of Mana, it's the third in the series...For the record I don't really like the name "Earthbound ZERO" much either, but at least that one doesn't completely disregard anything like "Secret of Mana 2" seems to...