
Who could challenge Crono and put up a decent fight, posssibly KO, Crono?

Link(Power of the Triforce?)
17 (20%)
Master Chief(Guns and guns galore?)
2 (2.4%)
Solid Snake(Stealthy tactics?)
2 (2.4%)
Cloud Strife(Massive compensating sword?)
9 (10.6%)
Sonic(Blue speed streak?)
1 (1.2%)
Pacman(Devourer of Everything?)
1 (1.2%)
Mario(Plumber on mushrooms?)
2 (2.4%)
Megaman(Lil boy blue + gun?)
1 (1.2%)
Darth Vadar(The power of the dark side?)
4 (4.7%)
Batman(The Dark Knight?)
3 (3.5%)
Chuck Norris(Roundhouse kick?)
4 (4.7%)
0 (0%)
Other(state whom)
23 (27.1%)
Samus(Gun Girl of God Level Yet Not God Level?)
4 (4.7%)
6 (7.1%)
Monkey King(Stretch Stick and Acrobatics?)
0 (0%)
Harry Potter(Demented Wizard Boy?)
0 (0%)
Kefka(JUST Kefka, no statues...just the crazed clown?)
2 (2.4%)
Ryu(Breath of Fire, Turn Into Dragon?)
1 (1.2%)
Mecha Zangief(Zangief and Mecha?)
0 (0%)
Randi(Secret Of Mana?)
0 (0%)
The Player Who Can't Play(What are these controls, what is SNES, what am I?)
3 (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 83

Author Topic: Who is a worthy match for Crono?  (Read 62312 times)


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #75 on: September 01, 2008, 11:38:35 pm »
There truly is only one match for Crono. Some one scary. Some one who strikes fear into everyone's hearts. Some one who can kill the main character's twin sister and still make the main character not completely want to kill him. Maybe that's just because main character man is a loser. I doubt anyone's ever heard of him. Seishiro Sakurazuka. He's the avatar man with one eye completely white. He's in black-and-white.
Yeah i heard about him from a friend. He'd be a pretty good match indeed but he doesn't have a chance of killing Crono... That's what this is truely about... fidning someone who can push Crono so much he might actually lose, but it is uncertain because there isn't like a comic, game, or flash of it anywhere.
So far the people listed who can do just that(and with reasoning why as well)Samus, Megaman, Guybrush Threepwood(you have to read why to understand...), Randi from Secret of Mana, Ryu from Street Fighter, Dr. Doom, Batman, and the Ninja Turtles(all four of them). THOSE guys could possibly TOP Crono, putting up a 50/50 battle. Except for Samus and Megaman. Those two sound more like a 60/40 battle and have a higher more likely chance of terminating Crono. However, they aren't as high because as it's been stated, Crono has determination. Even when it's obvious he's about to die, he still dares to fight against Lavos, he just didn't use his head to attack from the side and went head in. If Crono used his head more, his chances MIGHT increase against those two. But it's only a maybe, Megaman is a robot of mass destruction with human personality and an IQ of a robot combined with a human(in other words, he may not seem it but he's a freaking genious), and Samus is pretty smart as well(did learn from the smartest beings in the universe). If anyone can top them, they deserve a reward of some sort.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #76 on: September 02, 2008, 03:30:25 pm »
You know what I think? Chrono doesn't stand a chance against a player that doesn't know how to play Chrono Trigger. He'd die at the hands of Gato before he knew what was going on. :lol:

Either that or Kefka. You know, with the "light of judgment" and all.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 03:33:23 pm by Mixmasta_K »


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #77 on: September 02, 2008, 05:28:15 pm »
Please, Kefka may be insane but if a band clearly weaker than Crono and gang could stop him, no doubt Croo could win. Although i will admit that be quite a fight, but the end results would be obvious.
As for the crap player, give him to my friend's little brother(about 4 years old). If he can make Fox in Melee lose to a level 1 Ganondorf, but suicide even though he got knocked off the side, and not the bottom, he can make Crono be killed by Gato. Now I'm curious what happens WHEN you LOSE to gato...

Perhaps it shall play the game over scene, fade to black, fade back in to gato standing before Lavos! And if gato wins, the ending will be starting off with the Crono's home, the soldier enters for Crono's awakening and then when the shades are opened gato sits in a blood filled bed, eyes glowing red, and starts singing an eerie tune... MWA HA HA HA!!!!


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #78 on: September 02, 2008, 05:46:24 pm »
Kefka with the Light of Judgement, meaning with the 3 statues, would easily wipe Crono out. He doesn't have any reraise Magic, so even if he survived through them, the final statue would kill him before he got to Kefka...I suppose you could count Green Dream, but one man against the statues & Kefka would be hard-pressed to pull off a victory.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #79 on: September 02, 2008, 06:20:18 pm »
That's why i'm saying it'd be an epic battle. Of course it'd be close to impossible with the light of judgement, same as with the armies, it's massive groups ganging up on one being. The exception is it's a group of super powerful beings. BUT he'd still stand a chance. I guess though, with reasoning like that, Kefka would also be a good match for Crono.

I still await a topper however... damn arm cannons...


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #80 on: September 02, 2008, 06:58:06 pm »
Well, geeze, we've mentioned various comic heroes, so how about Marvel's no. 1 contender...

Crono's sword=fail
Crono's magic=fail

But Hulk's kind of a cheat, really...Not many at all can take the green goliath down (Doom could).


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #81 on: September 02, 2008, 07:22:57 pm »
The Green Lantern, I think, actually. With a barrier around him, Crono's sword is futile.

I'm fairly sure Crono had a yellow sword at some point. Yellow trumps green, if I recall correctly.

But Hulk's kind of a cheat, really...Not many at all can take the green goliath down (Doom could).

The Hulk? Seriously? Crono's cat could take him down (as it is proven that petting a cat can reduce stress levels. No stress means that Hulk is reduced to Bruce Banner, who then gets sued by Batman for defacing his good name). Besides, in the words of Braniac, all Hulk want is "a decent pair of pants."

But even if we talk Hulk seriously, then Iron Man would have the one up on him (and our spiky haired hero) regardless. Tony's Hulkbuster armor is proven to be able to hold its own against the goliath, and Stark, at least, keeps him fine mind when at full power, unlike Banner. And if Tony is able to field the Thorbuster armor, then Hulk doesn't stand a chance. Crono wouldn't fair much better; it is hard to challenge something that is on par with the gods. Which in turn brings us to the gods themselves.

Thor did destroy the Thorbuster armor, so logically, he seems like the best choice for outdoing every other opponent.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #82 on: September 02, 2008, 07:54:13 pm »
The great thing about these "who could beat ____" Threads is the escalation in power soon(as it is starting now) it will turn in to well X is better then W! But Y can own X!!! So to end this I give every one Z


The prime evil and ultimate power that not only rivals but surpasses in many cases that of even the Grand Tribunal. Goku,  Green Lantern, Samus Aran, and Crono may be powerful but the best the can do is nothing in comparison to just rewriting realty on a whim.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #83 on: September 02, 2008, 09:04:22 pm »
Doom totally outwitted Mephisto though...I'm pretty sure Strange has as well...If we're going down the god  path, I'd go with Death or Dream from Sandman...

Or, if we're going with optimum equipment, like Thought seems to be suggesting with Iron Man...how about anyone with the Infinity Gauntlet? I don't think we should go down that path though. It should just be based on what they'd normally be using, not battle-specific equipment...

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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #84 on: September 02, 2008, 09:23:51 pm »
Hmm, Q would crush everyone with the snap of his fingers.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #85 on: September 02, 2008, 11:04:53 pm »
I know I'm gonna sound stupid, but who is that guy?

Also, yeah I have to agree with Thought, if all those guys could be beat by the named characters, then Crono could win(just not as likely)


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #86 on: September 02, 2008, 11:19:23 pm »
I'm fairly sure Crono had a yellow sword at some point. Yellow trumps green, if I recall correctly.

You mean his wooden sword, made of wood?


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #87 on: September 02, 2008, 11:21:30 pm »
A wooden sword could win, surely! It'd take a few hours or days, give or take. And his opponent would be in slow motion. Surely then the wooden sword could triumph.

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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #88 on: September 03, 2008, 12:46:39 am »
I know I'm gonna sound stupid, but who is that guy?

Also, yeah I have to agree with Thought, if all those guys could be beat by the named characters, then Crono could win(just not as likely)
He's a character from Star trek who is from a race known as the Q.  For some reason they are all called Q too.  They are pretty much like gods who can do practically anything.  This is the most frequently seen one.


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Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« Reply #89 on: September 03, 2008, 02:54:09 am »
Don't the Q have self-restricting laws against doing junk like that though? Q himself obviously has flawed mental capacity (see: falling for Captain Janeway >_>). I'm pretty sure even Crono could get him to say his name backwards...er...>_>

As for the yellow sword thing against a Green Lantern, that doesn't effect newer Green Lantern rings like Kyle's or John Stewart's (the black Green Lantern).