I heard FFVIII Sucks.
It doesn't suck. In fact, it's a really, really good RPG. The futuristic setting is unique compared to most RPG's, the character development for most main characters is lacking, but the story really revolves around Squall and Rinoa actually and it's rather touching.
What I
did say sucked was the battle system. It's horrid. It basically revolves around you drawing magic spells from enemies and "Draw" points as the primary means with which to increase your stats. And you can't buy weapons in shops but instead create them Star Ocean style, which would have been awesome except that Star Ocean did it about a million times better.
EDIT: And in the spirit of things, my first RPG was Crystalis on the NES, then the first Final Fantasy. I have no idea how young I was back then when I played it. I was born in 1985 so probably around 6 ish I'm guessing. I sucked horribly at both but I still play Crystalis and I still think it's an awesome game.
- Check that, I guess technically my first RPG was this horrible game on the Atari that involved you going around and finding keys to fight dragons or something. I remember it had only two colors per level - the color the level was made out of and the character, and then the floor of each level was a different color. Damn that game sucked. I wish I could remember what it was called.