Author Topic: Video Game Discussion Thread  (Read 261355 times)


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #930 on: March 21, 2009, 01:43:21 pm »
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.

Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.

Yeah, each one is unconnected 'cept for the occasional reference or easter egg. 3 can be played standalone.

Sweet I'll definitely give it a try. Is 3 better than 4?


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #931 on: March 22, 2009, 05:11:46 am »
Finally done with Fallout 3 (At least until The Pitt comes out this week)

Final thoughts on this game.  It was good, but I'd say it barely edges an 8/10 score.  Going into it trying to get all the achievements in one run (doing save manipulations for the lvl 8/14/20 karma ones) took up a long time, and frankly the world it's set in was done wonderfully.  The major drawbacks are the ones I mentioned before (Updates seem to clear some of the bugs, but glitches still plague the game) and the fact that the main storyline is way too damn short.

Most of my playtime was spent doing the major sidequests (the ones that give you achievements) and scouring around for the bobbleheads.  A few were boring, a few were way too easy, but for the most part they were very fun overall.  I personally recommend doing Reilly's Rangers for a long intense action quest, and Oasis for a heavy interesting story quest.  Others range from the unremarkable (such as Agatha's Song, although I do enjoy the lovely violin music over the radio now) to the annoying collection quests (Nuka Cola Challenge ugh) to the extremely long (Wasteland Survival Guide).  But overall they created a nice world setting and were fun to do.

The main quest however, deserved more to it.  It wasn't bad, but it wasn't enough.  The sidequests wound up overshadowing it.  In any other RPG you'd have sidequests to bide your time and entertain you, and the main questline to hover over you as a looming long running challenge, standing on its own as the meat and potatoes of the game.  However, half the main quest segments are simply "go here" quests.  First character I started I actually wound up skipping 2 segments of it just because I accidentally figured out where to go for a latter segment.  Come to find out you can actually skip more than half the main storyline if you know where to go!

As for how good the main quests are in this game, let's just say that one titled "Tranquility Lane" and the last two segments in the entire chain are the only ones that really stood out for me.  By the time the main story gets really interesting, it's over.

Overall, a fun game, but left me wanting a bit more.

Now on to the next game.  I'll let the next person who replies decide the path I take.

Shall I...

...Finish my achievements and "perfect Sheperd" in Mass Effect?

...Pick up Blue Dragon and see it through to the end?

...Finish up Lost Odyssey?

chrono eric

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #932 on: March 22, 2009, 02:09:23 pm »
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #933 on: March 22, 2009, 02:13:31 pm »
I enjoyed Lost Odyssey better than BD and ME.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #934 on: March 22, 2009, 04:49:39 pm »
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.
I think it's wonderful.  I stopped playing halfway through because I'm a crazy 100%ist, who got to a point where many different skills became available to train.  So the last time I had the game picked up I had spent literally a few days power levelling skills in the same area.  I got a bit tired of doing that, so I moved on to playing a few other games for a while.

That said, I'll be picking it back up now!

Edit:  One thing to note, my habit of playing RPGs like that tends to make most fights too damn easy, but Lost Odyssey's boss fights are among the most challenging I've ever seen, in a good way too.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 04:51:40 pm by FouCapitan »


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #935 on: March 22, 2009, 05:10:12 pm »
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.

I take break from excellent games a lot. Things come up.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #936 on: March 23, 2009, 06:25:40 am »
Spoilers for anyone who has yet to play Lost Odyssey but...

The music for the first battle with Gongora at the end of Disc 2 is fucking awesome.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 06:48:47 am by FouCapitan »


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #937 on: March 24, 2009, 01:20:11 am »
I just recently finished another playthrough of Chrono Cross (because of the DS re-release of CT) and I need some help picking out another game.

The story of CC is simply compelling and outstanding, and I can't seem to pick up on a next gen game for my PS3 at the moment. Every time I play an RPG as good as that, I feel incomplete afterwards - almost like I am missing something when it is only in my head. I guess after all the gameplay and cutscenes of CC, I just always expected more at the end. But I need to get my mind off it and focus on other things... (the CTDS:U translations and Compendium discussions are keeping me sane!)

My PS3 cache contains about 10 games, but I still have PS1/PS2 RPGs I have yet to play.

The following list are the games I currently own that I have NEVER played/have yet to play (currently collecting dust on -the shelf):

-FFVII (7)
-FFVIII (8 )
-FFIX (9)
-FFXII (12)
-FFIV (4)
-FF Origins (1 & 2)
-FF Anthology (5 & 6)
-Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
-MGS3 and MGS4
-Star Wars The Force Unleashed
-Valkyria Chronicles

As you can see, I am very behind with the Final Fantasy series, and I have only played X (10) and X-2 (10-2) a couple years ago. I simply have never gotten to them, and just recently discovered them (only about 5 years ago. I have never seen Advent Children either... (Zeality is going to kill me), but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?

EDIT: Grammar...  :picardno
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 02:37:49 am by Magus22 »

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #938 on: March 24, 2009, 01:41:50 am »
Well, I only know of the Final Fantasies and KH, so I would recommend one of them. And to get more specific, either IV or VI.

chrono eric

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #939 on: March 24, 2009, 02:07:35 am »
but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?

Play Final Fantasy VI, but by emulator, not the shitty PSX Anthology one. That version has unbelievable lag times, especially when opening the menu (lags for like 5 seconds or so each time!) which becomes unbearable about ten minutes into the game.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #940 on: March 24, 2009, 02:30:33 am »
Star Wars:  TFU and the two KH titles would be quicker playthroughs than the others, and less likely to bore you in the long run if you're looking to knock out a fun title quickly.

Of the FF games, IV and VIII were my favorites, so I really recommend either of those.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #941 on: March 24, 2009, 02:41:12 am »

HUGE thanks for the quick feedback Acacia, Eric, and FouCapitan!!


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #942 on: March 24, 2009, 02:46:43 am »
I just recently finished another playthrough of Chrono Cross (because of the DS re-release of CT) and I need some help picking out another game.

The story of CC is simply compelling and outstanding, and I can't seem to pick up on a next gen game for my PS3 at the moment. Every time I play an RPG as good as that, I feel incomplete afterwards - almost like I am missing something when it is only in my head. I guess after all the gameplay and cutscenes of CC, I just always expected more at the end. But I need to get my mind off it and focus on other things... (the CTDS:U translations and Compendium discussions are keeping me sane!)

My PS3 cache contains about 10 games, but I still have PS1/PS2 RPGs I have yet to play.

The following list are the games I currently own that I have NEVER played/have yet to play (currently collecting dust on -the shelf):

-FFVII (7)
-FFVIII (8 )
-FFIX (9)
-FFXII (12)
-FFIV (4)
-FF Origins (1 & 2)
-FF Anthology (5 & 6)
-Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
-MGS3 and MGS4
-Star Wars The Force Unleashed
-Valkyria Chronicles

As you can see, I am very behind with the Final Fantasy series, and I have only played X (10) and X-2 (10-2) a couple years ago. I simply have never gotten to them, and just recently discovered them (only about 5 years ago. I have never seen Advent Children either... (Zeality is going to kill me), but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?

EDIT: Grammar...  :picardno

I'd go with any of those, but I'd prolly pick MGS4 if I had a PS3.

chrono eric

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #943 on: March 24, 2009, 03:00:46 am »
So I might go buy SO4 later this week. I've gotta ask though:

Without spoiling anything for me, can anyone tell me if you finally actually get to fly your spaceship around in the game between planets? God it would piss me off so bad if the form of planet travel that was so hyped up for so long turned out to be a simple point-and-click thing.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #944 on: March 24, 2009, 11:00:17 am »
Well just got the new Fallout 3 DLC "The Pitt"

Very interesting sea of glitches I'm swimming in right now.  Suffice to say, something got FUBAR'd in the initial release.

What isn't completely unplayable seems enjoyable so far though.   :lol:

Edit:  Having managed to get through the various bugs and get one achievement for it, I'm now ranked #2 worldwide on MGC for score on Fallout 3.  Whoo hoo!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 11:01:48 am by FouCapitan »