I had to re-restart Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon because I was killing people off wrong...I had gotten rid of the Paladin in the beginning instead of one of the three Cavaliers (& really, I should have gotten rid of another Cavalier so I could have two Archers, but eff Archers...I'm fine with just the one for now...though I killed the first now so I got the backup...because girl Archers rule! it's been proven scientifically, I think even!)...and in the first restart I had killed off a bunch of people all at once, when I only have to kill off enough people to be under 15 in the actual individual chapters' party prior to the x-Chapters...! I swear this is the last time...! I WILL get through a goddamn FE game finally...and I think my first SRPG in freakin forever too...in fact, FFT might be the only SRPG I've ever actually played all the way through (though to be fair, it was more than once!)...>_<