FFIX was great. It's definitely one of my favorites, trailing not far behind FFVII. The first two discs of the game were among the best in gaming, but everything after getting to Terra just had me scratching my head, like: "...the fuck just happened?" The whole Zidane/Kuja thing was just completely out of left field. From what I remember they were created and they were brothers and Kuja would die if Zidane became too strong, or...something. I never even wondered why Zidane had a tail, I just assumed he was one of those wayward Saiyans from Planet Vegeta that was sent to a weak planet and also suffered from amnesia. I thought his Trance attacks were total DBZ, but then Kuja practically turned SSJ4 shortly before blowing up the planet Terra. And don't even get me started on Necron and his regurgitating of Star Wars dialogue ("fear leads to anger", etc.). Still, there are a lot more good things about FFIX than bad. I thought it was much, much better than FFVIII.