Author Topic: Video Game Discussion Thread  (Read 261383 times)


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #900 on: March 13, 2009, 04:14:41 pm »
You didn't read my post.

I didn't compare Brotherhood of Steel to Fallout 3.  I compared Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout 3 and Tactics to Fallout 1 and 2.

I also said I didn't play the game.  I do however know what is in the game (as well as reading most of the script and dialog).  I said that both games have stats, perks and skills, I merely compared what Beth did vs Black Isle.  Beth took a more lenient, casual gamer style by taking out the negative effects, giving perks every level, implementing many stat and skill boosting items and a general "don't worry about it too much" feel.  They changed it to a "play as you go" kind of game vs a "plan your stats, skills and perks wisely because you will be stuck with them (mostly)" kind of game.  Beth changing the game mechanics to make it "more accessible" is not my gripe.  My problem is with the so called "well written script", which is hogwash and the lack of major or meaningful consequences to your actions.  

i never said it was revolutionary.  I said that it was a great game and that it was one of my favourite games ever.

You don't have to give me a review.  I have seen the general consensus.  I believe the majority of them a knob slobbers who don't know a good game from a bad one when they see it and most likely haven't played a good to great game in a while or ever (of course that is my opinion).


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #901 on: March 14, 2009, 12:45:12 am »


« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 12:51:47 am by Pyt Fumv »


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #902 on: March 14, 2009, 03:17:35 am »
Was that sarcastic or did you really not know of the original games?  It is true that they were not very well advertised…even I randomly came across Fallout 1 when I went to the store looking for a game to buy, way back in ’97.  I didn’t see it on TV or hear about it anywhere…just by chance but that shouldn’t be held against anyone.  Some of the best products are the ones that don’t need to be advertised. 
Septerra Core is a game I have been wanting to play for a while actually…have you played that one?
I was actually serious.  3 was the first I'd heard of the series.  I'm jumping in fresh here.  My stance is that FO3 is a fun game.  I've put 27 hours into my current game, and still have at least 1/2 of the quests undiscovered.  It's fun to play, it has its charm, and I dare to call it a good game.

I'm not arguing whether FO1 or 2 is better or worse.  What I'm saying is just because you feel FO3 doesn't stack up to FO2, that doesn't make it a bad game.

Also, I'm not saying this game is without its faults.  Not comparing it to its predecessors, I can point out several stand alone problems.

1. The voice acting is hammed up and pretty awful at parts.  Better than some games, but a lot of times it could use some work.

2. I've always hated the save functionality of Bethesda games.  The autosave and overwrite features are sloppy, and I prefer save functions with more organization.

3. The game is buggy as hell.  Clipping issues, physics malfunctions, graphical errors, and game freezes happen a lot.  The result is you wind up having to save plenty to avoid losing play time to lock ups.  It's seriously bad.  Hell, when I started up the Anchorage DLC there were trees floating in the Alaskan sky.

4. The main questline is the least interesting of all the questlines you can do.  Maybe it picks up soon, but so far the only part that I was even remotely entertained by was the Tranquility Lane segment.  Helping Moira with her wasteland guide on the other hand, was fun, humorous, and paced well enough that it wasn't boring to me.

5. I wish there were more songs for the GNR station.  The old timey tunes are nice and set a good tone for the game, but there's only 5 or 6 of them altogether.

Anyways, to answer your question, I own Septerra Core, but due to computers dying on me long ago I never got very far into it.  Seemed to be a really good RPG from what I played of it.

I should dig up the disc when I'm bored and give it a try again one of these days.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #903 on: March 16, 2009, 08:40:59 am »
Quote from: FouCapitan
I was actually serious.  3 was the first I'd heard of the series.  I'm jumping in fresh here.  My stance is that FO3 is a fun game.  I've put 27 hours into my current game, and still have at least 1/2 of the quests undiscovered.  It's fun to play, it has its charm, and I dare to call it a good game.

I don't think I ever said it was a bad game, just a bad Fallout game.  The worst I called it was medicore.  If I do play it, I am sure I will put in as many hours as I did with Oblivion and Morrowind (probably about 30-40 hours).  Since you started with 3, it will be hard to try and see 1&2 the way I do...the same way it is hard for my brother to see Trigger how I do when he started with Cross.  And how it will be hard for me to try and watch Star Trek:TOS after starting with TNG..etc.  Such is life.

If there is anything I hate or dislike, it is Bethesda's corporate culture, general attitude towards game making.

Quote from: FouCapitan
I'm not arguing whether FO1 or 2 is better or worse.  What I'm saying is just because you feel FO3 doesn't stack up to FO2, that doesn't make it a bad game.

Again, I don't recall saying it was a bad game, just a Fallout game that is subpar compared to its predecessors.  I glazed over my previous comments to be sure and I didn't see any mentioning of a bad game.  Take the Fallout out of the game and I have little complaint...keep it in, I automatically compare to the originals and I huff and puff.

The hardest part for me is that the Fallout 3 that I wanted [code named: Van Buren]...almost came to be...almost...
If you are interested to see what Fallout 3 was originally going to be (circa 2003-2004):

Quote from: FouCapitan
Also, I'm not saying this game is without its faults.  Not comparing it to its predecessors, I can point out several stand alone problems.

1. The voice acting is hammed up and pretty awful at parts.  Better than some games, but a lot of times it could use some work.

2. I've always hated the save functionality of Bethesda games.  The autosave and overwrite features are sloppy, and I prefer save functions with more organization.

3. The game is buggy as hell.  Clipping issues, physics malfunctions, graphical errors, and game freezes happen a lot.  The result is you wind up having to save plenty to avoid losing play time to lock ups.  It's seriously bad.  Hell, when I started up the Anchorage DLC there were trees floating in the Alaskan sky.

4. The main questline is the least interesting of all the questlines you can do.  Maybe it picks up soon, but so far the only part that I was even remotely entertained by was the Tranquility Lane segment.  Helping Moira with her wasteland guide on the other hand, was fun, humorous, and paced well enough that it wasn't boring to me.

5. I wish there were more songs for the GNR station.  The old timey tunes are nice and set a good tone for the game, but there's only 5 or 6 of them altogether.

Most of those seem to be the same issues with their other games.  Add poor animations to that list...
But to be fair, complaint #3 was a major issue with Fallout 1 & 2.  So much so that there is someone still correcting bugs for Fallout 2!  I think his count was over 800 or so :/  A bug free product was not their strong point...but to their credit, I never came across a game-ending bug...*cough*unlike Beth's Fallout3*cough* heh heh.

Well, it's a good thing I got riled up with this...I came to the conclusion that my view on the situation was stronger than it should in "raping the series" is too strong a phrase...and that "a series injustice" fits better.

and holy crap I just realized I never played Baldur's Gate 2...


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #904 on: March 16, 2009, 08:50:49 am »
Most of those seem to be the same issues with their other games.  Add poor animations to that list...

I must say the animations aren't that bad.  There are a few glitchy times, such as talking to someone leaning on a counter, they turn to face you but are stuck in the leaning position, now away from the counter, as they talk.  Other than that it's much improved over their previous titles, especially with death animations.  The stiff rag doll physics that Oblivion had aren't as evident.

and holy crap I just realized I never played Baldur's Gate 2...

Dark Alliance? I played through that one a few years back.  It was enjoyable, but I could definitely tell it wasn't meant to be the first title in that series to jump into.  Still pretty fun, but not too challenging.  I cleared through it in about a week.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #905 on: March 16, 2009, 10:00:52 am »
Dark Alliance? I played through that one a few years back.  It was enjoyable, but I could definitely tell it wasn't meant to be the first title in that series to jump into.  Still pretty fun, but not too challenging.  I cleared through it in about a week.

No no, I didn't mean the DA series..never played those...I meant the original BG series for the computer...kind of like the original Fallouts...but more fantasy DnD style than post-apoc. (made by the same developer though).


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #906 on: March 16, 2009, 01:26:33 pm »
NO! Trust me placidchap you need more Planescape not BG2. BG2 was as good to me as the original was, although for many people it was the other way around. BG2 just had a pacing problem that was very crippling, like the games you spent so long ranting against. It has the same throw you in and watch you struggle, gameplay that the Elderscrolls games do.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #907 on: March 16, 2009, 04:24:33 pm »
I may or may not get around to it, just as I may or may not get around to FO3...and xenogears...bleh getting old sucks, at least in terms of available video games hours...

...How noticeably quite you have been Boo, you rabble-rouser.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #908 on: March 17, 2009, 12:47:30 am »
Just got the Game Informer magazine in the mail today. There's a list of the top 10 video game shadow-selves, and Lynx in Chrono Cross got 8th place.
Quote from: Game Informer Magazine, page 10
8 - Chrono Cross
In a strange twist of storytelling brilliance, the classic RPG establishes the villanous nemesis of Lynx, then promptly sense main character Serge into a mind/body exchange with the cat-like man. With your own friends aligned against you, you must travel in the body of your greatest enemy, gathering power and new allies to confront Lynx, who waits in the guise of your former self.

Congratulations, Lynx!


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #909 on: March 17, 2009, 09:17:26 am »
Yay, Lynx!

Lately, I've been meaning to play Duck Hunt again. Just so that I don't go out, steal a rifle, and kill my whole family with it (JUST KIDDING). I haven't yet because I need to set up the TV and probably the NES, and the whole damn thing is just plain OLD...

But I would love to shoot ducks again.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #910 on: March 17, 2009, 09:37:39 am »
Yay, Lynx!

Lately, I've been meaning to play Duck Hunt again. Just so that I don't go out, steal a rifle, and kill my whole family with it (JUST KIDDING). I haven't yet because I need to set up the TV and probably the NES, and the whole damn thing is just plain OLD...

But I would love to shoot ducks again.
Avoid playing any light gun games on a flat screen TV.  They don't work right with them from what I've heard.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #911 on: March 17, 2009, 09:39:42 am »
Thankfully, we don't have any flat screens in the house. And if we did, we wouldn't have it in my room.

Can't wait to get home... need to shoot up some ducks!


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #912 on: March 17, 2009, 09:41:28 am »
Good luck, and just so you know, punching the television screen will not faze the dog...  I know this...

Damn dog.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #913 on: March 17, 2009, 09:52:51 am »
Good luck, and just so you know, punching the television screen will not faze the dog...  I know this...

Damn dog.
I much prefer shooting the damn thing. I'm out of ammo anyways, so...

Damn dog.

I've also been trying to play Find a Good Publisher for your Novel but it's not going too great. Not finding much. It's all... complicated...


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #914 on: March 17, 2009, 10:39:44 am »
I've also been trying to play Find a Good Publisher for your Novel but it's not going too great. Not finding much. It's all... complicated...
HAH. Told you it was aa good idea.
I've been playing Star Ocean 3, and Dragon Quest IV.
I've also been playing CT again to prepare for Crimson Echoes.