Author Topic: Video Game Discussion Thread  (Read 255698 times)

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1695 on: April 09, 2010, 02:45:36 am »
Well, well, looks like it's back to colors, not seen since Gen I. :)

I guess they wanted to give the mineral/gem/element-theme a rest.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1696 on: April 09, 2010, 02:20:14 pm »

So, I rented Battlefield 2: Bad Company yesterday.  You wanna know something?

It is hardly any different from the other hot-selling war game series out there like Modern Warfare and Call of Duty.  It just isn't.  The game begins as it takes place in WWII.  How original...

I guess DICE must pride themselves on being strictly online-based when it comes to multi-payer (not the split-screen variety, mind you), because for all you Xbox360 owners out there who want to go multiplayer, you need a friggin' Gold account just to get past the Multiplayer option.

Ten bucks for the same old stuff.  This only goes to show that EA just wasn't meant to produce war games.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1697 on: April 09, 2010, 02:52:44 pm »
-Hey, mom, glad to see you called. Can you do me a favor? QUIT SENDING ME F*CKING BERRIES!

At least the berries she does send you are difficult to get through other means. It would be a different story if she sent you a box of Oran Berries every two hours.  :roll:

-"I'm Cameron the Photographer! I like taking pictures of ten year old boys/girls, out in the field and even offer to let them use my private studio so they can dress up. There's NOTHING sketchy about that!"

It's Japan. Need I say anything else?  :lol:

-I used my most under-equipped party in history(i.e., no legendaries, no pokemon above level 46, 3 full restores and only a couple of max revives) and beat the Elite Four with very little trouble. The challenge is kind of lacking there.

I agree with FaFniR; the under-leveled E4 is largely due to the encounter happening, for all intents and purposes, in the middle of the game. It only makes sense that the E4's teams would be about Lv. 40-50-ish.

Being able to tackle Red's party later on more than makes up for that, though.  :D

Quote from: Kodokami
the available space between the Daycare and Goldenrod is comparatively much shorter than it is in the last two generations, so hatching eggs becomes a daunting task.

Try using a different stretch of road. I've been riding the bike back and forth along the main North/South road that runs through Goldenrod. Granted, it's not the longest route ever conceived, but it's clear of obstacles if you stick to the right-hand side.

If you're not already, be sure you're carrying a Pokémon with either the Magma Armor or Flame Body abilities as well, as this will significantly cut the egg hatching time. Hatched eggs in less than 10 minutes or it's free.  :lol:


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1698 on: April 13, 2010, 06:38:03 pm »
Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...

I HAVE been playing some Armored Core (for Answer, on that fancy Microbox 360) and it seems more or less the same from what I remember the series from the good ol PSX (& PS2) days. Though I sorta miss my targeting reticule box thingy, it isn't a big deal...and the amount of customization seems insane as well and overall it just looks so darn pretty...Though I find myself playing it in mission bursts just like I used to as well, which means having a good JRPG to play on standby...

And for that I have indeed been playing Lunar: The Silver Star, which is nice enough to grind through...I'm in Vane puttering around currently...


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1699 on: April 14, 2010, 08:02:04 am »
Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...
Works on the lastest version of the R4 software so it should work on any emulator, tried updating?


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1700 on: April 18, 2010, 04:35:17 pm »
I think DS emulator tech is behind (maybe due to Nintendo's efforts or maybe due to laziness since people can use them fancy R4 type dealies idk really) or something...I use no$ though...

Anyway, finally broke down & started Fallout 3 again after having hit the level cap in a previous playthrough. I guess I'll try to fast travel more or something (maybe try to get w/e DLC has the extra levels...)...Also, I already feel like I should have started another girl character playthrough though I think this time really made me realize how unnecessarily intricate character creation is in the game...I mean, when do you even see your character's face? Hell, even the character's hair after you get almost any kind of helmet/hat? I like it in Mass Effect, but Fallout seems like they just had the tech from Oblivion and slapped it on for the hell of it...and as weirdly racist as it would be, I wish that each race had their own set of Perks and


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1701 on: April 18, 2010, 11:08:45 pm »
Thanks to a certain somebody( <3<3), I got Spirit Tracks to work, and I've been playing that for hours every day. The game is a huge improvement over Phantom Hourglass. It has much better music and it really listened to the fans complaints about different annoyances such as having to revisit the same damn dungeon over and over again. I thought I'd have to do the same thing again with the multiple trips to the Spirit Tower, but actually you can just skip over all that since you climb the stairs to the appropriate level, so while you technically are visiting the same dungeon over and over, actually you're not.

One thing I find annoying is that you spend a huge chunk of the game transporting people and items around. You actually don't have to do any of this to progress the game, but the only thing you get for doing this are these spirit shards that unlock more tracks. The tracks usually lead to a warp point or a shortcut to another land, but once you open up enough of these, you have trouble keeping track of which warps lead where as there are usually several warp points on each map.

I find the dungeons shorter than typical Zelda games, but actually I like this. I remember that goddamn water temple in Twilight Princess that I spent hours and hours on. HATE THE WATER TEMPLE!! The boss fights are a little more challenging than in Phantom Hourglass and I've already become enraged while fighting that Fire/Ice battle.

The game introduced something new this time where the treasures collected can either get you rupees or parts to your train. I'm not sure what to think of that yet, but because of that, I've hung on to a lot of my treasure, and it's kind of hard to find multiple pieces of treasure because there are some that you get a lot and some that are really rare, even though they're supposed to be common.

All in all: great Zelda experience!! Not to be missed.  I hope they continue the wind waker style for the hand held games from now on. I  love the colorful art and wind waker has always been my favorite zelda game.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1702 on: April 20, 2010, 01:55:17 am »
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.

Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...

It has anti-piracy; you need a code or a patch to get past it.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1703 on: April 20, 2010, 04:05:34 am »
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.

I think the water dungeon in any Zelda game makes everyone want to quit D:.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1704 on: April 20, 2010, 10:46:23 am »
I'm currently replaying the Mother series, starting with the first game. I remember it being brutally hard, but it's really not that bad. You just have to do a lot of grinding.

Playing these games really makes me miss old school JRPGs. I don't want to sound like a geezer, but they really don't make them like they used to. I also think there needs to be more games that don't take things too seriously. The quircky humor in the Mother series is priceless.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1705 on: April 20, 2010, 09:51:16 pm »
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.

I think the water dungeon in any Zelda game makes everyone want to quit D:.

Most gameplay+underwater=terrible...I haven't seen much against this math truism except maybe Ecco the Dolphin...?

I'm currently replaying the Mother series, starting with the first game. I remember it being brutally hard, but it's really not that bad. You just have to do a lot of grinding.

Yeah, welcome to oldschool RPGs. I still have only beaten Mother 2/Earthbound...I remember liking Mother...I wish that Ninny was cool enough to find a way to remake it and rerelease 2 & finally 3 for a big, sloppy Mother collection (throw in something like a Mr. Saturn plushie for good measure).

Playing these games really makes me miss old school JRPGs. I don't want to sound like a geezer, but they really don't make them like they used to. I also think there needs to be more games that don't take things too seriously. The quircky humor in the Mother series is priceless.

It's harder to make more lighthearted games now because the only way to make them cost-effective is to put them on a handheld...I wish they'd gravitate back towards the Wii, myself...Make the genre less about the current FF-style of big story & pretty graphics...
« Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 09:54:24 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1706 on: April 20, 2010, 10:40:01 pm »
I never found Earthbound to be too hard. It's probably because in RPGs, I'm always lost and when I'm lost, I just battle all the enemies so I get really leveled up. I remember in Final Fantasy 1 I was at level 35 before I even got the canoe just because I never knew where I was going and I never ran away from the enemies. Also the battles in earthbound are text-based so they always went by really fast for me.

I'm playing Doom on the wii. Very nice port. Works well with the wiimote and nunchuck. Doom was one of the very first games I've ever played. I still am not good at it. I think me not liking FPS has to do with my bad sense of direction. I always spend the majority of the time looking for shit rather than killing shit XD. I did beat Wolfenstein way back when, though. I remember the excitement in killing that final Nazi boss. He was really scary. It's funny because I don't think my sense of direction in real life is so bad. I can generally navigate myself around unfamiliar areas with the car and such.

It actually has to do with the way the female brain works, even though it's not an excuse, females are worse at mapping out areas in their minds than males. They look for certain landmarks to help navigate rather than being able to map out the entire area and look at it as a whole, like males.

This version of doom has a map, but it's very primitive and I don't really understand how to follow it.I get more confused looking at the map then wandering around.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1707 on: April 21, 2010, 12:49:04 am »
It's harder to make more lighthearted games now because the only way to make them cost-effective is to put them on a handheld...I wish they'd gravitate back towards the Wii, myself...Make the genre less about the current FF-style of big story & pretty graphics...

Yeah. Other genres have seen things switch focus to a more retro style. I wish we could get the same from RPGS. 2D Fighters are back in full force. I never really liked 3D fighters and I'm glad things are shifting back thanks to games like SSFIV, Blaz Blue, KoF, TvC, MvC...etc. Old school platformers are even
making a comeback.

I'd love to see RPGs go the retro route. I mean SNES was really a golden age for RPGs. DS is doing a good job, but it'd be great to see Wii, 360, and PS3 get involved. I'd love to see some more RPGs with some classic looking 2D sprites. Graphics can still be visually impressive without being 3D.


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1708 on: April 22, 2010, 04:47:04 am »
The more I see of 3D Dot Game Heroes, the more interested I get (and the more I wish I had access to a PS3, lol)...It's good to be a nostalgia whore in the gaming world now it seems. Hooray!

Also, MvC3 is finally announced! How cool is that? I hope that some Breath of Fire characters make it in this go around...Although I was more a fan of CvSNK2 than MvC2...and I still don't even have TvC...and I want SSF4 too!


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Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« Reply #1709 on: April 22, 2010, 10:28:42 am »
The more I see of 3D Dot Game Heroes, the more interested I get (and the more I wish I had access to a PS3, lol)...It's good to be a nostalgia whore in the gaming world now it seems. Hooray!

Also, MvC3 is finally announced! How cool is that? I hope that some Breath of Fire characters make it in this go around...Although I was more a fan of CvSNK2 than MvC2...and I still don't even have TvC...and I want SSF4 too!

Wow. My thoughts exactly on everything. I was watching trailers for 3D Dot Game Heroes. It looks great. I'm going to be downloading that one. Old school game play with updated graphics=good times.

I'm a huge 2D fighting fan. I'm more excited about SSFIV than MvC3, but it's still great to see it announced. Hopefully MvC3 is a little more balanced though. KOF XIII is coming out. It looks to be vastly improved over XII, but you never know. Hopefully it does really well so we can get CvS3 in a couple of years.